Get Calibrator working with Anaconda Python 3 - Python 2.7
The version of python used at the sector 20 is quite old. Package versions used at the beamline are also old which makes making changes difficult. It looks like the Python used at the beamline is Enthought Python (EPD_free 7.2-2 (32-bit)). This dates from about Sept. 2011.
Python & package versions noted so far are:
- Python 2.7.2
- Wxpython
- Matplotlib 1.1.0
- Numpy 1.6.1
- Scipy. 0.10.0
I have this installed on a Windows virtual machine to use as a reference for operation.
I have been using Anaconda3 python. This provides (for Python 2):
- Python 2.7.16
- Wxpython 4.0.4. (3.0.0 is also available)
- Matplotlib 2.2.3
- Numpy 1.16.2
- Scipy 1.2.1
Milestone is to get the Calibrator app running well with this python by Monday 2019/03/25. A number of issues are noted on initial running due to changes in wxPython. As a first goal, will work to get this running with wxPython 3.0.0. This will make for a bit easier transition from version 2.8.
Will worry about going to Python 3.x and wxPython 4.x in another iteration, but should have this goal for better long-term support.