From b7bb71dd2faa9047d1126aa647401aa2ff7865c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jmcchesn <>
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2022 10:34:06 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] vortex updated

 iexcode/cheatsheet.txt            |  13 +-
 iexcode/instruments/ |  12 +-
 iexcode/instruments/     | 210 +++++++++++++-----------------
 3 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)

diff --git a/iexcode/cheatsheet.txt b/iexcode/cheatsheet.txt
index a33f305..1a5bfd1 100644
--- a/iexcode/cheatsheet.txt
+++ b/iexcode/cheatsheet.txt
@@ -139,15 +139,26 @@ resolution => gives the resolution for the current settings
 scaler_cts => sets the scaler counter for the current endstation
 #scanRecord: functions and class for handling the scanRecord
+saveData_get_all  => returns dictions of fileSystem,subDir,scanNumber,baseName
 ScanRecord => class for handling scanRecord_user
 scan_fillin => same as iex.BL.mda.fillin
 scan_fillin_table => same as iex.BL.mda.fillin_table
 scan_go => same as iex.BL.mda.go
+detectors_clear => clears all 
 .empty_scan => scan with no positioners
 .time_scan => scan with positioner readback as time and detector settling as minutes
 #Scienta: base functions for taking spectra, called by electron_analyzer
diff --git a/iexcode/instruments/ b/iexcode/instruments/
index 98a7a31..2fc7d39 100644
--- a/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import time
 from epics import caget, caput, PV
 import iexcode.instruments.cfg as iex
 from iexcode.instruments.utilities import dateandtime, print_warning_message
 from iexcode.instruments.userCalcs import userStringSeq_pvs,userStringSeq_clear
 from iexcode.instruments.shutters import shutter_check
@@ -535,13 +534,22 @@ class ScanRecord:
         Clear all scan detectors triggers
         trigger_dictionary = {trigger_num:pv}
-        Previously: Clear_Scan_Triggers
         scan_pv = self.ioc+"scan"+str(scan_dim)
         if len(trigger_dictionary.keys())>0:
             for tigger_num in  trigger_dictionary.keys():
+    def triggers_get(self,scan_dim):
+        """
+        returns a dictionary of the current scan striggers for scan_dim
+        """
+        scan_pv = self.ioc+"scan"+str(scan_dim)
+        scan_trigger = {}
+        for tigger_num in range(1,5):
+            scan_trigger.update({tigger_num:caget(scan_pv+".T"+str(tigger_num)+"PV")})
     def triggers_clear(self,scan_dim,trigger_dictionary,verbose=True):
         Clear all scan detectors triggers
diff --git a/iexcode/instruments/ b/iexcode/instruments/
index e813756..b57d15d 100644
--- a/iexcode/instruments/
+++ b/iexcode/instruments/
@@ -1,148 +1,120 @@
+from this import d
+from epics import caput, caget
+import iexcode.instruments.cfg as iex
+from iexcode.instruments.scanRecord import saveData_get_all
+vortex_pv = "29idVORTEX:"
+scaler_pv = '29idMZ0:scaler1.TP'
+calc_pv = '29idKappa:userCalcOut3.A'
+vortex_power_pv = '29idd:Unidig1Bo1'
+transform_pv = '29idd:userTran1'
 #Define caput with wait function
 def caputw(PVname,PVinput):
     return caput(PVname,PVinput,wait=True,timeout = 100000)
-def vortex(energy):
-    '''Sets the energy window for the vortex'''
-    cen, wid = vortex_Ecal(energy)
-    set_roi1(cen,wid)
-    caput('29idKappa:userCalcOut3.A',energy)
-def set_roi1(cen,wid):
-    caput('29idVORTEX:mca1.R0LO',round(cen-wid/2))
-    caput('29idVORTEX:mca1.R0HI',round(cen+wid/2))
-def set_roi2(cen,wid):
-    caput('29idVORTEX:mca1.R1LO',round(cen-wid/2))
-    caput('29idVORTEX:mca1.R1HI',round(cen+wid/2))
-def vortex_Ecal(energy):
-    cen = 12.8 + 0.72*energy
-    wid = 120
-    return cen, wid
+def mca_energy(energy):
+    '''
+    Sets the energy window for the vortex
+    '''
+    #energy window calc
+    center = 12.8 + 0.72*energy
+    width = 120
+    #set hi and low
+    caput(vortex_pv+'mca1.R0LO',round(center-width/2))
+    caput(vortex_pv+'mca1.R0HI',round(center-width/2))
+    #pv to store energy set point
+    caput(calc_pv,energy)
-def mcacounttime(t):
-    '''Sets acquisition time for vortex and SRS to t(s)'''
-    caput('29idVORTEX:mca1.PRTM',t)
-    caput('29idMZ0:scaler1.TP',t)
+def mca_scaler(time_sec):
+    '''
+    Sets acquisition time for vortex and SRS to time_sec
+    '''
+    caput(vortex_pv+'mca1.PRTM',time_sec)
+    caput(scaler_pv,time_sec)
-def runmca(t):
-    caput('29idVORTEX:mca1.PRTM',t)
+def mca_run(time_sec):
+    caput(vortex_pv+'mca1.PRTM',time_sec)
-    caputw('29idVORTEX:mca1EraseStart',1)
+    caput(vortex_pv'mca1EraseStart',1,wait=True,timeout = 100000)
-def mcaoff():
+def mca_off():
     '''Power vortex OFF'''
-    caput('29idd:Unidig1Bo1',1)
+    caput(vortex_power_pv,1)
     print('Vortex power OFF')
-def mcaon():
+def mca_on():
     '''Power vortex ON'''
-    caput('29idd:Unidig1Bo1',0)
+    caput(vortex_power_pv,0)
     print('Vortex power ON')
+def _mca_file_setup():
+    mda_saveData=saveData_get_all(iex.BL.mda.ioc)
+    caput(vortex_pv+'saveData_fileSystem',mda_saveData[fileSystem])
+    caput(vortex_pv+'saveData_subDir', '/'+ mda_saveData['subDir']+'/S'+str(mda_saveData['scanNumber']))
+    caput(vortex_pv+'saveData_scanNumber',1)
-def mcascan(add_vortex=True,save_image=False):  
+def _vortex_detector_dictionary(add_mca):
+    d = {
+        16:vortex_pv+":mca1.R0",
+        17:vortex_pv+":mca1.R1",
+        49:transform_pv+".D",
+        50:transform_pv+".E",
+    }
+    if add_mca == False:
+        for key in d.keys():
+            d[key]=''
+    return d
+def _vortex_trigger_dictionary(save_image,trig_num=2):
+    if save_image:
+        d = {trig_num:vortex_pv+'scanH.EXSC'}
+    else:
+        d = {trig_num:vortex_pv+'mca1EraseStart'}
+    return d
+def scanmca(add_mca=True,save_image=False,**kwargs):  
     add_vortex=True (default): set up scan to save vortex as a detector 
     add_vortex=False: remove the vortex from the scan detector
     save_image=True: save the individual mca files
+    **kwargs:
+        trig_num
-    def scan_num():
-        scan = caget('29idKappa:saveData_message')
-        loc = scan.find('.')
-        if (loc==-1):
-            scannum=0
-        else:
-            scannum =int(scan[loc-4:loc])
-        return scannum
-    def mcafileinit():
-       # mainpath = '/net/s4data/export/sector4/4idc/mda'
-        scanrecpath = caget('29idKappa:saveData_subDir')
-        scan = scan_num()+1
-        caput('29idVORTEX:saveData_subDir', '/'+ scanrecpath+'/S'+str(scan))
-        caput('29idVORTEX:saveData_scanNumber',1)
-    if add_vortex:
+    if trig_num in kwargs:
+        trig_num = kwargs['trig_num']
+    else:
+        trig_num = 2
+    if add_mca:
+        #add trigger and detectors
+        iex.BL.mda.triggers_set(_vortex_trigger_dictionary(save_image,trig_num))
+        iex.BL.mda.detectors_set(_vortex_detector_dictionary(add_mca))
+        sleep(1)
         if save_image:
-            mcafileinit()
+            _mca_file_setup()
-            caput('29idKappa:scan1.T2PV','29idVORTEX:scanH.EXSC')
-            caput('29idKappa:scan1.D16PV','29idVORTEX:mca1.R0')
-            caput('29idKappa:scan1.D17PV','29idVORTEX:mca1.R1')
-            caput('29idKappa:scan1.D49PV','29idd:userTran1.D')
-            caput('29idKappa:scan1.D50PV','29idd:userTran1.E')
-            sleep(1)
-        else:
-            caput('29idKappa:scan1.T2PV','29idVORTEX:mca1EraseStart')
-            caput('29idKappa:scan1.D16PV','29idVORTEX:mca1.R0')
-            caput('29idKappa:scan1.D17PV','29idVORTEX:mca1.R1')
-            caput('29idKappa:scan1.D49PV','29idd:userTran1.D')
-            caput('29idKappa:scan1.D50PV','29idd:userTran1.E')
-            sleep(1)
-        caput('29idKappa:scan1.T2PV','')
-        caput('29idKappa:scan1.D16PV','')
-        caput('29idKappa:scan1.D17PV','')
-        caput('29idKappa:scan1.D49PV','')
-        caput('29idKappa:scan1.D50PV','')
+        #remove vortex trigger and detectors
+        iex.BL.mda.triggers_clear()
+        iex.BL.mda.detectors_set(_vortex_detector_dictionary(add_mca))
-def chkmcasave():
-    if (caget('29idKappa:scan1.T2PV')=='29idVORTEX:scanH.EXSC'):
+def mca_check_save(**kwargs):
+    """
+    checks if vortex is being triggered
+    **kwargs:
+        scan_dim => 1 default
+        trig_num => 2 default
+    """
+    kwargs.setdefault('scan_dim',1)
+    kwargs.setdefault('trig_num',2)
+    d=iex.BL.mda.triggers_get(kwargs['scan_dim'])
+    if d[kwargs['trig_num']] == vortex_pv+'scanH.EXSC':
         print('Saving mca files')
-        mcafileinit()
+        _mca_file_setup()
-# def savemca():
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.T2PV','29idVORTEX:scanH.EXSC')
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.D16PV','29idVORTEX:mca1.R0')
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.D17PV','29idVORTEX:mca1.R1')
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.D49PV','29idd:userTran1.D')
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.D50PV','29idd:userTran1.E')
-#     sleep(1)
-# def nosavemca():
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.T2PV','29idVORTEX:mca1EraseStart')
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.D16PV','29idVORTEX:mca1.R0')
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.D17PV','29idVORTEX:mca1.R1')
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.D49PV','29idd:userTran1.D')
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.D50PV','29idd:userTran1.E')
-#     sleep(1)
-# def nomca():
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.T2PV','')
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.D16PV','')
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.D17PV','')
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.D49PV','')
-#     caput('29idKappa:scan1.D50PV','')
-#     sleep(1)
-# def scan_num():
-#     scan = caget('29idKappa:saveData_message')
-#     loc = scan.find('.')
-#     if (loc==-1):
-#         scannum=0
-#     else:
-#         scannum =int(scan[loc-4:loc])
-#     return scannum
-# def mcafileinit():
-#    # mainpath = '/net/s4data/export/sector4/4idc/mda'
-#     scanrecpath = caget('29idKappa:saveData_subDir')
-#     scan = scan_num()+1
-#     caput('29idVORTEX:saveData_subDir', '/'+ scanrecpath+'/S'+str(scan))
-#     caput('29idVORTEX:saveData_scanNumber',1)
-# def chkmcasave():
-#     if (caget('29idKappa:scan1.T2PV')=='29idVORTEX:scanH.EXSC'):
-#         print('Saving mca files')
-#         mcafileinit()