diff --git a/iexcode/instruments/Lakeshore_335.py b/iexcode/instruments/Lakeshore_335.py
index 3c2784d571404a2ce8f1cb692b6ca77291bac749..b2e511c34fe46652350a41ab6790d09703cc7862 100644
--- a/iexcode/instruments/Lakeshore_335.py
+++ b/iexcode/instruments/Lakeshore_335.py
@@ -10,17 +10,182 @@ from epics import caget, caput
 from iexcode.instruments.IEX_BL_config import *
 from iexcode.instruments.utilities import read_dict
-def Lakeshore_reset(pv,d):
+class Lakeshore_335:
-    resets the lake short to the default paramters defind in the dictionary d
+    Lakeshore 355 data class
-    for key in d.keys():
-        caput(pv+key,d[key])
+    def __init__(self,ioc,**kwargs):
+        """
+        ioc = "29idARPES:"
+        **kwargs
+            Q = "TC1:"
+            defaults => dictionary of default parameter used by reset
+        """
+        kwargs.setdefault('Q','TC1:')
+        self.pv = ioc+"LS335:"+kwargs['Q']
+        self.reset(**kwargs)
+        self.get()
+        pass
+    def reset(self,**kwargs):
+        """
+        resets the lake short to the default paramters defind in the dictionary defaults
+            **kwargs
+                defaults = {"read.SCAN":".5 second","OUT1:Cntrl":"A","OUT2:Cntrl":"B","OUT1:Mode":"Closed Loop"}
+        """                     
+        kwargs.setdefault("defaults",{"read.SCAN":".5 second","OUT1:Cntrl":"A",
+        "OUT2:Cntrl":"B","OUT1:Mode":"Closed Loop","P1":1,"I1":5,"D1":1,"RampR1":5,"OnRamp1":"ON"})
+        d=kwargs['defaults']
+        for key in d.keys():
+            caput(self.pv+key,d[key])
+    def heater_range_list(self):
+        return ["off","low","medium","high"]
+    def pv_dictionary(self):
+        d={
+            "INA":None,
+            "INB":None,
+            "IN1":None,
+            "IN2":None,
+            "IN1:Name_RBV":"",
+            "IN2:Name_RBV":"",
+            "OUT1:SP":None,
+            "OUT1:SP_RBV":None,
+            "HTR1":None,
+            "HTR1:Range":"",
+            "HTR1:Range_RBV":"",
+            "OUT1:Cntrl_RBV":"",
+            "P1":None,
+            "P1_RBV":None,
+            "I1":None,
+            "I1_RBV":None,
+            "D1":None,
+            "D1_RBV":None,
+            "RampR1":None,
+            "RampR1_RBV":None,
+            "OnRamp1":"",
+            "OnRamp1_RBV":"",
+        }
+    def get(self):
+        """gets the current valuse
+        """
+        d = self.pv_dictionary()
+        caput(self.pv+"read.PROC",1)
+        sleep(1)
+        caput(self.pv+"read.PROC",0)
+        for key in d.keys():
+            if d[key] != None:
+                caget(self.pv+key,as_string=True)
+            else:
+                caget(self.pv+key)
+        return d
+    def set(self,TA_sp,bandwidth=5,seconds=5*60,heater_range=None,out_num=1):  
+        """
+        TA_SP = temperature set point
+        bandwidth = the temperature range acceptable 
+        seconds = time to wait for stablized
+        heater_range = "off","low","medium","high"
+                     = None then uses current setting
+        out_num = control loop number (1 or 2)
+        """  
+        d = self.pv_dictionary
+        TA = caget(self.pv+"INA")
+        while True:
+            #sepoint with +/- current temperature 
+            if TA - bandwidth <= TA_sp > TA + bandwidth:
+                #regulate off sample
+                self.regulate_TA(TA_sp,heater_range,out_num)
+                if self.TA_stable(TA_sp,bandwidth,seconds) == True:
+                    break
+            else:
+                self.regulate_TB(TA_sp,heater_range,out_num)
+        caget()
+    def TA_stable(self,T_sp,bandwidth=5,seconds=5*60,out_num=1):
+        """
+        returns True or False is the temperature is with in the bandwidth over a given 
+        time interval in seconds
+        T_sp = temperature set point
+        bandwidth = +/- Temperature to be stablized
+        seconds = time to wait to stablize
+        out_num = control loop number (1 or 2)
+        """
+        read_interval = 0.5 
+        name_rbv = caget(self.pv+"IN"+str(out_num)+":Name_RBV", as_string=True)
+        for t in range(0,seconds/read_interval): #sampling every 0.5 seconds
+            T = caget(self.pv+"IN"+str(out_num))
+            if T - bandwidth <= T_sp > T + bandwidth:
+                return False
+            else:
+                sleep(read_interval)
+        return True
+    def regulate_TA(self,T_sp,heater_range=None,out_num=1):
+        """
+        """
+        self.Cntrl(1,'A')
+        self.Cntrl(2,'B')
+        sleep(0.5)
+        self.set_point(1,T_sp,heater_range)
+        self.set_point(2,0,heater_range='off')
+    def regulate_TB(self,T_sp,heater_range=None,out_num=1):   
+        self.Cntrl(1,'B')
+        self.Cntrl(2,'A')   
+        sleep(0.5)
+        self.set_point(1,T_sp,heater_range)
+        self.set_point(2,0,heater_range='off')
+    def Cntrl(self,out_num,sensor):
+        """
+        out_num = control loop number (1 or 2)
+        sensor = 'A' or 'B'
+        """
+        caput(self.pv+"OUT"+str(out_num)+":Cntrl",sensor)
+        sleep(.5)
+    def set_point(self,out_num,T_sp,heater_range=None):
+        caput(self.pv+"OUT"+str(out_num)+":SP")
+        self.set_heater_range(out_num,heater_range)
+    def set_heater_range(self,out_num,heater_range):
+        """
+        sets the heater range
+        out_num = control loop number (1 or 2)
+        """
+        if heater_range == None:
+            heater_range = caget(self.pv+"OUT"+str(out_num)+"HTR1:Range_RBV",as_string=True)
+        else:
+            heater_range = heater_range.upper()
+        if heater_range not in self.heater_range_list():
+            message = "heater_range = "+heater_range+" not a valid choice" 
+            message += "\nchoose one of "+str(self.heater_range_list)
+            print_warning_message(message)
+            return
+        else:
+            caput(self.pv+"OUT"+str(out_num)+"HTR1:Range",heater_range)
+            sleep(.5)
+        return caget(self.pv+"OUT"+str(out_num)+"HTR1:Range_RBV",as_string=True)
 ##############################             Lakeshore 335 Diode Curves        ##############################
 #---Settings as of 12/04/2018---
@@ -145,7 +310,7 @@ def DiodeCurve_SetInput(Channel,Curve,Tmax):
-##############################             PID Settings            ##############################
+##############################             PID Settings  for open cycle          ##############################
@@ -159,184 +324,7 @@ def DiodeCurve_SetInput(Channel,Curve,Tmax):
 #Lakeshore 355 I = time in seconds for one oscilation / 1000; D=50-100 for starters
-def PID_dict(which,T): #Dictionary of PID setting to try for the ARPES chamber
-    """Dictionary for common PID setting for the ARPES system.
-    Since the PID is dependent on the cooling power, this will change with the cryogen and the flow rate:
-        - Flow = "LHe,LN" =>  LHe = needle valve = "on" and flow = 70
-    """
-    PID={}
-#    PID[which,T]=[P,I,D,Range]    Range=HIGH,MEDIUM,LOW,OFF
-    PID['RT', 378.0]=[200.0,0.0,0.0,'MEDIUM']
-    PID['RT', 375.0]=[200.0,0.0,0.0,'MEDIUM']
-    PID['RT', 338.0]=[100.0,0.0,0.0,'MEDIUM']
-    PID['RT', 298.0]=[20.0,0.0,0.0,'LOW']
-    PID['GHe', 378.0]=[210.0,0.0,0.0,'MEDIUM']
-    PID['GHe', 375.0]=[210.0,0.0,0.0,'MEDIUM']
-    PID['GHe', 338.0]=[130.0,0.0,0.0,'MEDIUM']
-    PID['GHe', 298.0]=[60.0,0.0,0.0,'MEDIUM']
-    PID['GHe', 250.0]=[10.0,0.0,0.0,'LOW']
-    PID['LHe',298.0]=[20.0,5.0,1.0,'HIGH']     # +/- 1.1 deg, over 10 min, heater power 53%
-    PID['LHe',200.0]=[10.0,5.0,1.0,'HIGH']     # +/- 1.1 deg, over 10 min, heater power 53%
-    PID['LHe',150.0]=[200.0,0.1,0,'HIGH']     # Stablized at 153, heater power 43%
-    PID['LHe',180.0]=[200.0,0.1,0,'HIGH']
-    PID['LHe',230.0]=[200.0,0.1,0,'HIGH']
-    PID['LHe',300.0]=[200.0,0.1,0,'HIGH']
-    PID['LHe',40.0]=[200.0,0.1,0,'HIGH']     #
-    PID['LN2',230]=[10.0,0.6,100,'HIGH']        #stable 237.83, needle valve=ON; flow 6 half turns from max)
-    PID['LN2',180]=[50.0,4,100,'MEDIUM']
-    return PID[which,T]
-def PID_set(which,T,heater='ON'):
-    """
-    Uses preset PID settings as defined in PID_dict()
-    To cool down: heater='OFF'
-    """
-    P,I,D,Range=PID_dict(which,T)
-    caput("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:P1",P)
-    caput("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:I1",I)
-    caput("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:D1",D)
-    if heater == 'ON':
-        caput("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:HTR1:Range",Range)
-    elif heater == 'OFF':
-        caput("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:HTR1:Range",'OFF')
-    print('\nP = ',PID_dict(which,T)[0])
-    print('I = ',PID_dict(which,T)[1])
-    print('D = ',PID_dict(which,T)[2])
-    print('Range = ',PID_dict(which,T)[3])
-def SetT_Sample(which,T,precision=5,minutes=15,offset=6):
-    """
-    Sets PID settings for a given set point as defined in PID_dict().
-    Available set points:
-        which = 'RT' : T = 298, 338, 375
-        which = 'LHe': T = 150, 200
-        which = 'GHe': T = 250, 298, 338, 370
-        which = 'LN2': T = 230, 180
-        precision is temperature in K
-    """
-    current_T=caget("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:IN1")
-    print('\nSet T to '+ str(T)+' K   @ '+ dateandtime())
-    if T>current_T:
-        PID_set(which,T,'ON')
-        Range=PID_dict(which,T)[3]
-        SetT_Up(T,offset,Range,precision,minutes)
-    else:
-        PID_set(which,T,'OFF')
-        Range=PID_dict(which,T)[3]
-        SetT_Down(T,offset,Range,precision,minutes)
-    caput("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:OUT1:SP",T)
-def SetT_Up(T,offset,Range,precision=5,minutes=15):
-    if Range=='LOW':    Range=1
-    if Range=='MEDIUM': Range=2
-    if Range=='HIGH':   Range=3
-    t=15
-    u=0
-    caput('29idARPES:LS335:TC1:OUT1:SP',T)                # set the set point to T
-    while True:                            # while TA < T
-        TA=caget('29idARPES:LS335:TC1:IN1')                # get current temperature at the sample
-        TB=caget('29idARPES:LS335:TC1:IN2')                # get current temperature (B=cold finger)
-        if TA<T-precision:                                  # if it hasn't reach SP
-            caput("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:HTR1:Range",min(Range,3))            # increase heater range to Range +1
-            while True:                                # while TB < T+offset:
-                TB=caget('29idARPES:LS335:TC1:IN2')                    # get current temperature at the cold finger
-                if (t%120)==0:
-                    print('\nTA = ',TA,'  TB = ',TB, '  @  ',dateandtime())
-                if TB<(T+offset) and t<=minutes*60:                            #if it hasn't reach the SP+offser
-                    sleep(15)
-                    t+=15
-                    #print t, TA, TB
-                elif TB<(T+offset) and t>minutes*60:
-                        heater_power=caget('29idARPES:LS335:TC1:HTR1')
-                        heater_range=caget('29idARPES:LS335:TC1:HTR1:Range')
-                        if heater_power > 90:
-                            caput("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:HTR1:Range",min(heater_range+1,3))
-                            print('Change Range to',caget('29idARPES:LS335:TC1:HTR1:Range'),'  @  ',dateandtime())
-                        elif heater_range==3 or heater_power<=90:
-                            P=caget("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:P1")
-                            caput("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:P1",P*1.5)
-                            print('Change P to',caget("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:P1"),'  @  ',dateandtime())
-                        t=0
-                else:                                    #else
-                    break                                    # break
-            caput("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:HTR1:Range",'OFF')                # turn off the heater
-        elif TA>T-precision:                            # if it has reach the set point
-            break                                    # break
-    print('TA = ',TA,'  TB = ',TB, '  @  ',dateandtime())        # print temperatures
-    caput("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:HTR1:Range",Range)            # set the heater range to preset value
-def SetT_Down(T,offset,Range,precision=5,minutes=15):
-    t=0
-    caput('29idARPES:LS335:TC1:OUT1:SP',T)                # set the set point to T
-    while True:                            # while TA < T
-        TA=caget('29idARPES:LS335:TC1:IN1')
-        TB=caget('29idARPES:LS335:TC1:IN2')
-        if (t%120)==0:
-            print('\nTA = ',TA,'  TB = ',TB, '  @  ',dateandtime())
-        if TA>T+precision:
-            sleep(15)
-            t+=15
-        elif t>minutes*60:
-                P=caget("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:P1")
-                caput("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:P1",P/1.5)
-                t=0
-        else:
-            break
-    caput("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:HTR1:Range",Range)
-    print('TA = ',TA,'  TB = ',TB, '  @  ',dateandtime())
-def Get_PID(which='LHe'):
-    T=caget("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:IN1")
-    SP=caget("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:OUT1:SP")
-    P=caget("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:P1")
-    I=caget("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:I1")
-    D=caget("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:D1")
-    Range=caget("29idARPES:LS335:TC1:HTR1:Range",as_string=True)
-#    print SP,P,I,D,Range
-    print("Current T:", T,'K')
-    print("PID[\'"+which+"\',"+str(SP)+"]=["+str(P)+","+str(I)+","+str(D)+",\'"+Range+"\']")
-##############################             SI9700 Kludge         ##############################
-def ResetPID():
-    caput('29idd:tc1:SetPID_1.INPA','')
-    caput('29idd:tc1:SetPID_1.INPB','')
-    caput('29idd:tc1:SetPID_1.INPC','')
-def GetCurrentPID():
-    T=caget('29idd:tc1:getVal_A.VAL')
-    P=caget('29idd:tc1:SetPID_1.A')
-    I=caget('29idd:tc1:SetPID_1.B')
-    D=caget('29idd:tc1:SetPID_1.C')
-    return T,P,I,D
-def SetTempSetting(T,P,I,D):
-    #Change the sample temperature T with the specified PID values
-    caput('29idd:tc1:getVal_A.VAL',T)
-    caput('29idd:tc1:SetPID_1.A',P)
-    caput('29idd:tc1:SetPID_1.B',I)
-    caput('29idd:tc1:SetPID_1.C',D)
-# GetCurrentPID => (60.0121, 8.0, 50.0, 12.0) ## Temperature overshoots no more than 5.5 degrees
-#it takes about 3 min to stablize at any temp
-#cooling is about 10 degrees/min
-#functions use from ScanFunctions_IEX import BL_ioc
 def PVLakeshores(which):
     which = RSXS / ARPES /Hydra / DetPool
@@ -351,98 +339,5 @@ def PVLakeshores(which):
     return d[which]
-def dateandtime():
-    return strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",localtime())
-def tempr(which=None):
-    """
-    reads the temperature in the current branch unless otherwise specificed
-    """
-    if which == None:
-        which=BL_ioc()
-    PVs=PVLakeshores(which)
-    sample=PVs[0]+PVs[1]
-    print(which+" Sample Temperature: {} K".format(caget(sample)))
-def temps(tempset,which=None):    
-    """
-    Set sthe sample temperature set point and waits for it to stablelize for the current branch 
-    unless specified by which = Kappa / ARPES /Hydra set by PVLakeshores
-    """
-    if which == None:
-        which=BL_ioc()
-    P, Sample, ColdFinger, SetPoint = PVLakeshores(which)
-    print("Initial Sample Temperature:",caget(P+Sample)," K",dateandtime())
-    caput(P+SetPoint,1.0*tempset)
-    stop_var=0
-    b=0
-    sleep(0)
-    while b == 0:
-        delta=abs(caget(P+Sample)-1.0*tempset)
-        if abs(delta) < 1:
-            c=0
-            while c < 10:
-                sleep(1)
-                delta=delta+(caget(P+Sample)-1.0*tempset)
-                c=c+1
-            if abs(delta/10) < 1:
-                print("Stable Sample Temperature:",caget(P+Sample)," K",dateandtime())
-                b=1
-            else:
-                temp1=caget(P+Sample)
-                sleep(10)
-                temp2=caget(P+Sample)
-                if abs(temp1-temp2) < 0.1:
-                    sleep(30)
-                    temp2=caget(P+Sample)
-                    if abs(temp1-temp2) < .5:
-                        print("UNABLE TO STABLIZE TEMPERATURE! Stopped at T=:",caget(P+Sample)," K",dateandtime())
-                        b=1
-def ARPES_warming(Tmax,PowerMax=50,Tdiff=10):
-    """
-    Ramps the temperature up for ARPES using open loop and manual power at PowerMax with 
-    the heater on High until Tmax - Tdif is reached and then switches to 
-    closed loop with the heater on Medium
-    PowerMax=50,Tdiff=10
-    PowerMax=55,Tdiff=25
-    """
-    P="29idARPES:LS335:TC1:"
-    #Needs modified in controller changed            
-    Tsample=P+"IN1"
-    Tcontrol=P+"IN2"
-    Tsetpoint=P+"OUT1:SP"
-    HeaterRange=P+"HTR1:Range"
-    ControlMode=P+"OUT1:Mode"
-    ManualPower=P+"OUT1:MOUT"
-    caput(Tsetpoint,Tmax)
-    caput(ManualPower,PowerMax)
-    caput(ControlMode,"Open Loop")
-    caput(HeaterRange,'HIGH')
-    print("T", caget(Tsample)) 
-    print("Started warming:", dateandtime()) 
-    while True:
-        TA=caget(Tsample)
-        TB=caget(Tsample)
-        if TB >= Tmax:
-            print ("Control is to high",TB)
-            break
-        if TA < Tmax - Tdiff:
-            sleep(60)
-        else:
-            break
-    print("T", caget(Tsample)) 
-    print("Switch to closed loop", dateandtime())  
-    caput(HeaterRange,'MEDIUM');sleep(1)
-    caput(ControlMode,"Closed Loop");sleep(1)
-    caput(HeaterRange,'OFF');sleep(1)
-    caput(HeaterRange,'MEDIUM');sleep(1)
-    temps(Tmax,which='ARPES')