diff --git a/setup.sh b/setup.sh
index 9796b902bf0bf5fa20628246c06952b11870e341..6e70d80143cd2e3f7d1a0c5a247d228fdf4b24b2 100644
--- a/setup.sh
+++ b/setup.sh
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ prependPathIfDirExists() {
 # Setup path and other variables
+prependPathIfDirExists $DM_SUPPORT_DIR/mongodb/$DM_HOST_ARCH/bin
 prependPathIfDirExists $DM_SUPPORT_DIR/postgresql/$DM_HOST_ARCH/bin
 prependPathIfDirExists $DM_SUPPORT_DIR/java/$DM_HOST_ARCH/bin
 prependPathIfDirExists $DM_SUPPORT_DIR/ant/bin
diff --git a/src/java/DmWebPortal/setup/glassfish-resources.xml b/src/java/DmWebPortal/setup/glassfish-resources.xml
index ab06972080d22f241d88e3a51079087fc99442c4..fb4700de4dcbe2d1d352265508f74caf9dd28dc8 100644
--- a/src/java/DmWebPortal/setup/glassfish-resources.xml
+++ b/src/java/DmWebPortal/setup/glassfish-resources.xml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
         <property name="portNumber" value="11136"/>
         <property name="databaseName" value="dm"/>
         <property name="User" value="dm"/>
-        <property name="Password" value="dbuser"/>
+        <property name="Password" value="dm"/>
         <property name="URL" value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:11136/dm"/>
         <property name="driverClass" value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
diff --git a/src/python/dm/common/utility/configurationManager.py b/src/python/dm/common/utility/configurationManager.py
index 96819e84eab0c02c803392e18c3ea198c3c4f2d4..3ee50aee41d429d947c34e214c4b4e57125ba7c9 100755
--- a/src/python/dm/common/utility/configurationManager.py
+++ b/src/python/dm/common/utility/configurationManager.py
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ DEFAULT_DM_DS_WEB_SERVICE_PORT = 22236    # 222DM
 DEFAULT_DM_DB = 'postgresql'
@@ -131,6 +133,8 @@ class ConfigurationManager(UserDict.UserDict):
         self['defaultDaqWebServiceHost'] = DEFAULT_DM_DAQ_WEB_SERVICE_HOST
         self['defaultDsWebServicePort'] = DEFAULT_DM_DS_WEB_SERVICE_PORT
         self['defaultDsWebServiceHost'] = DEFAULT_DM_DS_WEB_SERVICE_HOST
+        self['defaultCatWebServicePort'] = DEFAULT_DM_CAT_WEB_SERVICE_PORT
+        self['defaultCatWebServiceHost'] = DEFAULT_DM_CAT_WEB_SERVICE_HOST
         self['defaultDb'] = DEFAULT_DM_DB
         self['defaultDbHost'] = DEFAULT_DM_DB_HOST
@@ -165,6 +169,8 @@ class ConfigurationManager(UserDict.UserDict):
         self.__setFromEnvVar('daqWebServicePort', 'DM_DAQ_WEB_SERVICE_PORT')
         self.__setFromEnvVar('dsWebServiceHost', 'DM_DS_WEB_SERVICE_HOST')
         self.__setFromEnvVar('dsWebServicePort', 'DM_DS_WEB_SERVICE_PORT')
+        self.__setFromEnvVar('catWebServiceHost', 'DM_CAT_WEB_SERVICE_HOST')
+        self.__setFromEnvVar('catWebServicePort', 'DM_CAT_WEB_SERVICE_PORT')
         self.__setFromEnvVar('contextRoot', 'DM_CONTEXT_ROOT')
@@ -576,6 +582,30 @@ class ConfigurationManager(UserDict.UserDict):
     def hasDsWebServiceHost(self):
         return self.has_key('dsWebServiceHost')
+    def getDefaultCatWebServicePort(self):
+        return self['defaultCatWebServicePort']
+    def setCatWebServicePort(self, catWebServicePort):
+        self['catWebServicePort'] = catWebServicePort 
+    def getCatWebServicePort(self, default='__dm_default__'):
+        return int(self.__getKeyValue('catWebServicePort', default))
+    def hasCatWebServicePort(self):
+        return self.has_key('catWebServicePort')
+    def getDefaultCatWebServiceHost(self):
+        return self['defaultCatWebServiceHost']
+    def setCatWebServiceHost(self, catWebServiceHost):
+        self['catWebServiceHost'] = catWebServiceHost
+    def getCatWebServiceHost(self, default='__dm_default__'):
+        return self.__getKeyValue('catWebServiceHost', default)
+    def hasCatWebServiceHost(self):
+        return self.has_key('catWebServiceHost')
     def getDefaultDb(self):
         return self['defaultDb']
diff --git a/src/python/dm/common/utility/encoder.py b/src/python/dm/common/utility/encoder.py
index 61b0c3054574450932dd6c3412c5d1d35964cecd..b4d0e9ec97649c431be866e161dc88f23463f0d6 100755
--- a/src/python/dm/common/utility/encoder.py
+++ b/src/python/dm/common/utility/encoder.py
@@ -15,3 +15,23 @@ class Encoder:
     def decode(cls, encodedData):
         data = base64.decodestring(base64.b64decode('%s' % encodedData))
         return data
+    @classmethod
+    def encodeDict(cls, dict, excludedKeyList=[]):
+        encodedDict = {}
+        for (key,value) in dict.items():
+            if key not in excludedKeyList:
+                encodedDict[key] = cls.encode(value)
+            else:
+                encodedDict[key] = value
+        return encodedDict
+    @classmethod
+    def decodeDict(cls, encodedDict, excludedKeyList=[]):
+        dict = {}
+        for (key,value) in encodedDict.items():
+            if key not in excludedKeyList:
+                dict[key] = cls.decode(value)
+            else:
+                dict[key] = value
+        return dict
diff --git a/src/python/dm/common/utility/linuxUtility.py b/src/python/dm/common/utility/linuxUtility.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4aa8f2918ab8dbf99af65aea39081aa660a46f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/dm/common/utility/linuxUtility.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import grp
+from dm.common.utility.loggingManager import LoggingManager
+from dmSubprocess import DmSubprocess
+class LinuxUtility:
+    SUDO_CMD = '/usr/bin/sudo'
+    GROUPADD_CMD = '/usr/sbin/groupadd'
+    USERMOD_CMD = '/usr/sbin/usermod'
+    SETFACL_CMD = '/usr/bin/setfacl'
+    @classmethod
+    def getLogger(cls):
+        logger = LoggingManager.getInstance().getLogger(cls.__name__)
+        return logger
+    @classmethod
+    def executeSudoCommand(cls, cmd):
+        p = DmSubprocess('%s %s' % (cls.SUDO_CMD, cmd))
+        p.run()
+    @classmethod
+    def createGroup(cls, name):
+        """ Create group if it does not exist. """
+        logger = cls.getLogger()
+        try:
+            group = grp.getgrnam(name)
+            logger.debug('Group %s already exists' % name)
+            return 
+        except KeyError, ex:
+            # ok, we need to create group 
+            pass
+        logger.debug('Creating group %s' % name)
+        cmd = '%s %s' % (cls.GROUPADD_CMD, name)
+        cls.executeSudoCommand(cmd)
+    @classmethod
+    def addUserToGroup(cls, username, groupName):
+        """ Add user to group. """
+        logger = cls.getLogger()
+        logger.debug('Adding user %s to group %s' % (username, groupName))
+        cmd = '%s -a -G %s %s' % (cls.USERMOD_CMD, groupName, username)
+        cls.executeSudoCommand(cmd)
+    @classmethod
+    def setPathReadExecutePermissionsForGroup(cls, path, groupName):
+        """ Add user to group. """
+        logger = cls.getLogger()
+        logger.debug('Allowing group %s to read/execute path %s' % (groupName, path))
+        cmd = '%s -m group\:%s\:rx %s' % (cls.SETFACL_CMD, groupName, path)
+        cls.executeSudoCommand(cmd)
+# Testing.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    LinuxUtility.createGroup('exp3')
+    LinuxUtility.addUserToGroup('hpc', 'exp3')
+    LinuxUtility.setPathReadExecutePermissionsForGroup('/home/sveseli/Work/DM/data/ESAF/exp3', 'exp3')
diff --git a/src/python/dm/common/utility/osUtility.py b/src/python/dm/common/utility/osUtility.py
index 41f532f9681b102e61ce35ff74a606fa672fc35e..be6e5937a7ea74d7e6e24eafe9c1e95c11e5b3dd 100755
--- a/src/python/dm/common/utility/osUtility.py
+++ b/src/python/dm/common/utility/osUtility.py
@@ -41,13 +41,27 @@ class OsUtility:
         for f in files:
-            fullpath=os.path.join(path, f)
-            if os.path.islink(fullpath) or not os.path.isdir(fullpath):
-                os.remove(fullpath)
+            fullPath=os.path.join(path, f)
+            if os.path.islink(fullPath) or not os.path.isdir(fullPath):
+                os.remove(fullPath)
-                removeDir(fullpath)
+                removeDir(fullPath)
+    @classmethod
+    def chmodPath(cls, path, fileMode=None, dirMode=None):
+        if os.path.isfile(path):
+            if fileMode is not None:
+                os.chmod(path, fileMode)
+            return 
+        elif os.path.isdir(path):
+            files = os.listdir(path)
+            for f in files:
+                fullPath = os.path.join(path, f)
+                cls.chmodPath(fullPath, fileMode, dirMode)
+            if dirMode is not None:
+                os.chmod(path, dirMode)
     def chownPath(cls, path, uid, gid):
         """ Change owner on a given path recursively.  """
@@ -58,10 +72,10 @@ class OsUtility:
             os.lchown(path, uid, gid)
         elif os.path.isdir(path):
-            files=os.listdir(path)
+            files = os.listdir(path)
             for f in files:
-                fullpath=os.path.join(path, f)
-                chownPath(fullpath, uid, gid)
+                fullPath = os.path.join(path, f)
+                cls.chownPath(fullPath, uid, gid)
             os.chown(path, uid, gid)
@@ -113,4 +127,5 @@ class OsUtility:
 # Testing.
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    pass
+    OsUtility.chmodPath('/home/sveseli/Work/DM/data/ESAF/exp3', 0700)
diff --git a/src/python/dm/common/utility/timeBasedProcessingQueue.py b/src/python/dm/common/utility/timeBasedProcessingQueue.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d25544e329de55bd1783c7748aba752a072e5c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/dm/common/utility/timeBasedProcessingQueue.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import threading
+import time
+# Uses earliest allowed processing timestamp to sort items in the queue
+# Queued item will not be processed until its earliest allowed processing 
+# timestamp has passed
+class TimeBasedProcessingQueue:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.lock = threading.RLock()
+        self.queue = []
+        self.itemPopTimeList = []
+    def push(self, item, itemProcessingWaitTime=0):
+        self.lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            earliestPopTime = time.time() + itemProcessingWaitTime
+            popIndex = 0
+            for t in self.itemPopTimeList:
+                if earliestPopTime <= t:
+                    break
+                popIndex += 1
+            self.itemPopTimeList.insert(popIndex, earliestPopTime)
+            self.queue.insert(popIndex,item)
+        finally:
+            self.lock.release()
+    def pop(self):
+        # Return None if work queue is empty.
+        self.lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            item = None
+            if len(self.queue):
+                if self.itemPopTimeList[0] <= time.time():
+                    del self.itemPopTimeList[0]
+                    item = self.queue[0]
+                    del self.queue[0]
+            return item
+        finally:
+            self.lock.release()
+    def getLength(self):
+        return len(self.queue)
+    def isEmpty(self):
+        return len(self.queue) == 0
+# Testing
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import random
+    q = TimeBasedProcessingQueue()
+    for i in range(0,10):
+        waitTime = random.uniform(0,10)
+        q.push(i, waitTime)
+        print 'Added: ', i, '; Processing wait: ', waitTime
+    while not q.isEmpty():
+        i = q.pop() 
+        print 'Got: ', i
+        time.sleep(1)