Release 0.7 ()

- Introduced framework for tracking progress of file uploads in DAQ service

Release 0.6 (11/6/2015)

- Added file system observer agent interface for DAQ service
- Implemented FTP file system observer for DAQ service
- Added interfaces for deleting user experiment role in DS service
- Introduced java REST API framework, and specific experiment DS service API 
- Web Portal notifies DS service about experiment user modifications 

Release 0.5 (10/08/2015)

- Implemented Single Sign-On solution for backend services
- Enabled user authentication via login file
- Added file stat (with checksum) interface in DS web service
- After adding user role to experiment via command line, user is also
  added to experiment group (if one exists)
- Added rsync file transfer plugin with checksum and delete

Release 0.4 (09/21/2015) 

- Number of minor modifications made in preparation for test deployment at

Release 0.3 (07/22/2015) 

- Developed initial version of Catalogging Web Service based on MongoDB
- Developed sample processing plugins: file metadata catalog, SDDS processing, 
  SGE job submission

Release 0.2 (06/30/2015) 

- Implemented storage permission management and user group management
- Developed common file processing service plugin framework

Release 0.1 (04/21/2015) 

- Functional web portal (user, experiment, and policy pages)
- Developed web service and its API/CLI frameworks
- Developed initial version of Data Storage Web Service
- Developed initial version of Data Acquisition Web Service;
- DAQ service can monitor file system on a detector node and subsequently
  transfer data to storage