# Kappa Alignment
## Coming out of shutdown:
1) home motors using procedure in [elog](https://logbook.xray.aps.anl.gov/29id/RSXS+Endstation/44)
2) check tth minimum/maximum allowed position in extended panel (PI software): after homing tth PI/dial position will be set to either of those, which will prevent it to move it in that direction
3) sync EPICS values:
4) locate direct beam on d4, set to zero:
* user
* dial (will set PI value as well)
* offset (should be "frozen")
5) check d3 position using a fine scan on either side and erf fit to locate center precisely
6) if d3 vs d4 offset is off: update offset value in DB:
gedit /net/s29dserv/xorApps/epics/synApps_5_8/ioc/29idKappa/29idKappaApp/Db/tthOffsetSelector.db
7) reboot 29idKappa (run on Junebug) and sync PI motor again.
8) check mesh and slits:
## Energy calibration:
Good to check after a shutdown:
1) use C branch to check mirrors alignment (M0,M1,M2,GRT) and energy drift accross beamline energy range.
2) Use STO/Si/LAO sample to measure XAS and change M3R roll (coarse) and/or slit (fine) center to refine energy calibration:
* Ti: second peak (L3-eg) should be between 460 and 461
* Sr: 1940 eV
* Si: 1839 eV
3) use slit center before roll if possible: 500um gives ~ 3eV shift at Sr edge, 0.5 at Ti)
## Align M3R pitch to center of rotation:
1) start from the last known value for M3R pitch ie desired pixel value (typically betwen 110-115)
2) align direct beam on d4 and reset tth0:
Note: - th can be 0 or 180 (no need to care about omega here)<br>
    - at that point z0 is a rough estimate<br>
    - **use d3 only to measure z** (d4 is too narrow)
3) align z at th=0:
4) find omega0 at th/2th=15,30:
5) iterate until it converges, keeping an eye on the mirror pixel position (1pxl ~ 50um in z)
6) go to th=180 and repeat steps 3 to 5 to find z180 and omega180
7) find mirror position to reach target z value $z_{opt}=0.5*(z0+z180)$ by changing the desired pixel position then run a z scan, and iterate:
note: you can do this a th=0 or th=180 (align_z0 or align_z180), depending on where you are.
8) **realign tth0** for new mirror position (step 2)
9) refine (omega180, z180) and (omega0, z0) for new tth0, keeping a close eye on the mirror to make sure it stays at the optimal position
## Determine kth_offset:
If th_0 and th_180 is the motor position at specular near th=15 and th=165, respectivaley (eg th0=13.671 and th180=163.65):
th_offset = 0.5*(th180 + th0 - 180)
With th motor at 0, the actual value is Offset: mvth(Offset), then reset kth dial to 57.045
## Align M4R pitch to center of rotation:
1) move to th=90, chi=0, phi=90
2) find z:
3) adjust M4R pitch (v) to match z0=z180:
# IMPORTANT: backup/restore => s29hxp1 BUT gui = hxp2 (for scattering)
# From Nerdy:
[nerdy~] su 29id
[nerdy~] 29idHXP status
[nerdy~] 29idHXP start
[nerdy~] hxpPositionRestore
# => gives basic instructions
[nerdy~] cd /net/s29dserv/xorApps/epics/synApps_5_7/ioc/29idHXP/iocBoot/ioc29idHXP/hxp_backups
[nerdy~] ls -lt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 29id s29admin 655 Nov 11 17:34 s29hxp1_20201111-173407.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 29id s29admin 666 Sep 25 13:15 s29hxp3_20200925-131531.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 29id s29admin 658 Dec 12 2019 s29hxp1_20191212-201925.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 29iduser s29admin 659 Nov 15 2019 s29hxp1_20191115-181411.xml
[nerdy~] hxpPositionRestore <last s29hxp1 backup name>
# Move hexapod: v = Pitch , u = Roll , z = lateral
[nerdy~] hxpPositionBackup s29hxp1
4) WARNING: check if moving M4R did not change the in/out alignmnent (M3R optimal pixel)
## Determined kap offset:
1) compare kap scans at (th,chi,phi) = (90,0,90) and (270,0,-90):
2) watch out for the braid when going from th=90, phi=90 to th=270, phi=-90!
3) set the value of intersection (here 0.18) to 0:
## Determined kphi/phi 0:
<p>With the scope looking through the CF10, with th=55, align sample receiver edge to cross hair</p>
<p>Using 2 bragg peaks:
<li><i>eg.</i> (110) out of plane & (111) in plan </p>
<li>scanphi while staying on a peak with an in plan component, here (111):</li>
<li>[phi = 0] ⇄ [(111) <font size="+1">∈<font size="-1"> scattering plan]</li>
<img src="figures/scanphi.jpg" width="300" alt="">
<img src="figures/EwaldSphere.jpg" alt="">