# Outline:
- [detectors](#Detectors)
- [energy](#Energy)
- [diffractometer](#Diffractometer)
- [motor scans](#Motor-Scans)
- [SRS setup](#SRS-setup)
- [MCP](#MCP)
- [Vortex](#Vortex)
- [Plot](#Plot)
# Detectors:
| Name | Description | Ang. acceptance<br>HxV (deg) | Offset | Max tth | Det Num | Det/ $I_0$ Num |
|:----: |:-------------: |:----------------------------: |:-----------: |:-------: |:-------: |:-------: |
| d4 | small diode | 0.25 x 2.5 | 0 | 151 | D34 | D38 |
| d3 | big diode | 2.5 x 2.5 | 24 | 175 | D33 | D37 |
| mcp | area det | diameter = 6 | 13 | 165 | D35 | D39 |
|vortex |fluorescence detector| 1cm $^2$ | fixed port @ tth=-155 | n/a | D16 | D49 |
| | | | | | | |
setdet('d3') # select a given detector (d3,d4, or mcp)
mvtth(90) # moves the selected detector
cts(1) # set counting time to 1s
setgain('d3',2,'pA') # set gain for d3
See below for a complete list of signals recorded during a scan and their corresponding [detector number](#Detector-Number) (Det Num).
# Energy:
energy(932) # set undulator (ID), mono, apertures and mirror
polarization('V') # Turns the ID off and then sets the polarization:
# 'RCP', 'LCP', 'H', 'V'
# **need to set energy after a mode change!**
mono(500) # change mono
slit(100) # set energy resolving slits (and vertical beam size)
align_m3r() # realign mirror
centroid() # to see centroid (mirror) position
fit_centroid(n) # to calculate avg centroid position during scan n
scanhv # scan mono only
scanXAS # scan mono with variable step size; ID stays fix, can be offset with offset arg
scanXAS_BL # scan mono & ID with variable step size \
# Diffractometer:
- m1 = kphi
- m2 = x
- m3 = y
- m4 = z
- m7 = kap
- m8 = kth
- m9 = tth
uan(tth,th) # moves th & tth simulatenously
mvx(500) # absolute move
mvrz(500) # relative move
mprint() # prints current motor position
# returns [x,y,z,tth,ktrh,kap,kphi]
sample(mysample) # moves to mysample, does not move tth
# Motor Scans:
scanx(-500,500,50) # absolute scan (start,stop,step)
dscanx(-500,500,50) # relative scan (start,stop,step)
scanq() # relative th2th scan
scanth2th() # absolute th2th scan
Clear_Scan_Positioners('Kappa') # remove extra positioner (eg after th2th or hkl scan)
# SRS setup:
With shutter close or slit at 0 (faster), 'INPUT OFFSET' set 'ON' and 'UNCAL'
- make sure the count goes down (not up) when closing the shutter! If the count goes up without beam, change the INVERT ON/OFF - as of 2021_2 all of our SRSs are INVERT ON (D3/D4/TEY/mesh)
- Set gain relatively high for the offset (same as sensitivity or more)
- play with the tweak button one way or the other to get a stable number (ie does not slowly goes down to zero); you might need to play with the +/- for that
- try decreasing the offset gain: if it drops to zero, then go back to previous gain and increase the number; try again.
- the goal is to slowly bring the gain down while keeping a non zero signal; typically a few hundred Hz
- adjust until the final INPUT OFFSET gain should be at least 1 order of magnitude lower than the SENSITIVITY with a few hundreds counts
MPA_ROI_SetAll() #re-sets all the ROIs as described below:
# MCP center: xcenter=535,ycenter=539
roi=1; MPA_ROI_SetUp(535,539,50,50,roi) #set up ROI1 = 50x 50 at the center of MCP
roi=2; MPA_ROI_SetUp(535,539,100,100,roi) #set up ROI2 = 100x100 at the center of MCP
roi=3; MPA_ROI_SetUp(535,539,200,200,roi) #set up ROI3 = 200x200 at the center of MCP
roi=4; MPA_ROI_SetUp(535,539,400,400,roi) #set up ROI4 = 400x400 at the center of MCP
# Vortex
For detailed instructions see [manual here](https://anl.box.com/s/zr9y3vsyex2ut7axaipifn8f92i2dk8x).
from vortexs29 import *
mcaoff() # Turns off vortex
# Go to workspace 2 left monitor terminal and ctrl-C to kill software
mcaon() # Turns vortex on
# Wait for 5 mins
# Go to terminal in workspace 2: on [sleepy] up arrow to 'startvortex' & hit enter;
# After running change gain to 2.7 and then back to 2.5 (toggle several times if needed, until signal is clean)
vortex(855) # Sets vortex window based upon calibration
t=6;cts(t);mcacounttime(t) # Sets mca count time in secs and other det count time to 6; need to set both
3 different acquisition modes:
nomca() # chooses to ignore mca and removes detectors from list
nosavemca() # uses mca ROI1 to record the FY and ROI2 to record PFY
# adds trigger to run mca in scan
savemca() # same + saves mca spectra taken at each point of the scan
# save directory is determined by mda directory in scan record
# MCA spectra are saved into subdirectories of the scan files /Sscan#
# Plot:
## Using basic mda plots:
# n1,n2,n3 is a scan number
# d1,d2,d3 is a detector number - see table below
# use norm=1 to scale multiple scans to [0,1]; log='log'
plot_mda((n1,d1,n2,d2),(n1,d1,n3,d3)....) # each (n,d,...) is a subplots
fit_mda(n, d, FWHM_guess,function) # 'gauss', 'lorz', 'erf', 'box'
# xrange=[x1,x2] to fit subrange
fit_mda(n, d, poly_order,'poly')
Custom functions for scattering:
plot_latest() # plot last scan with currently selected detector; use norm=31 to normalize with I0
fit_z() # erf fit for last scan on d3
fit_d4() # gaussian fit for last scan on d4
fit_d3() # gaussian fit for last scan on d3
fit_centroid(n) # to calculate avg centroid position during scan n
## Using nData:
from Macros_29id.IEX_nData import *
data=IEXdata(1,3) # loads mda scans 1 to 3
data.update(4) # loads another scans
data.update(5,inf) # loads all the file >= 5
x=data.mdaPos(3,0) # 3 = scan number; 0 = 1st positioner
y=data.mdaDet(3,15) # 15 = detector number
%matplotlib # interactive plot
plt.grid(color='lightgray', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.5)
%matplotlib inline # inline plot
## Using mdaFile:
mydata=mdaFile(1,3) # loads mda scans 1 to 3
mydata.update(4) # loads another scan
mydata.update(5,inf) # loads all the file >= 5
mydata.header[3].all # return dictionary of metadata
mydata.header[3].UB # return dictionary of UB metadata
# Detector Number
| Detector | Det Number Raw signal | Det Number Det/I0 | Description | PV | Controller |
|:--------: |:---------------------: |:-------------------: |:-----------------------------------------------------: |:--------------------------: |:----------: |
| | | | | | |
| Mesh | 31 | n/a | Incident energy (I0) | 29idMZ0:scaler1.S14 | SRS1 |
| TEY | 32 | 36 | Total Electron Yield | 29idMZ0:scaler1.S2 | SRS2 |
| D3 | 33 | 37 | Big diode (2.5 deg) | 29idMZ0:scaler1.S3 | SRS3 |
| D4 | 34 | 38 | Small diode (0.15 deg) | 29idMZ0:scaler1.S4 | SRS4 |
| | | | | | |
| MCP | 35 | 39 | TFY - analog signal | 29idMZ0:scaler1.S5 | MPA |
| MCP ROI1 | 41 | | 50x50 ROI centered on MCP center | 29iddMPA:Stats1:Total_RBV | |
| MCP ROI2 | 42 | | 100x100 ROI centered on MCP center | 29iddMPA:Stats2:Total_RBV | |
| MCP ROI3 | 43 | | 200x200 ROI centered on MCP center | 29iddMPA:Stats3:Total_RBV | |
| MCP ROI4 | 44 | | 400x400 ROI centered on MCP center | 29iddMPA:Stats4:Total_RBV | |
| MCP ROI5 | 45 | | MCP integrated intensity (stats) | 29iddMPA:Stats5:Total_RBV | |
| | | | | | |
| Vortex | 16 | 49 | TFY - centered on desired energy | 29iddMPA:Stats1:Total_RBV | |
| Vortex | 17 | 50 | TFY - centered on Oxygen energy | | |
| | | | | | |
| H | 46 | | Miller index | 29idKappa:userArrayCalc1.L | |
| K | 47 | | Miller index | 29idKappa:userArrayCalc2.L | |
| L | 48 | | Miller index | 29idKappa:userArrayCalc3.L | |
| kth | 51 | | | 29idKappa:m8.RBV | |
| kap | 52 | | | 29idKappa:m7.RBV | |
| kphi | 53 | | | 29idKappa:m1.RBV | |
| tth | 54 | | | 29idKappa:m9.RBV | |
| th | 55 | | | 29idKappa:Euler_ThetaRBV | |
| chi | 56 | | | 29idKappa:Euler_ChiRBV | |
| phi | 57 | | | 29idKappa:Euler_PhiRBV | |
| | | | | | |