... | ... | @@ -59,14 +59,13 @@ m3r_align() # realign mirror |
scanmono # scan mono only and is a linear (constant step size)
scanXAS # scan mono with variable step size; ID_tracking = True/False
scanXAS(hv_list_of_lists) # scan mono with variable step size; ID_tracking = True/False
hv_list_of_lists = [[445,455,0.5],[455,468,0.1],[468,475,0.5],[475,480,1]]
## diffractometer
## motor scans
- m1 = kphi
- m2 = x
- m3 = y
... | ... | @@ -76,34 +75,40 @@ scanXAS_BL(E_Ti,mcp=True,m3r=True);plot_latest() |
- m9 = tth
uan(tth,th) # moves th & tth simulatenously
mvx(500) # absolute move
dmvz(500) # 'delta' move; relative to current position
physical motors: x,y,z,tth,kth,kap,kphi
psuedo motors: th,chi,phi
wh() # prints current motor positions
wa() # prints motor limits
mvx(x) / mvy(y) / mvz(z)
mvth(th) / mvchi(chi) / mvphi(phi) ##moves single Euler motor
scanx(-500,500,50) # absolute scan (start,stop,step)
dscanx(-500,500,50) # relative scan (start,stop,step)
mprint() #returns a list of the physical motor positions ['x','y','z','tth','kth','kap','kphi']
mvx(x) / mvy(y) / mvz(z) # moves sample x,y,z only!, does not move tth; mysample
mvth(th) / mvchi(chi) / mvphi(phi) ##moves single Euler motor
mv4C(['th','chi','phi']) #moves diffractometer in Euler; each move is sequential so slower than mvkappa
mvkappa(['desc','x','y','z','tth','kth','kap','kphi']) #move all the diffractometer motors simultaneously (except kphi which goes last)
mvsample(['desc','x','y','z',...])# moves sample x,y,z only!, does not move tth; mysample
scanth2th() # absolute th2th scan
dscanth2th() # relative th2th scan
## motor scans
## diffractometer
physical motors: x,y,z,tth,kth,kap,kphi
psuedo motors: th,chi,phi
uan(tth,th) # moves th & tth simulatenously
mvx(500) # absolute move
dmvz(500) # 'delta' move; relative to current position
scanx(-500,500,50) # absolute scan (start,stop,step)
dscanx(-500,500,50) # relative scan (start,stop,step)
wh() # prints current motor positions
wa() # prints motor limits
scanth2th() # absolute th2th scan
dscanth2th() # relative th2th scan
## hkl:
... | ... | @@ -163,25 +168,6 @@ roi=4; MPA_ROI_SetUp(535,539,400,400,roi) #set up ROI4 = 400x400 at the center |
For detailed instructions see [manual here](https://git.aps.anl.gov/rodolakis/Macros_29id/-/wikis/RSXS/vortex).
vortex(855) # Sets vortex window based upon calibration
mcacounttime(2) # Sets count time for mca and other det to 2s
2 different acquisition modes:
mcascan() # adds vortex channels as detectors in scan detector list (see detector numbers below)
# adds trigger to run mca in scan
mcascan(save_image=True) # same as above + saves mca spectra taken at each point of the scan
# save directory is determined by mda directory in scan record
# MCA spectra are saved into subdirectories of the scan files / scan#
mcascan(add_vortex=False) # chooses to ignore vortex channels and removes them from scan detector list
## analysis
#### basic mda plots:
... | ... | |