diff --git a/RELEASE_NOTES.txt b/RELEASE_NOTES.txt
index 0f662287e89936ff3242c5602b7ee5d2557691ba..6b66ce817e05de0fa2a98883d7bf16c6c94cd7ca 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
-Release 1.6 (10/XX/2017)
+Release 1.6 (10/07/2017)
+- Added integration with APS ESAF DB via new APIs and CLIs
+  - New commands:
+    * list-esafs: list sector ESAFs by year
+    * get-esafs: retrieve ESAF by id
+  - Modified commands (new ESAF id option for setting experiment users)
+    * ${DM_STATION_NAME}-daq 
+    * ${DM_STATION_NAME}-upload
+- Enhanced DAQ processing framework with introduction of meta
+  classes for plugins and supporting utilities; this enables using
+  different processing chain depending on data location, or other 
+  distinguishing criteria
 - DM Station GUI fixes/enhancements:
   - Added timer for automatic refresh of DAQ/upload status screens
   - Split configuration options for DAQs/uploads