diff --git a/sbin/dm_backup.sh b/sbin/dm_backup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b73ffc6f3fd41c0ada37df649f8e1d5fcfc42a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sbin/dm_backup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Script used for backing up DM database + web app
+# Deployment configuration can be set in etc/$DM_DM_DB_NAME.deploy.conf file
+# Usage:
+MY_DIR=`dirname $0` && cd $MY_DIR && MY_DIR=`pwd`
+if [ -z "${DM_ROOT_DIR}" ]; then
+if [ ! -f ${DM_ENV_FILE} ]; then
+    echo "Environment file ${DM_ENV_FILE} does not exist." 
+    exit 2
+. ${DM_ENV_FILE} > /dev/null 
+# Use first argument as db name, if provided
+if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then
+    DM_DB_NAME=$1
+echo "Backing up $DM_DB_NAME"
+# Look for deployment file in etc directory, and use it to override
+# default entries
+if [ -f $deployConfigFile ]; then
+    echo "Using deployment config file: $deployConfigFile"
+    . $deployConfigFile
+    echo "Deployment config file $deployConfigFile not found, using defaults"
+# Determine run directory
+if [ -z "${DM_INSTALL_DIR}" ]; then
+# Second argument overrides directory with db population scripts
+#timestamp=`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`
+timestamp=`date +%Y%m%d`
+if [ -z $DM_BACKUP_DIR ]; then
+    DM_BACKUP_DIR=$DM_INSTALL_DIR/backup/$DM_DB_NAME/$timestamp
+# Read password
+sttyOrig=`stty -g`
+stty -echo
+read -p "Enter $DM_DB_NAME user password: " DM_DB_USER_PASSWORD
+stty $sttyOrig
+pgDumpCmd="PGPASSFILE=$DM_DB_USER_PASSWORD_FILE pg_dump -C -c -w --column-inserts -p $DM_DB_PORT -h $DM_DB_HOST -U $DM_DB_USER -d $DM_DB_NAME"
+cleanup() {
+execute() {
+    eval "$@"
+echo "Using DB backup directory: $DM_BACKUP_DIR"
+mkdir -p $DM_BACKUP_DIR
+eval $pgDumpCmd > $fullBackupFilePath || ( cleanup && exit 1 )
+nTables=`grep -n "Data for Name" $fullBackupFilePath | grep TABLE | wc -l`
+echo "Processing $nTables tables"
+while [ $tableCnt -lt $nTables ]; do
+    tableCnt=`expr $tableCnt + 1`
+    headLine=$tableCnt
+    tailLine=2
+    echo "Working on table #: $tableCnt" 
+    grep -n "TABLE DATA" $fullBackupFilePath | head -$headLine | tail -$tailLine > $processingFile
+    dbTable=`cat $processingFile | head -1 | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's?;??g'`
+    echo "Creating sql script for $dbTable"
+    targetFile=$DM_BACKUP_DIR/populate_$dbTable.sql
+    pgDumpCmd="PGPASSFILE=$DM_DB_USER_PASSWORD_FILE pg_dump -C -a -t $dbTable -w --column-inserts -p $DM_DB_PORT -h $DM_DB_HOST -U $DM_DB_USER -d $DM_DB_NAME"
+   eval $pgDumpCmd > $targetFile || ( cleanup && exit 1 )
+rm -f $processingFile
+# Backup web app
+echo "Backing up $DM_DB_NAME web app"
+rsync -arlvP $DM_SUPPORT_DIR/glassfish/linux-x86_64/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy/$DM_DB_NAME.war $DM_BACKUP_DIR
+echo "Backup of $DM_DB_NAME is done."