diff --git a/getting_started/gettingDataFromGlobus.md b/getting_started/gettingDataFromGlobus.md
index 2443c3aab1d7a50222935b2dcaaac4f53621f91c..99f247a266476f50cd25706c49b24cf2ae63a0be 100644
--- a/getting_started/gettingDataFromGlobus.md
+++ b/getting_started/gettingDataFromGlobus.md
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ This guide is intended to describe the process of connecting to [Globus](https:/
 ## Logging in
-The user external user will need an account that allows logging into the Globus site. Some 
-institutions which regularly use Globus have arranged for users to log into Globus 
-using credentials from the institutions login system.  Argonne, for instance is one 
+The external user will need an account that allows logging into the Globus site. Some 
+institutions, which regularly use Globus, have arranged for users to log into Globus 
+using credentials from the institution's login system.  Argonne, for instance is one 
 of those sites.  When a user selects to login to Globus the first page will prompt 
 the user to select from a list of organizations.  An example of this is shown below.
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ On selection of the organization you will see a login page such as the one from
 ## Connecting
-Once logged in, you will land on a File Manager page.  In the collection box on this page enter aps#data for the collection.  The first time that this is set up and then periodically after you will be asked to authentate for access to this collection (see image below).  For this you will need the APS Data Management account which is linked to the APS Web Account that is used for the APS Proposal & ESAF system.  These are two separate accounts that share a password.  The username for the Web Account is the users badge number while the DM username is the badge number prefixed by the letter 'd' (e.g. d123456).  The password for the DM account is sync'd with the Web account automatically but changes may lag up to 15 minutes due to the sync process.
+Once logged in, you will land on a File Manager page.  In the collection box on this page enter aps#data for the collection.  The first time that this is set up and then periodically after you will be asked to authenticate for access to this collection (see image below).  For this you will need the APS Data Management account which is linked to the APS Web Account. The APS Web Account is used for the APS Proposal & ESAF system. While the Data Management account and APS Web Account are different accounts, the passwords for these are synchronized by the DM system (passwords are periodically copied from APS Web to DM system).  The user name for the Web Account is the users badge number while the DM user name is the badge number prefixed by the letter 'd' (e.g. d123456).
-clicking continue on the page above will lead to a MyProxy login page where you will enter the DM account username and password.  Once again, the username is the badge prefixed with d (d123456) and the password is the same as for the proposal/ESAF system.
+Clicking __Continue__ on the page above will lead to a MyProxy login page where you will enter the DM account user name and password.  Once again, the user name is the badge prefixed with d (d123456) and the password is the same as for the proposal/ESAF system.  If you are experiencing problems logging in it is possible that the password is expired/incorrect.  Management of the password is through the APS Web portal.  See the section below on verifying accounts.  Also note that if the password in the APS Web portal has recently changed it may take about 15 minutes for this to be sync'd.  If you can log into the APS Web Poratal (username = 'badge #') and cannot log into the DM system (username = 'd' + 'badge #') after considering the information above then contact your beamline contact or DM administrators ('dm-admin@aps.anl.gov').
-Once logged in the user will land on a page with a number of directories.  Files from the Data Management System will be under the 'dm' directory.  At that the directories are broken down by station & then as defined on each beamline.  A user will be able to move down the directories to find their data but users will only have access to data directories associated with experiments that they are listed as an experimenter.  If you try to enter other directories you will get a message that you are not authorized for that directory.  
+Once logged in, the user will land on a page with a number of directories.  Files from the Data Management System will be found under the 'dm' directory.  At that level, the directories are broken down by station and then as defined by conventions on each beamline.  A user will be able to move down the directories to find their data but users will only have access to data directories associated with experiments that they are listed as an experimenter.  If you try to enter other directories, you will get a message that you are not authorized for that directory.  