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+# Getting Started
+## Introduction
+The APS Data Management System is a system for gathering together experimental data,
+metadata about the experiment and providing users access to the data based on a users
+role.  This guide is intended to provide beamline users an introduction to the basic
+use of the Data Management System at the beamline.  This process will involve creating an 
+experiment, associating users with this experiment and then adding data, in the form of
+files, to the experiment.
+### Setting up the Environment
+On beamline Linux computers, users can set up the environment for using the Data 
+Management System by executing a setup script which is created as the Data Management
+software is installed.  This script is executed as
+> /home/DM\_INSTALL\_DIR/etc/dm.setup.sh
+where DM\_INSTALL\_DIR is the deployment directory for this beamline.  This script 
+will set up a number of environment variables which define items such
+as URLs for the various data services, the station name in the DM, the location
+of a file which defines the login to be used when running commands and adding 
+the path to DM system commands to the PATH.   
+##DM System Commands
+After execution of the setup script, the PATH will include the path to commands 
+for interacting with the DM System.  A list of these commands, at the time of 
+this writing is shown below.
+![DM commands](images/dm-system-commands.png)
+These commands follow some conventions, like adding a --help for conveniece.  When 
+the environment variable DM\_LOGIN\_FILE is defined and points to a file that 
+contains a username/pasword pair (in the form 'username|password') this information
+is used for authentication when executing the commands.  In practice the account 
+defined here should have the role of station manager for the beamline.
+### DM Command usage examples
+#### Getting some data into the system
+As stated early, the experiment is the central object for creating entries in
+the Data Management System.  For conveniece there are two commands which can 
+provide examples of creating experiments, assigning users & other attributes and 
+loading data into the system.  These commands are 
+> dm-STATION\_NAME-upload
+> dm-STATION\_NAME-daq
+Where STATION\_NAME is the station name, in lower case with '-' removed.  The two
+commands here are differentiated by the two methods for moving data into the 
+system _upload_ and _daq_.  moving files using _upload_ will move all files present
+in a directory at the time the command is used while _daq_ moves will monitor
+files while active and move new files as well.  Both of these commands require 
+two parameters --experiment and --data-directory.  With only these required parameters,
+these commands will create an experiment named by --experiment and will move files
+from --data-directory.  Other parameters here will allow for specifying items such
+as a list of users, specifying the destination directory (relative to the storage 
+directory), process a workflow using the data, etc.
+Without the optional parameters, use of these commands would look like 
+> dm\-STATION_NAME\-upload --experiment=exp1 --data-directory=/home/bluser/data/2010-03
+This command will create an experiment with no users and move files from 
+/home/bluser/data/2010-03 to STORAGE\_DIR/STATION\_NAME/EXP\_NAME on the data storage 
+server where 
+ - STORAGE\_DIR is the base storage location on the storage sever 
+ - STATION\_NAME is the station name defined on the experiment server
+ - EXP\_NAME is the experiment name defined by --experiment, _exp1_ in this case
+Adding other parameters to this command can add more information to the experiment 
+such as --users to add a list of users to the system.  Other parameters such as 
+--dest-directory and --root-path allow customization of the path to the file on 
+the data storage server.  Some beamlines for instance have relied on particular 
+directory structure for legacy analysis code.  
+Sector 8-ID-I for instance has a file structure ROOT\_DIR/RUN/usernameYYYYMM with
+ - ROOT\_DIR base level for experiment data. In DM this is STORAGE\_ROOT/STATION\_NAME
+ - RUN is the APS Run cycle such as 2019-1 (year and cycle 1, 2 or 3)
+ - username is some form to identify the experimenter
+ - YYYY is the four digit year.
+ - MM is a 2 digit month, i.e. 02 for February
+an example of this would be STORAGE\_ROOT/8idi/2017-2/dufresne201707.  Here we 
+would use a command like
+> dm-8idi-upload --experiment=dufresne201707 
+>     --data-directory=/net/s8iddata/export/8-id-i/2017-2/dufresne201707
+>     --dest-directory=2017-2
+Sectors 33 & 34 use a file structure under  ROOT\_DIR/username/YYYYMMDD/EXP_NAME/.
+ - ROOT\_DIR base level for experiment data.  In DM storage server this is 
+ - YYYY four digit year
+ - MM 2 digit month
+ - DD 2 digit day
+ an example of this is ROOT\_DIR/jenia/20140820/FeCrbilayers.  Here we would
+ use a command like
+> dm-33bm-upload --experiment=FeCrbilayers 
+>    --data-directory=/net/s33data/export/33bm/data/jenia/20140820/FeCrbilayers
+>    --dest-directory=jenia/20140820
+#### Creating experiments based on the ESAF/Proposal
+For convenience, at APS, it is possible to make use of the Proposal and ESAF systems
+to create experiments based off the existing entries in these systems to populate 
+the list of users in the system.  the --proposal-id and --esaf-id options on commands
+like dm-STATION\_NAME-upload and dm-create-experiment will add a list of users which 
+are defined in the esaf or proposal to the created experiment.
+####Displaying information in the system
+Other DM commands show useful information, and can adjust what and how the 
+information is displayed.  `dm-list-experiments` lists the experiments showing 
+info on the experiemnt name, experiment type, station, and start date.  adding the 
+option --display-keys can allow the user to display more or less information.
+--display-keys=name will display only the experiment name, and --display-keys=ALL
+will display all keys associated with the experiment (one experiment line is show
+as example).  
+startDate=2019-12-09 18:35:26.738217-06:00 name=yuyin201912 description=Study of dynamics and aging in solvent segregation driven colloidal gel in a binary solvent (Proposal id: 64326) rootPath=2019-3 experimentStationId=5 id=3579 experimentTypeId=9 experimentStation={u'description': u'Sector 8 ID I', u'id': 5, u'name': u'8IDI'} experimentType={u'id': 9, u'name': u'XPCS8', u'description': u'XPCS Group (Sector 8)'} 
+Adding the --display-format will change how the data is displayed.  By default 
+the output is a simple dictionary, --display-format=html will give HTML output.
+      <tr> <td>2019-12-09 18:35:26.738217-06:00</td> <td>yuyin201912</td> <td>Study of dynamics and aging in solvent segregation driven colloidal gel in a binary solvent (Proposal id: 64326)</td> <td>2019-3</td> <td>5</td> <td>3579</td> <td>9</td> <td>{u'description': u'Sector 8 ID I', u'id': 5, u'name': u'8IDI'}</td> <td>{u'id': 9, u'name': u'XPCS8', u'description': u'XPCS Group (Sector 8)'}</td> </tr>
+Specifying --display-format=pprint will give a nicer (prettier) output,
+breaking nicely on different lines, indenting properly where some items are objects.
+{ u'description': u'Study of dynamics and aging in solvent segregation driven colloidal gel in a binary solvent (Proposal id: 64326)',
+  u'experimentStation': { u'description': u'Sector 8 ID I',
+                          u'id': 5,
+                          u'name': u'8IDI'},
+  u'experimentStationId': 5,
+  u'experimentType': { u'description': u'XPCS Group (Sector 8)',
+                       u'id': 9,
+                       u'name': u'XPCS8'},
+  u'experimentTypeId': 9,
+  u'id': 3579,
+  u'name': u'yuyin201912',
+  u'rootPath': u'2019-3',
+  u'startDate': u'2019-12-09 18:35:26.738217-06:00'}
+#### Creating experiments based on the ESAF/Proposal
+For convenience, at APS, it is possible to make use of the Proposal and ESAF systems
+to create experiments based off the existing entries in these systems to populate 
+the list of users in the system.  the --proposal-id and --esaf-id options on commands
+like dm-STATION\_NAME-upload and dm-create-experiment will add a list of users which 
+are defined in the esaf or proposal to the created experiment.
+### dm-station-gui
+#### Overview
+One of the methods to manage processes in the APS Data Management System is the 
+application `dm-station-gui`.  This application is a PyQt application which gives 
+access to add/modify/control items such as experiments, file transfer to storage
+location ('daq' and 'uploads'), workflows and processing jobs.  An example of 
+this application is shown in the figure below.
+#### Experiments
+`dm-station-gui` opens showing a tab that lists experiments which have been added 
+to the DM System.  At the beamline, these experiments generally will correspond
+to an accepted proposal in the APS Proposal system.  Experiments in the DM 
+System define an entity that ties sets of managed data together.  When an 
+experiment is selected by double clicking or by clicking and then clicking the
+*Use Selected* button, the contents of the Experiment tab changes to give 
+details about that experiment.  Much of this information is pulled from the 
+proposal/ESAF databases.  This is shown in the image below.
+This view of the data enable a couple of key features of the DM System.  The 
+ability to associate files with the Management system, and the ability to set 
+which users have access to the system and therefore which data they can access.
+Selecting users that will have access to experiment data is done by clicking the
+*Modify Users* button below the user list and then selecting users in the right 
+list & pressing the arrow button between the lists to add users or selecting
+users from the left list and clicking the arrow button to delete users from the
+list.  Click the _Save_ button at the bottom to accept the changes and go back 
+to the Experiment detail or click *Back* button in the upper left to exit back 
+to Experiment detail without saving.  This view is shown below.
+#### Getting Files into Data Management
+The overall purpose of this system is to get data into the system and providing 
+access control to that data.  This means linking the data files to the users in
+an experiment.  For each beam station there is storage location defined for that 
+station.  On the `Experiments` tab there are a couple of items relevant to 
+getting the data onto that storage location.  These items are shown in the image
+below.  Files transferred onto the storage location will go into:
+*STORAGE_LOCATION/(storage_root_path)/(experiment_name)*.  Files to go into this 
+directory are specified in the entry "Data Directory or Single File Path".  Note
+that if the data directory is specified, only the files will go into the 
+storage location, not a new subdirectory with the transferred files.  Any 
+subdirectories will be copied as will the contents.
+Once the the storage location and source are defined the transfer can be started
+in one of two ways:
+- A monitor can be placed on the directory and any new files/subdirectories in the directory will be transferred if you select `Start DAQ`
+- A one time copy will happen and all files/subdirectories currently in the directry will be copied if you select `Start Upload`
+When a tranfer is started, the display will switch to either the `DAQs` or 
+`Uploads` tab.  The tab will show the status of all transfers that have been 
+started since the last restart of the system.  Status of a particular transfer is
+shown by color 
+- green: Done success
+- yellow: running
+- red: Done with an errors
+An example of this is shown below.
+Clicking on a particular transfer, on `DAQs` or `Uploads` will switch the 
+view to show detail of that transfer including errors.  
+#### Workflows and processing data
+The tab 'Workflows' allows defining a workflows which will provide a template for processing data.  A workflow is simply a set of defined steps that will process data.  Workflows each step in the workflow executes a command on the host computer.  Commands can 
+  * be as simple as a single command such as listing a directory
+  * can tranfer files between computers
+  * can launch & monitor jobs on a remote cluster
+  * can do just about anything that can be scripted on a computer.
+Workflow steps allow defining inputs that are defined at runtime and can also create outputs that can be used in following steps.
+The `Workflows` tab is shown below and contains a list of workflows that have been defined.
+Clicking on a workflow and then selecting the 'Inspect' button you will be able to examine and possibly modify the steps in the workflow.
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