Edit configure/RELEASE to set the variable SUPPORT

If you don't want to build all of the default target architectures
(see the variable CROSS_COMPILER_TARGET_ARCHS in 
synApps/support/configure/CONFIG, or in base/configure/CONFIG_SITE),
then edit configure/CONFIG to set the variable CROSS_COMPILER_TARGET_ARCHS.

Edit iocBoot/iocxxx/Makefile to set the variable ARCH and correct targets

Edit start_MEDM_xxx and start_caQtDM_xxx to set the EPICS_APP variable

Edit iocBoot/iocxxx/st.cmd.* to agree with your hardware.
Example code is provided in the iocBoot/iocxxx/examples folder.

Edit iocBoot/iocxxx/auto*.req to add any PV's that aren't saved by the
autobuild system.

chmod a+w,g+s iocBoot/iocxxx/autosave

Run synApps/support/utils/changePrefix to change the prefix from 'xxx'
to whatever you want

Run gnumake