diff --git a/quality_assurance/DMStationUITestGuide.md b/quality_assurance/DMStationUITestGuide.md
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+# Data Management Station UI Test Guide
+## Running the Test Suite
+To run the gui:
+source etc/dm.setup.sh
+To run the test cases:
+source etc/dm.setup.sh
+cd data-management/src/python/dm/aps_beamline_tools/gui
+python dmStationUiTest.py
+## Coverage
+## Test Scenarios
+### Experiment tab
+- [ ] clicking `add experiment` button switches to `experiment settings` tab
+- [ ] clicking `use selected` button switches to `experiment settings` tab with experiment info filled in
+- [ ] cliciking `delete experiment` button removes experiment 
+- [ ] Delete experiment had a pop up which says number of associated files. Need to make sure that number is correct
+- [ ] Make sure the files are actually removed on clicking `yes` button
+- [ ] Make sure experiment is removed on ‘yes’
+- [ ] Make sure files aren’t remove on ‘no’
+- [ ] Make sure experiment isn’t removed on ‘no’
+- [ ] clicking `refresh` button, actually refreshes
+- [ ] `use selected` and `delete experiment` buttons disabled when no experiment selected
+- [ ] clicking experiment changes row color to blue
+- [ ] double clicking experiment opens `experiment settings` tab
+### Experiment Settings tab
+- [ ] clicking `back` button return to `experiment list` tab
+- [ ] clicking `file collection stats` button error pop up if not saved
+- [ ] clicking `file collection stats`opens `file collection stats` modal
+- [ ] clicking `view files` opens `files list` tab
+- [ ] can enter name, description, storage root path, additional params
+- [ ] able to set date by typing or clicking calendar
+- [ ] clicking calendar button opens calendar
+- [ ] clicking date on calendar closes calendar
+- [ ] `type` is populated with experiment types and able to select from drop down
+- [ ] default experiment type is correct
+- [ ] clicking `save` button will save experiment
+- [ ] clicking `save` button with no name opens error pop up
+- [ ] clicking `save` button opens save experiment modal 
+- [ ] clicking `save` button with no changes opens error pop up
+- [ ] clicking `save` button opens error pop up for name or path changes if daq or upload in progress 
+- [ ] clicking `modify users` button opens `modify users` tab
+- [ ] clicking `browse` button opens file system view
+- [ ] typing in experiment file path shows drop down for `experiment file path` 
+- [ ] `start daq`, `start upload`, and wrench buttons are disabled if data directory is empty
+- [ ] clicking `start daq` button creates, runs new daq with values set in daq system params modal and additional params and switch to `daqs list` tab
+- [ ] clicking `start upload` button creates, runs new upload with values set in upload params modal and additional params and switch to `uploads list` tab
+- [ ] daq wrench opens daq parameter pop up
+- [ ] upload wrench opens upload params
+### DAQs tab
+- [ ] clicking a row changes color to blue
+- [ ] row is green for daq with status 'done', yellow for 'running', red for failed?
+- [ ] double clicking row opens upload details tab
+- [ ] clicking `start new` button opens the `experiments list` tab 
+- [ ] clicking `show details` button opens the `daq details` tab
+- [ ] clciking `clear selected` button removes selected daq from list. Is it deleted?
+- [ ] `Stop selected`, `clear selected`, `show details` buttons disabled if nothing selected
+- [ ] `Stop selected` button is disabled if selected daq is not running
+- [ ] `Clear selected` button is disabled if selected daq is running
+- [ ] clicking `refresh` button actually refreshes
+- [ ] Uploads go to uploads tab, daqs go to daq tab and not the other way 
+### Uploads tab
+- [ ] clicking a row changes color to blue
+- [ ] row is green for uploads with status 'done', other colors other status?
+- [ ] double clicking row opens upload details tab
+- [ ] clicking `start new` button opens the `experiments list` tab 
+- [ ] clicking `show details` button opens the `upload details` tab
+- [ ] clicking `clear selected` button removes selected upload from list. Is it deleted?
+- [ ] `Stop selected`, `clear selected`, `show details` buttons disabled if nothing selected
+- [ ] `Stop selected` button disabled if selected upload not running
+- [ ] `Clear selected` button disabled if selected upload running
+- [ ] clicking the `refresh` button actually refreshes
+### Upload Details tab
+- [ ] Check the size is good
+- [ ] clicking row changes color to blue
+- [ ] clicking `back` button opens `upload list` tab
+### DAQ Details tab
+- [ ] Check the size is good
+- [ ] clicking row changes color to blue
+- [ ] clicking `back` button opens `DAQ list` tab
+### Workflows tab
+- [ ] shows all the existing workflows
+- [ ] double clicking on a workflow opens `workflow details` tab
+- [ ] single clicking a workflow changes the row color to blue
+- [ ] clicking on `inspect` button opens `workflow details` tab
+- [ ] clicking `add workflow` button adds a new workflow
+- [ ] clicking `delete workflow` button deletes the workflow and removes it from list
+### Workflow Details tab
+- [ ] shows all the steps
+- [ ] clicking a step changes the row color to blue
+- [ ] `modify step` button is disabled if no step selected
+- [ ] clicking `add step` button opens `add step` modal
+- [ ] clicking `modify step` button opens `modify step` modal
+- [ ] clicking `back` button returns to `workflows list` tab
+### Processing Jobs tab
+- [ ] shows list of processing jobs
+- [ ] row color is green for done, red for failed, ? for in progess
+- [ ] `show details` button is disabled if no job selected
+- [ ] clicking `refresh` button updates list when there is a change
+- [ ] clicking `show details` button opens `processing job details` tab populated with correct data for that job
+- [ ] double clicking on a row opens `processing job details` tab with correct data for that job
+- [ ] single clicking on a row changes row to blue, cell to dark blue
+### Processing Job Details tab
+- [ ] table shows details for selected processing job
+- [ ] clicking `refresh` button updates table (create a job which takes some time to run and wait for it to finish)
+- [ ] clicking `back` button opens `processing jobs list` tab 
+### Settings tab
+- [ ] shows default refresh intervals all set to 60
+- [ ] able to edit all 4 refresh intervals 
+- [ ] clicking `save` button changes the interval
+- [ ] interval of 0 means no refresh
+- [ ] hovering over input box opens tooltip
+- [ ] moving mouse away closes tooltip
+- [ ] inputs outside of range 0-1000 cannot be entered, and only numbers
+- [ ] saving an empty input resets its value to 60
+### File List tab
+- [ ] list shows all files
+- [ ] clicking `back` button opens `experiment settings` tab
+- [ ] able to add search terms for name, size, date, path
+- [ ] clicking `search` button filters list to match search terms
+- [ ] clicking `search` button with empty inputs shows entire list
+- [ ] clicking file changes row color to blue
+- [ ] double clicking file opens `file details` tab
+- [ ] `show details` button disabled when no file selected
+- [ ] clicking `show details` button opens `file details` tab
+- [ ] clicking `update compression` button changes buttons at bottom of tab to `update all`, `compress all`, `decompress all`, and adds check boxes in compression column
+- [ ] able to click/unclick compression checkboxes
+- [ ] clicking `update all` button compresses or decompresses files based on checkbox value
+- [ ] clicking `compress all` button compresses all files
+- [ ] clicking `decompress all` button decompresses all files
+- [ ] compression changes only apply to files shown after being filetered by search
+- [ ] compressing/decompressing a file which is already compressed/decompressed is a noop
+- [ ] hovering over compression buttons opens tooltip
+- [ ] moving mouse off button closes tooltip
+- [ ] clicking `back button` removes compression buttons/checkboxes returning to regular `file list` tab
+- [ ] clicking `show details` button opens `file details` tab for selected file
+- [ ] `go to` button ?? doing it wrong opens bin not found error pop up
+### File Details tab
+- [ ] shows details for selected file
+- [ ] clicking `back` button opens `file list` tab
+### Modify Users tab
+- [ ] clicking `back` button opens `experiment settings` tab
+- [ ] clicking a user changes row color to blue
+- [ ] clicking `<->` button moves selected users to the other list (swap if one selected in both lists)
+- [ ] double clicking a user moves them to the other list
+- [ ] input fields filter user list
+- [ ] (clarify esafs behaviour)
+- [ ] clicking `reset` button undoes any changes made since last save
+- [ ] clicking `save` button opens `experiment settings` tab with updated users list
+### System Parameters for DAQ modal
+- [ ] `process hidden files` has true/false options, false default
+- [ ] `process existing` has true/false options, false default
+- [ ] hovering over each input field opens a tooltip
+- [ ] moving mouse away from input field closes tooltip
+- [ ] `max runtime` in hours can be set with arrows or typing, numeric only
+- [ ] `max runtime` has max value of 10000
+- [ ] clicking `browse` button opens file system view and sets destination directory
+- [ ] clicking `done` button closes the modal with daq params saved 
+### System Parameters for Upload modal 
+- [ ] `process hidden files` has true/false options
+- [ ] `reprocess files` has true/false options, false default
+- [ ] processing modes are 'file' or 'directory'
+- [ ] hovering over each input field opens a tooltip
+- [ ] moving mouse away from input field closes tooltip
+- [ ] clicking `done` button closes the modal with upload params saved 
+### File Collection Stats modal
+- [ ] shows file stats from database
+- [ ] clicking `done` button closes the modal
+### Modify Workflow Step modal
+- [ ] shows selected step in input field which can be edited
+- [ ] (clarify regex buttons behaviour)
+- [ ] clicking `save` button saves the modifed workflow step and closes the modal. Changes seen in `workflow steps` list
+- [ ] clicking the `cancel` button does not save the modifed workflow step and closes the modal
+### Add workflow Step modal
+- [ ] (clarify regex buttons behaviour)
+- [ ] clicking `save` button saves the new workflow step and closes the modal. new step shown in `workflow steps` list
+- [ ] clicking the `cancel` button does not save the new workflow step and closes the modal
+### Save Experiment Settings modal 
+- [ ] displays "are you sure you want to make change" for existing experiment
+- [ ] clicking `yes` button saves experiment changes and closes modal
+- [ ] clicking `no` button does not save experiment change and closes modal
+### DM Unexpected Error modal
+- [ ] clicking `show details` button shows the error message
+- [ ] clicking `quit` button exits the gui
+- [ ] clicking `notify admin` button sends error report to dm-admin email (probably only test manually)
+## Issues
+- start daq warning pop up gives a whole list of potential problems but it could instead tell you which depending on the error/check that failed
+- If the “details tab” is open then you switch to a tab then go back the details tab is still open. So if you say start daq when you had an experiment open it takes you to that experiment. What if you wanted a different one? Should take you to experiment list
+- file collection stats button shows error pop up if not saved, view files is hidden if not saved (inconsistent)
+- Add workflow button isn't doing anything
+- Delete workflow button isn't doing anything
+- File details tab shows the search bar from file list tab at the top, modifies file list tab in the background (should remove)
+- Update compression of files clears search filtering
+- no limit on search size inputs (not important)
+- clicking go to button in file list tab crashes program if input field is empty or non numeric
+- it was unclear to me that the input fields in the users list was in order to search for a user. I thought it was for creating a new user. Could be more clear by adding a picture of a magnifying glass or a label that says search. It seems odd to me too that it is row 1 inside of the table instaed of above/below the table. Also since there is a cli command for creating a new user, it could be a part of the gui as well
+- in user management, show esafs button changes to show proposals button and vice versa, and every time you click the drop down gets filled with more and more "beamline name and esaf sector not set"
+- can there be an option to set the beamline/esaf sector from the gui? 
+- saving a new or modified workflow step crashes the gui (workflow is not json serializable)
+- add regex output button appears to do nothing
+## Questions
+- Where do the experiment types get populated from? When are there more options than the station name?
+- Experiment file path for single file upload only has option to use path as directory. When would there be more options? Why does this appear when typing? What if it's showing as blank?
+- Where do files go if storage root path is blank?
+- What is add workflow button supposed to do? Open a modal or a different tab? Which class?
+- Are table features programmed by us or built into pyqt table class? (column sort, bold row/col names when selected)
+- Should double clicking a workflow step open the modify step modal?
+- what does the go to button on the file list tab do? something about bin numbers but no number I put in does anything but cause an error
+- for user management tab, what does the --- drop down do?
+- beamline/esaf sector not set dropdown..how does it get set?
+- if you exit out of system params for daq/upload instead of clicking done, should it not save the changes? (right now it does) 
+- should we disable editing a workflow if there is a processing job currently running for that workflow?
+- when is edit regex output button not disabled for update workflow step?
\ No newline at end of file