From b17529f8ca26ffe4621047a6ca9ab6f5c3b09cbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "FR@29iduser" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2022 17:23:16 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] added diagnostics pv

 build/lib/iexcode/instruments/      | 202 ++++++++++--------
 build/lib/iexcode/instruments/  |  55 +++++
 build/lib/iexcode/instruments/     |   6 +-
 build/lib/iexcode/instruments/        |  29 ++-
 build/lib/iexcode/instruments/    |   2 +-
 build/lib/iexcode/instruments/        |  43 +---
 iexcode.egg-info/SOURCES.txt                  |  14 ++
 iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_IDCal_QP70.txt  |   2 +
 iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M0.txt          |   5 +
 iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M1.txt          |   8 +
 iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M3.txt          |   2 +
 iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_Slit.txt        |  48 ++++-
 iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Flux_Curves_QP70.txt |  42 ++++
 iexcode/instruments/                | 202 ++++++++++--------
 iexcode/instruments/            |  55 +++++
 iexcode/instruments/               |   6 +-
 iexcode/instruments/                  |  29 ++-
 iexcode/instruments/              |   2 +-
 iexcode/instruments/                  |  43 +---                                      |   2 +-
 20 files changed, 511 insertions(+), 286 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_IDCal_QP70.txt
 create mode 100644 iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M0.txt
 create mode 100644 iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M1.txt
 create mode 100644 iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M3.txt
 create mode 100644 iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Flux_Curves_QP70.txt

diff --git a/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/ b/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
index 142e4fc..feab470 100644
--- a/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -8,36 +8,39 @@ from epics import caget, caput
 from iexcode.instruments.userCalcs import userCalcOut_clear
 from iexcode.instruments.utilities import dateandtime, print_warning_message, read_dict
 from iexcode.instruments.VLS_PGM import mono_grating_get
-from iexcode.instruments.shutters import main_shutter_open
+from iexcode.instruments.shutters import shutter_check
 ################################             ID limits and calibration             ##############################
-pv = 'ID29:'
-    'mode_rbv':pv+'ActualMode',
-    'mode_val':pv+'DesiredMode.VAL',
-    'check_ready':pv+'feedback.VAL',
-    'check_busy':pv+'BusyRecord',
-    'busy_reset':pv+'Busy.VAL',
-    'main_power':pv+'Main_on_off.VAL',
-    'energy_rbv':pv+'Energy.VAL',
-    'energy_sp':pv+'EnergySet.VAL',
-    'start_ramp':pv+'StartRamp.VAL',
-    'energy_eV_rbv':pv+'EnergyRBV',
-    'energy_eV_sp':pv+'EnergyScanSet.VAL',
-    'scan_eV_rbv':pv+'EnergyScanSeteV',
-    'scan_eV_val':pv+'EnergySetRBV',
-    'table_dir':pv+'TableDirection',
-    'By_q':pv+'ByqRdbk',
-    'Bx_q':pv+'BxqRdbk',
-    'Vcoil':pv+'ByRdbk.VAL',
-    'Hcoil':pv+'BxRdbk.VAL',
+def ID_pvs():
+    """
+    dictionary of ID pvs
+    """
+    pv = 'ID29:'
+    pvs={'AccessSecurity':pv+'AccessSecurity.VAL',
+        'mode_rbv':pv+'ActualMode',
+        'mode_val':pv+'DesiredMode.VAL',
+        'check_ready':pv+'feedback.VAL',
+        'check_busy':pv+'BusyRecord',
+        'busy_reset':pv+'Busy.VAL',
+        'main_power':pv+'Main_on_off.VAL',
+        'energy_rbv':pv+'Energy.VAL',
+        'energy_sp':pv+'EnergySet.VAL',
+        'start_ramp':pv+'StartRamp.VAL',
+        'energy_eV_rbv':pv+'EnergyRBV',
+        'energy_eV_sp':pv+'EnergyScanSet.VAL',
+        'scan_eV_rbv':pv+'EnergyScanSeteV',
+        'scan_eV_val':pv+'EnergySetRBV',
+        'table_dir':pv+'TableDirection',
+        'By_q':pv+'ByqRdbk',
+        'Bx_q':pv+'BxqRdbk',
+        'Vcoil':pv+'ByRdbk.VAL',
+        'Hcoil':pv+'BxRdbk.VAL',
+    return pvs
 def ID_calc_eV(mono_grating,ID_mode,hv_eV,QP_ratio):    # Mode = state (0=RCP,1=LCP,2=V,3=H)
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ def ID_calc_eV(mono_grating,ID_mode,hv_eV,QP_ratio):    # Mode = state (0=RCP,1=
     except KeyError:
         message_string='Not a valid ID mode!'+"\nValid Modes: "+str(ID_mode_list())
-        ID=caget(pvs['energy_rbv'])
+        ID=caget(ID_pvs()['energy_rbv'])
     return round(ID,1)
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ def ID_calc_eV(mono_grating,ID_mode,hv_eV,QP_ratio):    # Mode = state (0=RCP,1=
-def ID_wait_for_permission():
+def ID_wait_for_permission(verbose=True):
     Monitors the ID permissions and waits for the ID to be in User Mode and then breaks
     Checks the status every 30 seconds
@@ -70,12 +73,13 @@ def ID_wait_for_permission():
     Previously: WaitForPermission
     while True:
-        ID_Access=caget(pvs['AccessSecurity'])
+        ID_Access=caget(ID_pvs()['AccessSecurity'])
         if (ID_Access!=0):
             print("Checking ID permission, please wait..."+dateandtime())
-            print("ID now in user mode -"+dateandtime())
+            if verbose:
+                print("ID now in user mode -"+dateandtime())
@@ -88,7 +92,7 @@ def ID_get_all(verbose=False):
-        "ID_sp":caget(pvs['energy_sp']),
+        "ID_sp":caget(ID_pvs()['energy_sp']),
@@ -104,7 +108,7 @@ def ID_energy_range(ID_mode=None):
     Previously: ID_Range
     if ID_mode == None:
-        ID_state=caget(pvs['mode_rbv'])
+        ID_state=caget(ID_pvs()['mode_rbv'])
         ID_state = ID_state_mode(ID_mode)
     #       RCP,LCP, V , H , HN
@@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ def ID_state_get():
     Returns the current ID state
-    ID_state = caget(pvs['mode_rbv'])
+    ID_state = caget(ID_pvs()['mode_rbv'])
     return ID_state
 def ID_mode_get(verbose=True):
@@ -167,33 +171,42 @@ def ID_mode_set(ID_mode):
     writes the desired mode to the correct ID pv
-    caput(pvs['mode_val'],ID_mode,wait=True,timeout=18000)     # RCP
+    caput(ID_pvs()['mode_val'],ID_mode,wait=True,timeout=18000)     # RCP
-def ID_ready(verbose=True):
+def ID_ready(verbose=False):
     check both the read and busy pv every 2 seconds
     Previously: ID_Ready
     while True:
-        RBV=caget(pvs['energy_rbv'])
-        checkready=caget(pvs['check_ready'])
-        checkbusy=caget(pvs['check_busy'])
-        if (checkready!="Ready") or (RBV < 3.7):
+        RBV = caget(ID_pvs()['energy_rbv'])
+        checkready = caget(ID_pvs()['check_ready'])
+        checkbusy = caget(ID_pvs()['check_busy'],as_string=True)
+        if (checkready!="Ready"):
+            print('checkready',checkready)
-        elif ((checkready=="Ready") and (RBV > 3.7)) and (checkbusy=="Busy"):
-            caput(pvs['busy_reset'],0)
+            if checkbusy=="Busy":
+                sleep(2)
+                print('checkbusy',checkbusy)
+            else:
+                if RBV > 3.7: 
+                    #thinks its done but isn't, need to reset busy
+                    caput(ID_pvs()['busy_reset'],0)
+                    sleep(2)
+                    if verbose:
+                        print('resetting ID busy record')
             if verbose:
-                print("ID Ready")      
-            return True 
+                print("ID Ready")
+            return True
 def ID_power_status():
     gets if the ID power supplies are On or Off
-    ID_OnOff=caget(pvs['main_power'])
+    ID_OnOff=caget(ID_pvs()['main_power'])
     if ID_OnOff == 1: 
         return 'Off'
     elif ID_OnOff == 0:
@@ -203,8 +216,8 @@ def ID_off(verbose=True):
     waits for permission then turns on the main coils OFF    
-    ID_wait_for_permission()
-    caput(pvs['main_power'],1,wait=True,timeout=18000)
+    ID_wait_for_permission(verbose=False)
+    caput(ID_pvs()['main_power'],1,wait=True,timeout=18000)
     if verbose:
         print("ID is now off")
@@ -215,12 +228,12 @@ def ID_on(verbose=True):
     waits for permission then turns on the main coils On
-    ID_wait_for_permission()
+    ID_wait_for_permission(verbose=False)
     if verbose:
         print("Starting ID  -  "+dateandtime())
-    caput(pvs['energy_sp'],3.8)
-    caput(pvs['main_power'],0,wait=True,timeout=18000)
+    caput(ID_pvs()['energy_sp'],3.8)
+    caput(ID_pvs()['main_power'],0,wait=True,timeout=18000)
 def ID_start(ID_mode='RCP',QP_ratio=None, verbose=True):
@@ -240,7 +253,7 @@ def ID_start(ID_mode='RCP',QP_ratio=None, verbose=True):
         ID_mode_set(ID_mode, verbose)
     #opens the main shutter
     if ID_ready():
-        main_shutter_open()
+        shutter_check(verbose)
     if verbose:
         print('ID is now on, please set your energy')
@@ -254,8 +267,8 @@ def ID_switch_mode(ID_mode):
     Previously Switch_IDMode
-    ID_wait_for_permission()
-    main_shutter_open()
+    ID_wait_for_permission(verbose=False)
+    shutter_check(verbose=False)
     ID_state = ID_state_get()
@@ -275,7 +288,7 @@ def ID_get(verbose=False):
     returns the readback value for the 
-    ID_RBV = caget(pvs['energy_rbv'])
+    ID_RBV = caget(ID_pvs()['energy_rbv'])
     if verbose:
         print("ID_RBV: ", ID_RBV)
     return ID_RBV  
@@ -289,6 +302,20 @@ def ID_get_eV(verbose=False):
         print("ID_RBV: ", ID_RBV)
     return ID_RBV 
+def _ID_write_SP_proc(keV):
+    ramp_delay=5
+    caput(ID_pvs()['energy_sp'],keV,wait=True,timeout=18000)
+    sleep(ramp_delay)
+    caput(ID_pvs()['start_ramp'],1,wait=True,timeout=18000)
+def _ID_bw_ok(keV):
+    ID_SP = caget(ID_pvs()['energy_sp'])
+    ID_bw = ID_SP * 0.095
+    ID_diff = abs(ID_get()-keV)
+    if ID_diff > ID_bw:
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
 def ID_set(keV,verbose=True):
@@ -296,49 +323,42 @@ def ID_set(keV,verbose=True):
     Previously: SetID_Raw
-    def _ID_write_SP_proc(keV):
-        caput(pvs['energy_sp'],keV,wait=True,timeout=18000)
-        sleep(0.5)
-        caput(pvs['start_ramp'],1)
-    def _ID_bw_ok(keV,verbose=False):
-        ID_SP = caget(pvs['energy_sp'])
-        ID_bw = ID_SP * 0.095
-        ID_diff = abs(ID_get()-keV)
-        if ID_diff > ID_bw:
-            return False
-        else:
-            return True
+    #check if I'm already there
+    ID_SP = round(caget(ID_pvs()['energy_sp']),3)
+    if round(keV,3) == ID_SP:
+        if verbose:
+            print("ID already at "+str(ID_SP))
+    else:
-    #checking permissions and opening the main shutter
-    ID_wait_for_permission()
-    main_shutter_open()
+        #checking permissions and opening the main shutter
+        ID_wait_for_permission(verbose=False)
+        shutter_check(verbose=False)
-    #checking if desired is with allowed range, if not printing the nearest allowed value
-    ID_max,ID_min = ID_energy_range()
-    if keV < ID_min or keV > ID_max:
-        message_string="Set point out of BL energy range \nPlease select a different energy."
-        message_string+="\nClosest allowed value is "+str(min(max(keV,ID_min),ID_max))
-        print_warning_message(message_string)
-    else:
-        #desired energy is within range
-        _ID_write_SP_proc(keV)
-        # ID not at energy
-        ready = ID_ready(verbose=False)
-        if ready:
-            #set the energy
-            _ID_write_SP_proc(ID_SP/1000)
-            while not ID_ready(verbose=False):
-                sleep(20)
-            #is ID within some bandwidth
-            if _ID_bw_ok(ID_SP,verbose=verbose):
+        #checking if desired is with allowed range, if not printing the nearest allowed value
+        ID_min,ID_max  = ID_energy_range()
+        if keV < ID_min or keV > ID_max:
+            message_string="Set point out of BL energy range \nPlease select a different energy."
+            message_string+="\nClosest allowed value is "+str(min(max(keV,ID_min),ID_max))
+            print_warning_message(message_string)
+        else:
+            #set energy sp and ramp
+            _ID_write_SP_proc(keV)
+            ID_ready(verbose=False)
+            #run twice to make sure ready (sometime busy is weird and instantaneously give ready)
+            ID_ready(verbose=False)
+            #check if ID within some bandwidth
+            if _ID_bw_ok(ID_SP):
                 if verbose:
-                    ID_SP = caget(pvs['energy_sp'])
+                    ID_SP = caget(ID_pvs()['energy_sp'])
                     ID_RBV = ID_get()
                     print("ID SET : "+"%.1f" % ID_SP, "eV")
                     print("ID RBV : "+"%.1f" % ID_RBV, "eV")
-                    print(caget(pvs['table_dir'],as_string=True))
+                    print(caget(ID_pvs()['table_dir'],as_string=True))
+                print_warning_message("ID not within energy bandwidth")
@@ -363,10 +383,10 @@ def ID_QP_ratio_get(verbose=True):
     calculate the QP ratio
-    Byq=caget(pvs['By_q'])
-    Vcoil=caget(pvs['Vcoil'])
+    Byq=caget(ID_pvs()['By_q'])
+    Vcoil=caget(ID_pvs()['Vcoil'])
-    ratio_RBV=caget(pvs['QP_ratio'])
+    ratio_RBV=caget(ID_pvs()['QP_ratio'])
     if verbose:
         print("QP RBV   =", ratio_RBV,"%")
         print("QP calculated ratio =", ratio_calc ,"%")
@@ -467,8 +487,8 @@ def ID_scan_pvs():
     returns the rbv and val for scanning 
-    val_pv=pvs['scan_eV_val']
-    rbv_pv=pvs['scan_eV_rbv']
+    val_pv=ID_pvs()['scan_eV_val']
+    rbv_pv=ID_pvs()['scan_eV_rbv']
     return rbv_pv, val_pv
 def ID_scan_fillin(mda,scan_dim,start,stop,step,**kwargs):
diff --git a/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/ b/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
index e062b81..104d793 100644
--- a/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -8,6 +8,61 @@ import iexcode.instruments.cfg as iex
 ################################            default positions             ##############################
+def diagnostics_go2(diag_name,preset_name):
+    pv = _diagnostics_preset_pv(diag_name,preset_name)
+    caput(pv+'_Trigger.PROC',1)
+def diagnostics_sp_read(diag_name,preset_name):
+    pv = _diagnostics_preset_pv(diag_name,preset_name)
+    caget(pv+'_Setpoint.VAL')
+def _diagnostics_sp_write(diag_name,preset_name):
+    pv = _diagnostics_preset_pv(diag_name,preset_name)
+    caget(pv+'_Setpoint.VAL')
+def _diagnostics_preset_pv(diag_name,preset_name):
+    """
+    dictionary of the motor pvs for the beamline diagnostics
+    """
+    ioc = '29idb:'
+    d = _diagnostics_get_presets()
+    pv=None
+    if diag_name.casefold() in (key.casefold() for key in list(d.keys())):
+        idx = [item.lower() for item in list(d.keys())].index(diag_name.lower())
+        diag_name=list(d.keys())[idx]
+        if preset_name.casefold() in (preset.casefold() for preset in d[diag_name]):
+            idx = [item.lower() for item in d[diag_name]].index(preset_name.lower())
+            preset_name = d[diag_name][idx]
+            pv = ioc+diag_name+'_'+preset_name
+        else:
+            message ='preset_name = '+preset_name+' not a valid name'
+            message +='\npreset_names:'+str(d[diag_name])
+            print_warning_message(message)
+    else:
+        message = 'diag_name = '+diag_name+' not a valid name'
+        message +='\npreset_names:'+str(list(d.keys()))
+        print_warning_message(message)
+    return pv
+def _diagnostics_get_presets():
+    presets={
+        'H-wire':['OUT','Start'],
+        'V-wire':['OUT','Start'],
+        'H-Diagon':['OUT','Si-2800','ML-400','ML-460'],
+        'V-Diagon':['OUT','Si-2800','ML-400','ML-460'],
+        'D1A':['OUT','Mesh'],
+        'D2B':['OUT','Mesh','YAG'],
+        'D3B':['OUT','YAG'],
+        'D4C':['OUT','Mesh','YAG'],
+        'gas-cell':['OUT','Diode1','Diode2'],
+        'D4D':['OUT','Mesh','YAG'],
+        'D5D':['OUT','Mesh','YAG'],
+    }
+    return presets
 ###### We should make pvs in the 29idb ioc to hold these values:
 def _diagnostics_dict():
diff --git a/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/ b/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
index e30e9f6..0ac7e11 100644
--- a/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import iexcode.instruments.cfg as iex
 from iexcode.instruments.utilities import dateandtime
-def shutter_check():
+def shutter_check(verbose=True):
     Checks main shutter is open, if not opens it"
     Checks brancg shutter is open, if not opens it"
@@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ def shutter_check():
-            print("Shutter is now open" , dateandtime())
+            if verbose:
+                print("Shutter is now open" , dateandtime())
         shutter_open = branch_shutter_status()
         if shutter_open == False:
diff --git a/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/ b/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
index f8a3b82..612bb84 100644
--- a/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ def slits_pvs(slit_name):
             for slit_HV in d[slit_name]:
-                size_val = slit_HV +'size.VAL'
-                size_rbv = slit_HV +'t2.C'
-                center_val = slit_HV +'center.VAL'
-                center_rbv = slit_HV +'t2.D'
+                size_rbv = slit_HV +'size.VAL'
+                size_val = slit_HV +'t2.C'
+                center_rbv = slit_HV +'center.VAL'
+                center_val = slit_HV +'t2.D'
@@ -121,8 +121,9 @@ def slits_set(slit_name,size,center,verbose=True,wait=True):
     synchs the slit motors and the slit table and then sets the center and size
     slit_name is key in slits_dictionary
-    size = (H_size, V_size)  #inf => all the way open
+    size = (H_size, V_size)  #inf in direction specified => all the way open
     center = (H_center, V_center)
+        None=> use current value
     Previously: SetSlit
@@ -133,14 +134,22 @@ def slits_set(slit_name,size,center,verbose=True,wait=True):
     if inf in size:
         size = _slits_wide_open_dictionary()[slit_name]
     size_pvs,center_pvs = slits_pvs(slit_name)
     for i in range(0,len(size_pvs)):
+        #get pvnames
         size_rbv, size_val, = size_pvs[i]
         center_rbv,center_val = center_pvs[i]
-        if center_rbv != None:    
-            caput(center_val, center[i],wait=wait,timeout=180)
+        #check if there is a pv
+        if center_rbv != None: 
+            #check if specified value   
+            if center[i] != None:
+                caput(center_val, center[i],wait=wait,timeout=180)
+        #check if there is a pv
         if size_rbv != None:  
+            #check if specified value  
+            if size[i] != None:
                 caput(size_val, size[i],wait=wait,timeout=180)
     if verbose:
@@ -280,7 +289,7 @@ def slit1A_set(H_size,V_size,verbose=True,**kwargs):
     Previously: SetSlit1A
-    kwargs.setdefault('center',(0,0))
+    kwargs.setdefault('center',(None,None))
     slit_name = 'slit1A'
     size = (H_size,V_size)
@@ -304,7 +313,7 @@ def slit2B_set(H_size,V_size,verbose=True,**kwargs):
     Previously: SetSlit2B
-    kwargs.setdefault('center',(0,0))
+    kwargs.setdefault('center',(None,None))
     slit_name = "slit2B"
     size = (H_size,V_size)
diff --git a/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/ b/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
index fb052f8..7dd7914 100644
--- a/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def read_dict(filename,**kwargs):
     if 'path' in kwargs:
         path = kwargs['path']
-        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'IEX_dictionaries')
+        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)),'IEX_dictionaries')
     fpath = os.path.join(path,filename)
     with open(fpath) as f:
         for c,line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
diff --git a/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/ b/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
index 5aa6707..e61e120 100644
--- a/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/build/lib/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ def apertures_set(c_2B=1,c_1A=1,verbose=True):
     Previously: SetSlit_BL
     hv_rbv = mono_energy_get()
-    grt  = mono_grating_get
+    grt  = mono_grating_get()
     # slit were defined for the range: 500 - 2000
     hv = max(hv_rbv,500)
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ def apertures_set(c_2B=1,c_1A=1,verbose=True):
         V=0.65*c        #  set to 65% of RR calculation (no longer 80%) => cf 2016_2_summary
-        slit_position = read_dict(FileName='Dict_Slit.txt')
+        slit_position = read_dict('Dict_Slit.txt')
     except KeyError:
         print_warning_message("Unable to read dictionary")
@@ -324,8 +324,9 @@ def apertures_set(c_2B=1,c_1A=1,verbose=True):
     Size1A=( aperture_fit(hv,1)[0]*c_1A,       aperture_fit(hv,1)[1]*c_1A )
     Size2B=( aperture_fit(hv,2)[0]*c_2B, round(aperture_fit(hv,2)[1]*c_2B*V,3))
-    slit1A_set(Size1A[0],Size1A[1],H1_center,V1_center,verbose)    # standard operating
-    slit1A_set(Size2B[0],Size2B[1],H2_center,V2_center,verbose)
+    slit1A_set(Size1A[0],Size1A[1],center=(H1_center,V1_center),verbose=verbose)    # standard operating
+    slit2B_set(Size2B[0],Size2B[1],center=(H2_center,V2_center),verbose=verbose)
 def mvID(val,QP_ratio=100):
@@ -514,40 +515,6 @@ def BL_energy_tables(start_stop_step_lists,**kwargs):
     return mono_array,ID_array
-###########################               shutter check                 ######################
-def shutter_check(verbose=True):
-    """
-        Opens the shutter in the branch determined from the position of m3r
-        Previously: Check_BranchShutter
-    """
-    #main shutter
-    if main_shutter_status:
-        if verbose:
-            print("Main shutter already open")
-    else:
-        main_shutter_open()
-    #branch shutter
-    branch = m3r_branch(verbose)
-    if branch_shutter_status(branch):
-        if verbose:
-            print(dateandtime(), +branch+" shutter already open..." ,)
-    else:
-        while True:
-            if branch_shutter_status(branch) == False :
-                if verbose:
-                    print(dateandtime(), "Opening "+branch+" shutter ..." ,)
-                branch_shutter_open(branch,verbose=False)
-                sleep(30)
-            else:
-                print(dateandtime(), +branch+" shutter is now open..." ,)
-                break
 ###########################               switch branch                 ######################
diff --git a/iexcode.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/iexcode.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 514373e..5f295bd 100644
--- a/iexcode.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/iexcode.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -11,6 +11,20 @@ iexcode.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
diff --git a/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_IDCal_QP70.txt b/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_IDCal_QP70.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eca1ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_IDCal_QP70.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+======= 20220720: 
+{'HEG': {0: [[600.0, [-3934.5121751152246, 33.06771682164138, -0.09748027014943843, 0.00013134538357912652, -6.6156258423234e-08]], [2200.0, [37.641114276917925, 0.8805247038981882, 0.000177319710501711, -8.681533726733966e-08, 1.637418437746742e-11]], [2475.0, [37283044.37499022, -66946.28212137106, 45.04278902689384, -0.013457675462255252, 1.506533154743431e-06]], [3000.0, [17.45662531316536, 0.9879977565183667, -1.4023065577422464e-05, 4.13598612141151e-08, -1.10678651468184e-11]]], 3: [[600.0, [-327.2776484031912, 4.250523583656505, -0.011420286241297649, 1.7377653116404346e-05, -9.625686600221612e-09]], [2200.0, [115.13378003090979, 0.62518020085401, 0.000493471405264986, -2.541590613504621e-07, 4.7566608931331754e-11]], [2475.0, [67723621.24081981, -121554.95831214589, 81.75236674834781, -0.02441691402082744, 2.7324624578449198e-06]], [3000.0, [282015.3094934323, -421.5392502375951, 0.2368599641813117, -5.886206039411446e-05, 5.4722692634234e-09]]], 2: [[600.0, [-604.5006436697821, 3.0530278050672597, 0.0006285185258970196, -7.876285868395855e-06, 6.618688516815772e-09]], [2200.0, [34.67137980324179, 0.8848938354598829, 0.00017775770898386393, -9.469862981232054e-08, 1.8324158207531115e-11]], [3000.0, [-2860246.725610371, 5647.919349714751, -4.443144683580959, 0.0017419171106990991, -3.403199365489676e-07, 2.651081000072826e-11]]], 1: [[600.0, [-5546.5982856048695, 45.335675108612506, -0.13258153746595475, 0.000176077206850398, -8.750569596947354e-08]], [2200.0, [92.51295555787782, 0.6803805602551622, 0.000465091752020332, -2.401401686918187e-07, 4.423893424043697e-11]], [2475.0, [3449361.27208402, -5801.739949520198, 3.631288689620224, -0.0010005763773733346, 1.0226450881073942e-07]], [3000.0, [3927.9644361329165, 2.1528284786200116, -0.004967658772507909, 2.429386882858212e-06, -3.4831847463365186e-10]]]}, 'MEG': {0: [[600.0, [-3001.937193310452, 21.42281919811338, -0.05227046427223767, 5.905824890998193e-05, -2.4939838147750625e-08]], [2000.0, [313.0968883306113, -0.2938296061789439, 0.001699091022186045, -9.91811118699757e-07, 2.153713696737839e-10]]], 3: [[400.0, [316.61188617261655, -1.0928356160426151, 0.001606873234993028, 1.0630167423682258e-05, -1.7235785616953938e-08]], [600.0, [2151.088181587851, -14.957751114654686, 0.04372332202114167, -5.323639729278192e-05, 2.423772386377759e-08]], [2000.0, [71.32298980283552, 0.68449538511254, 0.0002902770466891661, -1.3380458329376547e-07, 2.74232295907911e-11]]], 2: [[600.0, [-256.95386250879153, 1.742041461292414, 0.0004447575432601805, -3.4622258899824124e-06, 2.763500097429317e-09]], [2000.0, [45.57685538381576, 0.724721099465095, 0.0003123695989474393, -1.839135169295821e-07, 4.415613512235391e-11]]], 1: [[600.0, [-10147.599023252156, 76.83462945874766, -0.21225269846559314, 0.000262824484491281, -1.214906763653339e-07]], [2000.0, [64.74418160981251, 0.7253703579324517, 0.00020677370737382257, -3.1583128363601195e-08, -8.981349903206108e-12]]]}}
diff --git a/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M0.txt b/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..662b047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+======= 20220913: 
+{"TX":0,"TY":0, "TZ":0, "RX":0,"RY":0, "RZ":0}  
+======= 20220914: 
+{'TX': 0.301, 'TY': -22.5, 'TZ': 0.301, 'RX': -0.0, 'RY': -0.151, 'RZ': 0.039}
diff --git a/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M1.txt b/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95d9b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+======= 20220913: 
+{"TX":0,"TY":0, "TZ":0, "RX":0,"RY":0, "RZ":0}  
+======= 20220914: 
+{'TX': 1.449, 'TY': -21.5, 'TZ': 1.449, 'RX': -0.0, 'RY': 8.439, 'RZ': 3.47}
+======= 20220914: 
+{'TX': 1.449, 'TY': -21.5, 'TZ': 1.449, 'RX': -0.0, 'RY': 8.439, 'RZ': 3.47}
diff --git a/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M3.txt b/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76eac69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_M3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+======= 20220614: 
+{"TX":-2.5,"TY":0, "TZ":0, "RX":-13.955,"RY":-16.322, "RZ":-8.5}  
diff --git a/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_Slit.txt b/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_Slit.txt
index 12ba84e..084d24d 100644
--- a/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_Slit.txt
+++ b/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Dict_Slit.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 ======= 20201231: 
@@ -133,3 +132,50 @@
 ======= 20220329: 
 {'HEG': {'S2V': -0.244, 'S2H': -0.125, 'S1V': 0.0, 'S1H': 0.09}, 'MEG': {'S2V': 0.05, 'S2H': -0.02, 'S1V': -0.05, 'S1H': 0.1}}
+======= 20220405: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.015, 'S2H': -0.028, 'S1V': -0.041, 'S1H': 0.107}, 'MEG': {'S2V': 0.05, 'S2H': -0.02, 'S1V': -0.05, 'S1H': 0.1}}
+======= 20220405: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.015, 'S2H': -0.028, 'S1V': -0.041, 'S1H': 0.107}, 'MEG': {'S2V': -0.0725, 'S2H': 0.1813, 'S1V': -0.0789, 'S1H': 0.1735}}
+======= 20220412: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.0135, 'S2H': -0.1435, 'S1V': -0.0383, 'S1H': 0.1339}, 'MEG': {'S2V': -0.0725, 'S2H': 0.1813, 'S1V': -0.0789, 'S1H': 0.1735}}
+======= 20220412: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.0135, 'S2H': -0.1435, 'S1V': -0.0383, 'S1H': 0.1339}, 'MEG': {'S2V': 0.2254, 'S2H': -0.0578, 'S1V': -0.0666, 'S1H': 0.1837}}
+======= 20220419: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.0135, 'S2H': -0.1435, 'S1V': -0.0383, 'S1H': 0.1339}, 'MEG': {'S2V': -0.017, 'S2H': -0.1458, 'S1V': -0.02759, 'S1H': 0.198}}
+======= 20220531: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.0135, 'S2H': -0.1435, 'S1V': -0.0383, 'S1H': 0.1339}, 'MEG': {'S2V': -0.002, 'S2H': 0.2313, 'S1V': -0.509, 'S1H': 0.1616}}
+======= 20220603: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.0135, 'S2H': -0.1435, 'S1V': -0.0383, 'S1H': 0.1339}, 'MEG': {'S2V': -0.0049, 'S2H': 0.0096, 'S1V': -0.0544, 'S1H': 0.1711}}
+======= 20220607: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.0135, 'S2H': -0.1435, 'S1V': -0.0383, 'S1H': 0.1339}, 'MEG': {'S2V': -0.0073, 'S2H': 0.1322, 'S1V': -0.0689, 'S1H': 0.139}}
+======= 20220614: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.0135, 'S2H': -0.1435, 'S1V': -0.0383, 'S1H': 0.1339}, 'MEG': {'S2V': -0.0169, 'S2H': 0.231, 'S1V': -0.0, 'S1H': 0.1256}}
+======= 20220621: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.0135, 'S2H': -0.1435, 'S1V': -0.0383, 'S1H': 0.1339}, 'MEG': {'S2V': 0.0028, 'S2H': -0.1809, 'S1V': -0.0472, 'S1H': 0.1476}}
+======= 20220629: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.0135, 'S2H': -0.1435, 'S1V': -0.0383, 'S1H': 0.1339}, 'MEG': {'S2V': -0.0065, 'S2H': -0.3358, 'S1V': -0.1502, 'S1H': 0.2736}}
+======= 20220705: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.0135, 'S2H': -0.1435, 'S1V': -0.0383, 'S1H': 0.1339}, 'MEG': {'S2V': -0.029, 'S2H': -0.3559, 'S1V': -0.0557, 'S1H': 0.1449}}
+======= 20220705: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.5736, 'S2H': -0.312, 'S1V': -0.0121, 'S1H': 0.1182}, 'MEG': {'S2V': -0.029, 'S2H': -0.3559, 'S1V': -0.0557, 'S1H': 0.1449}}
+======= 20220713: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.5736, 'S2H': -0.312, 'S1V': -0.0121, 'S1H': 0.1182}, 'MEG': {'S2V': -0.0047, 'S2H': -0.5352, 'S1V': -0.0441, 'S1H': 0.123}}
+======= 20220719: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.5736, 'S2H': -0.312, 'S1V': -0.0121, 'S1H': 0.1182}, 'MEG': {'S2V': -0.0271, 'S2H': -0.3154, 'S1V': -0.0604, 'S1H': 0.113}}
+======= 20220726: 
+{'HEG': {'S2V': -0.5736, 'S2H': -0.312, 'S1V': -0.0121, 'S1H': 0.1182}, 'MEG': {'S2V': -0.0489, 'S2H': -0.5032, 'S1V': -0.0115, 'S1H': 0.2177}}
diff --git a/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Flux_Curves_QP70.txt b/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Flux_Curves_QP70.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ebdc1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iexcode/IEX_dictionaries/Flux_Curves_QP70.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+======= 20220720: 
+----- flux_x:
+{'MEG': {0: [[600.0, array([439.52, 484.53, 536.53, 590.59, 644.02])], [1500.0, array([ 643.3150091 ,  698.27638369,  751.92819053,  804.32851937,
+        855.85957584,  906.94762404,  957.62883976, 1008.16118875,
+       1058.61331684, 1109.08200868, 1159.60303415, 1210.18400879,
+       1260.80802369, 1311.41803046, 1361.97140942, 1412.24939421,
+       1462.16437202, 1511.52883401, 1560.18223664])]], 3: [[400.0, array([261.2 , 321.01, 372.41, 430.4 ])], [600.0, array([430.4 , 485.99, 538.17, 590.59, 641.97])], [1500.0, array([ 642.33414808,  696.40046444,  749.78523155,  802.70679918,
+        855.20268058,  907.36091505,  959.131399  , 1010.50673309,
+       1061.73799295, 1112.64806192, 1163.30746953, 1213.72542759,
+       1263.91577528, 1313.87611693, 1363.60216817, 1413.0934456 ,
+       1462.34136595, 1511.30391423, 1560.0098909 ])]], 2: [[600.0, array([484.52, 536.53, 590.58, 644.01])], [1500.0, array([ 643.67872489,  696.39449875,  748.68451943,  800.80899782,
+        852.69105756,  904.41720315,  955.93918876, 1007.30454524,
+       1058.50731464, 1109.59661276, 1160.54134668, 1211.33241352,
+       1261.95763777, 1312.42030824, 1362.61711289, 1412.55398924,
+       1462.19394606, 1511.47510981, 1560.37547278])]], 1: [[600.0, array([438.2 , 482.98, 534.78, 583.44, 636.  ])], [1500.0, array([ 635.87569328,  688.63387248,  740.7642036 ,  792.29704081,
+        843.29680358,  893.81787821,  943.94262125,  993.73556398,
+       1043.23173691, 1092.47885098, 1141.54069278, 1190.46375301,
+       1239.31206379, 1288.13945996, 1336.97448654, 1385.91496532,
+       1434.98992597, 1484.23051482, 1533.69987274])]]}}
+----- flux_y:
+{'MEG': {0: [[600.0, array([1.69158915e+11, 2.08804750e+11, 2.31668324e+11, 3.34882933e+11,
+       3.80203782e+11])], [1500.0, array([3.80203782e+11, 4.46868047e+11, 4.99220650e+11, 5.68471098e+11,
+       6.19554944e+11, 6.64099063e+11, 6.86700841e+11, 6.94129493e+11,
+       6.92912470e+11, 6.76929478e+11, 6.52455412e+11, 6.10130165e+11,
+       5.82819364e+11, 5.44097059e+11, 5.00613963e+11, 4.73637865e+11,
+       4.42900806e+11, 4.08118044e+11, 3.86443758e+11])]], 3: [[400.0, array([2.07094724e+10, 4.91850743e+10, 6.83548158e+10, 1.00826960e+11])], [600.0, array([1.00826960e+11, 1.31386117e+11, 1.45302751e+11, 1.84401156e+11,
+       1.96547991e+11])], [1500.0, array([1.96547991e+11, 2.31426905e+11, 2.66511659e+11, 3.04558624e+11,
+       3.43008444e+11, 3.83114487e+11, 4.05307437e+11, 4.16801991e+11,
+       4.19203408e+11, 4.14410939e+11, 4.03083879e+11, 3.85122357e+11,
+       3.68233195e+11, 3.50341535e+11, 3.27304810e+11, 3.08285915e+11,
+       2.90908581e+11, 2.75272734e+11, 2.61154524e+11])]], 2: [[600.0, array([1.29798464e+11, 1.42975699e+11, 1.77491240e+11, 2.05858697e+11])], [1500.0, array([2.05858697e+11, 2.43589523e+11, 2.74930597e+11, 3.13778705e+11,
+       3.54132939e+11, 3.83672970e+11, 4.06461475e+11, 4.19266945e+11,
+       4.23430826e+11, 4.16245461e+11, 4.07779009e+11, 3.91378629e+11,
+       3.69973403e+11, 3.47417563e+11, 3.29959730e+11, 3.09206441e+11,
+       2.91825326e+11, 2.78247315e+11, 2.62472215e+11])]], 1: [[600.0, array([1.95443600e+11, 2.37980112e+11, 2.63344561e+11, 3.08919456e+11,
+       3.63863197e+11])], [1500.0, array([3.63863197e+11, 4.16045131e+11, 4.66471171e+11, 5.18255780e+11,
+       5.78827895e+11, 6.27713326e+11, 6.57194435e+11, 6.76568690e+11,
+       6.08682096e+11, 6.74642773e+11, 6.53995264e+11, 6.19850673e+11,
+       5.88794730e+11, 5.53449825e+11, 5.12839982e+11, 4.77251214e+11,
+       4.42649534e+11, 3.77680200e+11, 3.53648814e+11])]]}}
diff --git a/iexcode/instruments/ b/iexcode/instruments/
index 142e4fc..feab470 100644
--- a/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -8,36 +8,39 @@ from epics import caget, caput
 from iexcode.instruments.userCalcs import userCalcOut_clear
 from iexcode.instruments.utilities import dateandtime, print_warning_message, read_dict
 from iexcode.instruments.VLS_PGM import mono_grating_get
-from iexcode.instruments.shutters import main_shutter_open
+from iexcode.instruments.shutters import shutter_check
 ################################             ID limits and calibration             ##############################
-pv = 'ID29:'
-    'mode_rbv':pv+'ActualMode',
-    'mode_val':pv+'DesiredMode.VAL',
-    'check_ready':pv+'feedback.VAL',
-    'check_busy':pv+'BusyRecord',
-    'busy_reset':pv+'Busy.VAL',
-    'main_power':pv+'Main_on_off.VAL',
-    'energy_rbv':pv+'Energy.VAL',
-    'energy_sp':pv+'EnergySet.VAL',
-    'start_ramp':pv+'StartRamp.VAL',
-    'energy_eV_rbv':pv+'EnergyRBV',
-    'energy_eV_sp':pv+'EnergyScanSet.VAL',
-    'scan_eV_rbv':pv+'EnergyScanSeteV',
-    'scan_eV_val':pv+'EnergySetRBV',
-    'table_dir':pv+'TableDirection',
-    'By_q':pv+'ByqRdbk',
-    'Bx_q':pv+'BxqRdbk',
-    'Vcoil':pv+'ByRdbk.VAL',
-    'Hcoil':pv+'BxRdbk.VAL',
+def ID_pvs():
+    """
+    dictionary of ID pvs
+    """
+    pv = 'ID29:'
+    pvs={'AccessSecurity':pv+'AccessSecurity.VAL',
+        'mode_rbv':pv+'ActualMode',
+        'mode_val':pv+'DesiredMode.VAL',
+        'check_ready':pv+'feedback.VAL',
+        'check_busy':pv+'BusyRecord',
+        'busy_reset':pv+'Busy.VAL',
+        'main_power':pv+'Main_on_off.VAL',
+        'energy_rbv':pv+'Energy.VAL',
+        'energy_sp':pv+'EnergySet.VAL',
+        'start_ramp':pv+'StartRamp.VAL',
+        'energy_eV_rbv':pv+'EnergyRBV',
+        'energy_eV_sp':pv+'EnergyScanSet.VAL',
+        'scan_eV_rbv':pv+'EnergyScanSeteV',
+        'scan_eV_val':pv+'EnergySetRBV',
+        'table_dir':pv+'TableDirection',
+        'By_q':pv+'ByqRdbk',
+        'Bx_q':pv+'BxqRdbk',
+        'Vcoil':pv+'ByRdbk.VAL',
+        'Hcoil':pv+'BxRdbk.VAL',
+    return pvs
 def ID_calc_eV(mono_grating,ID_mode,hv_eV,QP_ratio):    # Mode = state (0=RCP,1=LCP,2=V,3=H)
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ def ID_calc_eV(mono_grating,ID_mode,hv_eV,QP_ratio):    # Mode = state (0=RCP,1=
     except KeyError:
         message_string='Not a valid ID mode!'+"\nValid Modes: "+str(ID_mode_list())
-        ID=caget(pvs['energy_rbv'])
+        ID=caget(ID_pvs()['energy_rbv'])
     return round(ID,1)
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ def ID_calc_eV(mono_grating,ID_mode,hv_eV,QP_ratio):    # Mode = state (0=RCP,1=
-def ID_wait_for_permission():
+def ID_wait_for_permission(verbose=True):
     Monitors the ID permissions and waits for the ID to be in User Mode and then breaks
     Checks the status every 30 seconds
@@ -70,12 +73,13 @@ def ID_wait_for_permission():
     Previously: WaitForPermission
     while True:
-        ID_Access=caget(pvs['AccessSecurity'])
+        ID_Access=caget(ID_pvs()['AccessSecurity'])
         if (ID_Access!=0):
             print("Checking ID permission, please wait..."+dateandtime())
-            print("ID now in user mode -"+dateandtime())
+            if verbose:
+                print("ID now in user mode -"+dateandtime())
@@ -88,7 +92,7 @@ def ID_get_all(verbose=False):
-        "ID_sp":caget(pvs['energy_sp']),
+        "ID_sp":caget(ID_pvs()['energy_sp']),
@@ -104,7 +108,7 @@ def ID_energy_range(ID_mode=None):
     Previously: ID_Range
     if ID_mode == None:
-        ID_state=caget(pvs['mode_rbv'])
+        ID_state=caget(ID_pvs()['mode_rbv'])
         ID_state = ID_state_mode(ID_mode)
     #       RCP,LCP, V , H , HN
@@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ def ID_state_get():
     Returns the current ID state
-    ID_state = caget(pvs['mode_rbv'])
+    ID_state = caget(ID_pvs()['mode_rbv'])
     return ID_state
 def ID_mode_get(verbose=True):
@@ -167,33 +171,42 @@ def ID_mode_set(ID_mode):
     writes the desired mode to the correct ID pv
-    caput(pvs['mode_val'],ID_mode,wait=True,timeout=18000)     # RCP
+    caput(ID_pvs()['mode_val'],ID_mode,wait=True,timeout=18000)     # RCP
-def ID_ready(verbose=True):
+def ID_ready(verbose=False):
     check both the read and busy pv every 2 seconds
     Previously: ID_Ready
     while True:
-        RBV=caget(pvs['energy_rbv'])
-        checkready=caget(pvs['check_ready'])
-        checkbusy=caget(pvs['check_busy'])
-        if (checkready!="Ready") or (RBV < 3.7):
+        RBV = caget(ID_pvs()['energy_rbv'])
+        checkready = caget(ID_pvs()['check_ready'])
+        checkbusy = caget(ID_pvs()['check_busy'],as_string=True)
+        if (checkready!="Ready"):
+            print('checkready',checkready)
-        elif ((checkready=="Ready") and (RBV > 3.7)) and (checkbusy=="Busy"):
-            caput(pvs['busy_reset'],0)
+            if checkbusy=="Busy":
+                sleep(2)
+                print('checkbusy',checkbusy)
+            else:
+                if RBV > 3.7: 
+                    #thinks its done but isn't, need to reset busy
+                    caput(ID_pvs()['busy_reset'],0)
+                    sleep(2)
+                    if verbose:
+                        print('resetting ID busy record')
             if verbose:
-                print("ID Ready")      
-            return True 
+                print("ID Ready")
+            return True
 def ID_power_status():
     gets if the ID power supplies are On or Off
-    ID_OnOff=caget(pvs['main_power'])
+    ID_OnOff=caget(ID_pvs()['main_power'])
     if ID_OnOff == 1: 
         return 'Off'
     elif ID_OnOff == 0:
@@ -203,8 +216,8 @@ def ID_off(verbose=True):
     waits for permission then turns on the main coils OFF    
-    ID_wait_for_permission()
-    caput(pvs['main_power'],1,wait=True,timeout=18000)
+    ID_wait_for_permission(verbose=False)
+    caput(ID_pvs()['main_power'],1,wait=True,timeout=18000)
     if verbose:
         print("ID is now off")
@@ -215,12 +228,12 @@ def ID_on(verbose=True):
     waits for permission then turns on the main coils On
-    ID_wait_for_permission()
+    ID_wait_for_permission(verbose=False)
     if verbose:
         print("Starting ID  -  "+dateandtime())
-    caput(pvs['energy_sp'],3.8)
-    caput(pvs['main_power'],0,wait=True,timeout=18000)
+    caput(ID_pvs()['energy_sp'],3.8)
+    caput(ID_pvs()['main_power'],0,wait=True,timeout=18000)
 def ID_start(ID_mode='RCP',QP_ratio=None, verbose=True):
@@ -240,7 +253,7 @@ def ID_start(ID_mode='RCP',QP_ratio=None, verbose=True):
         ID_mode_set(ID_mode, verbose)
     #opens the main shutter
     if ID_ready():
-        main_shutter_open()
+        shutter_check(verbose)
     if verbose:
         print('ID is now on, please set your energy')
@@ -254,8 +267,8 @@ def ID_switch_mode(ID_mode):
     Previously Switch_IDMode
-    ID_wait_for_permission()
-    main_shutter_open()
+    ID_wait_for_permission(verbose=False)
+    shutter_check(verbose=False)
     ID_state = ID_state_get()
@@ -275,7 +288,7 @@ def ID_get(verbose=False):
     returns the readback value for the 
-    ID_RBV = caget(pvs['energy_rbv'])
+    ID_RBV = caget(ID_pvs()['energy_rbv'])
     if verbose:
         print("ID_RBV: ", ID_RBV)
     return ID_RBV  
@@ -289,6 +302,20 @@ def ID_get_eV(verbose=False):
         print("ID_RBV: ", ID_RBV)
     return ID_RBV 
+def _ID_write_SP_proc(keV):
+    ramp_delay=5
+    caput(ID_pvs()['energy_sp'],keV,wait=True,timeout=18000)
+    sleep(ramp_delay)
+    caput(ID_pvs()['start_ramp'],1,wait=True,timeout=18000)
+def _ID_bw_ok(keV):
+    ID_SP = caget(ID_pvs()['energy_sp'])
+    ID_bw = ID_SP * 0.095
+    ID_diff = abs(ID_get()-keV)
+    if ID_diff > ID_bw:
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
 def ID_set(keV,verbose=True):
@@ -296,49 +323,42 @@ def ID_set(keV,verbose=True):
     Previously: SetID_Raw
-    def _ID_write_SP_proc(keV):
-        caput(pvs['energy_sp'],keV,wait=True,timeout=18000)
-        sleep(0.5)
-        caput(pvs['start_ramp'],1)
-    def _ID_bw_ok(keV,verbose=False):
-        ID_SP = caget(pvs['energy_sp'])
-        ID_bw = ID_SP * 0.095
-        ID_diff = abs(ID_get()-keV)
-        if ID_diff > ID_bw:
-            return False
-        else:
-            return True
+    #check if I'm already there
+    ID_SP = round(caget(ID_pvs()['energy_sp']),3)
+    if round(keV,3) == ID_SP:
+        if verbose:
+            print("ID already at "+str(ID_SP))
+    else:
-    #checking permissions and opening the main shutter
-    ID_wait_for_permission()
-    main_shutter_open()
+        #checking permissions and opening the main shutter
+        ID_wait_for_permission(verbose=False)
+        shutter_check(verbose=False)
-    #checking if desired is with allowed range, if not printing the nearest allowed value
-    ID_max,ID_min = ID_energy_range()
-    if keV < ID_min or keV > ID_max:
-        message_string="Set point out of BL energy range \nPlease select a different energy."
-        message_string+="\nClosest allowed value is "+str(min(max(keV,ID_min),ID_max))
-        print_warning_message(message_string)
-    else:
-        #desired energy is within range
-        _ID_write_SP_proc(keV)
-        # ID not at energy
-        ready = ID_ready(verbose=False)
-        if ready:
-            #set the energy
-            _ID_write_SP_proc(ID_SP/1000)
-            while not ID_ready(verbose=False):
-                sleep(20)
-            #is ID within some bandwidth
-            if _ID_bw_ok(ID_SP,verbose=verbose):
+        #checking if desired is with allowed range, if not printing the nearest allowed value
+        ID_min,ID_max  = ID_energy_range()
+        if keV < ID_min or keV > ID_max:
+            message_string="Set point out of BL energy range \nPlease select a different energy."
+            message_string+="\nClosest allowed value is "+str(min(max(keV,ID_min),ID_max))
+            print_warning_message(message_string)
+        else:
+            #set energy sp and ramp
+            _ID_write_SP_proc(keV)
+            ID_ready(verbose=False)
+            #run twice to make sure ready (sometime busy is weird and instantaneously give ready)
+            ID_ready(verbose=False)
+            #check if ID within some bandwidth
+            if _ID_bw_ok(ID_SP):
                 if verbose:
-                    ID_SP = caget(pvs['energy_sp'])
+                    ID_SP = caget(ID_pvs()['energy_sp'])
                     ID_RBV = ID_get()
                     print("ID SET : "+"%.1f" % ID_SP, "eV")
                     print("ID RBV : "+"%.1f" % ID_RBV, "eV")
-                    print(caget(pvs['table_dir'],as_string=True))
+                    print(caget(ID_pvs()['table_dir'],as_string=True))
+                print_warning_message("ID not within energy bandwidth")
@@ -363,10 +383,10 @@ def ID_QP_ratio_get(verbose=True):
     calculate the QP ratio
-    Byq=caget(pvs['By_q'])
-    Vcoil=caget(pvs['Vcoil'])
+    Byq=caget(ID_pvs()['By_q'])
+    Vcoil=caget(ID_pvs()['Vcoil'])
-    ratio_RBV=caget(pvs['QP_ratio'])
+    ratio_RBV=caget(ID_pvs()['QP_ratio'])
     if verbose:
         print("QP RBV   =", ratio_RBV,"%")
         print("QP calculated ratio =", ratio_calc ,"%")
@@ -467,8 +487,8 @@ def ID_scan_pvs():
     returns the rbv and val for scanning 
-    val_pv=pvs['scan_eV_val']
-    rbv_pv=pvs['scan_eV_rbv']
+    val_pv=ID_pvs()['scan_eV_val']
+    rbv_pv=ID_pvs()['scan_eV_rbv']
     return rbv_pv, val_pv
 def ID_scan_fillin(mda,scan_dim,start,stop,step,**kwargs):
diff --git a/iexcode/instruments/ b/iexcode/instruments/
index e062b81..104d793 100644
--- a/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -8,6 +8,61 @@ import iexcode.instruments.cfg as iex
 ################################            default positions             ##############################
+def diagnostics_go2(diag_name,preset_name):
+    pv = _diagnostics_preset_pv(diag_name,preset_name)
+    caput(pv+'_Trigger.PROC',1)
+def diagnostics_sp_read(diag_name,preset_name):
+    pv = _diagnostics_preset_pv(diag_name,preset_name)
+    caget(pv+'_Setpoint.VAL')
+def _diagnostics_sp_write(diag_name,preset_name):
+    pv = _diagnostics_preset_pv(diag_name,preset_name)
+    caget(pv+'_Setpoint.VAL')
+def _diagnostics_preset_pv(diag_name,preset_name):
+    """
+    dictionary of the motor pvs for the beamline diagnostics
+    """
+    ioc = '29idb:'
+    d = _diagnostics_get_presets()
+    pv=None
+    if diag_name.casefold() in (key.casefold() for key in list(d.keys())):
+        idx = [item.lower() for item in list(d.keys())].index(diag_name.lower())
+        diag_name=list(d.keys())[idx]
+        if preset_name.casefold() in (preset.casefold() for preset in d[diag_name]):
+            idx = [item.lower() for item in d[diag_name]].index(preset_name.lower())
+            preset_name = d[diag_name][idx]
+            pv = ioc+diag_name+'_'+preset_name
+        else:
+            message ='preset_name = '+preset_name+' not a valid name'
+            message +='\npreset_names:'+str(d[diag_name])
+            print_warning_message(message)
+    else:
+        message = 'diag_name = '+diag_name+' not a valid name'
+        message +='\npreset_names:'+str(list(d.keys()))
+        print_warning_message(message)
+    return pv
+def _diagnostics_get_presets():
+    presets={
+        'H-wire':['OUT','Start'],
+        'V-wire':['OUT','Start'],
+        'H-Diagon':['OUT','Si-2800','ML-400','ML-460'],
+        'V-Diagon':['OUT','Si-2800','ML-400','ML-460'],
+        'D1A':['OUT','Mesh'],
+        'D2B':['OUT','Mesh','YAG'],
+        'D3B':['OUT','YAG'],
+        'D4C':['OUT','Mesh','YAG'],
+        'gas-cell':['OUT','Diode1','Diode2'],
+        'D4D':['OUT','Mesh','YAG'],
+        'D5D':['OUT','Mesh','YAG'],
+    }
+    return presets
 ###### We should make pvs in the 29idb ioc to hold these values:
 def _diagnostics_dict():
diff --git a/iexcode/instruments/ b/iexcode/instruments/
index e30e9f6..0ac7e11 100644
--- a/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import iexcode.instruments.cfg as iex
 from iexcode.instruments.utilities import dateandtime
-def shutter_check():
+def shutter_check(verbose=True):
     Checks main shutter is open, if not opens it"
     Checks brancg shutter is open, if not opens it"
@@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ def shutter_check():
-            print("Shutter is now open" , dateandtime())
+            if verbose:
+                print("Shutter is now open" , dateandtime())
         shutter_open = branch_shutter_status()
         if shutter_open == False:
diff --git a/iexcode/instruments/ b/iexcode/instruments/
index f8a3b82..612bb84 100644
--- a/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ def slits_pvs(slit_name):
             for slit_HV in d[slit_name]:
-                size_val = slit_HV +'size.VAL'
-                size_rbv = slit_HV +'t2.C'
-                center_val = slit_HV +'center.VAL'
-                center_rbv = slit_HV +'t2.D'
+                size_rbv = slit_HV +'size.VAL'
+                size_val = slit_HV +'t2.C'
+                center_rbv = slit_HV +'center.VAL'
+                center_val = slit_HV +'t2.D'
@@ -121,8 +121,9 @@ def slits_set(slit_name,size,center,verbose=True,wait=True):
     synchs the slit motors and the slit table and then sets the center and size
     slit_name is key in slits_dictionary
-    size = (H_size, V_size)  #inf => all the way open
+    size = (H_size, V_size)  #inf in direction specified => all the way open
     center = (H_center, V_center)
+        None=> use current value
     Previously: SetSlit
@@ -133,14 +134,22 @@ def slits_set(slit_name,size,center,verbose=True,wait=True):
     if inf in size:
         size = _slits_wide_open_dictionary()[slit_name]
     size_pvs,center_pvs = slits_pvs(slit_name)
     for i in range(0,len(size_pvs)):
+        #get pvnames
         size_rbv, size_val, = size_pvs[i]
         center_rbv,center_val = center_pvs[i]
-        if center_rbv != None:    
-            caput(center_val, center[i],wait=wait,timeout=180)
+        #check if there is a pv
+        if center_rbv != None: 
+            #check if specified value   
+            if center[i] != None:
+                caput(center_val, center[i],wait=wait,timeout=180)
+        #check if there is a pv
         if size_rbv != None:  
+            #check if specified value  
+            if size[i] != None:
                 caput(size_val, size[i],wait=wait,timeout=180)
     if verbose:
@@ -280,7 +289,7 @@ def slit1A_set(H_size,V_size,verbose=True,**kwargs):
     Previously: SetSlit1A
-    kwargs.setdefault('center',(0,0))
+    kwargs.setdefault('center',(None,None))
     slit_name = 'slit1A'
     size = (H_size,V_size)
@@ -304,7 +313,7 @@ def slit2B_set(H_size,V_size,verbose=True,**kwargs):
     Previously: SetSlit2B
-    kwargs.setdefault('center',(0,0))
+    kwargs.setdefault('center',(None,None))
     slit_name = "slit2B"
     size = (H_size,V_size)
diff --git a/iexcode/instruments/ b/iexcode/instruments/
index fb052f8..7dd7914 100644
--- a/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def read_dict(filename,**kwargs):
     if 'path' in kwargs:
         path = kwargs['path']
-        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'IEX_dictionaries')
+        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)),'IEX_dictionaries')
     fpath = os.path.join(path,filename)
     with open(fpath) as f:
         for c,line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
diff --git a/iexcode/instruments/ b/iexcode/instruments/
index 5aa6707..e61e120 100644
--- a/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ def apertures_set(c_2B=1,c_1A=1,verbose=True):
     Previously: SetSlit_BL
     hv_rbv = mono_energy_get()
-    grt  = mono_grating_get
+    grt  = mono_grating_get()
     # slit were defined for the range: 500 - 2000
     hv = max(hv_rbv,500)
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ def apertures_set(c_2B=1,c_1A=1,verbose=True):
         V=0.65*c        #  set to 65% of RR calculation (no longer 80%) => cf 2016_2_summary
-        slit_position = read_dict(FileName='Dict_Slit.txt')
+        slit_position = read_dict('Dict_Slit.txt')
     except KeyError:
         print_warning_message("Unable to read dictionary")
@@ -324,8 +324,9 @@ def apertures_set(c_2B=1,c_1A=1,verbose=True):
     Size1A=( aperture_fit(hv,1)[0]*c_1A,       aperture_fit(hv,1)[1]*c_1A )
     Size2B=( aperture_fit(hv,2)[0]*c_2B, round(aperture_fit(hv,2)[1]*c_2B*V,3))
-    slit1A_set(Size1A[0],Size1A[1],H1_center,V1_center,verbose)    # standard operating
-    slit1A_set(Size2B[0],Size2B[1],H2_center,V2_center,verbose)
+    slit1A_set(Size1A[0],Size1A[1],center=(H1_center,V1_center),verbose=verbose)    # standard operating
+    slit2B_set(Size2B[0],Size2B[1],center=(H2_center,V2_center),verbose=verbose)
 def mvID(val,QP_ratio=100):
@@ -514,40 +515,6 @@ def BL_energy_tables(start_stop_step_lists,**kwargs):
     return mono_array,ID_array
-###########################               shutter check                 ######################
-def shutter_check(verbose=True):
-    """
-        Opens the shutter in the branch determined from the position of m3r
-        Previously: Check_BranchShutter
-    """
-    #main shutter
-    if main_shutter_status:
-        if verbose:
-            print("Main shutter already open")
-    else:
-        main_shutter_open()
-    #branch shutter
-    branch = m3r_branch(verbose)
-    if branch_shutter_status(branch):
-        if verbose:
-            print(dateandtime(), +branch+" shutter already open..." ,)
-    else:
-        while True:
-            if branch_shutter_status(branch) == False :
-                if verbose:
-                    print(dateandtime(), "Opening "+branch+" shutter ..." ,)
-                branch_shutter_open(branch,verbose=False)
-                sleep(30)
-            else:
-                print(dateandtime(), +branch+" shutter is now open..." ,)
-                break
 ###########################               switch branch                 ######################
diff --git a/ b/
index aa9e5e5..b2ab940 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ setup(
-    package_data={'': []}
+    package_data={'': ['IEX_dictionaries/*']}