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## Installation
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The Advanced Photon Source currently supports distributions on [Anaconda Python](https://www.anaconda.com/). These programs should work on other versions of python. Here we describe setup using the Anaconda distribution, similar steps are available with other common distributions.
1. Install Anaconda Python from [here](https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/#download-section).
* Two options are provided 'Python 3.x version' & 'Python 2.7 version'.
* If you have not already installed this then Download the 'Python 3.x version'.
* Both versions provide to run programs with Python 2.x or 3.x.
* miniXES2 currently uses 2.7 but we intend to migrate to 3.x ASAP. Python 2.7 is due to become unsupported in 2020.
2. Download the [Python environment file](https://git.aps.anl.gov/hammonds/minixes2/raw/master/minixes.yml).
3. Open a command line with Anaconda Python active. After an install on Linux or OSX, this is generally available on new terminal windows. On Windows, go to
graph LR
A["Start"]==>B["Anaconda 3(64-bit)"]
B["Anaconda 3(64-bit)"]==>C["Anaconda Prompt"]
4. On the terminal, create a python environment using the .yml file downloaded in step 2. To do this enter the command
conda env create -f <path/to/file>/minixes.yml
* This .yml file lists the major packages needed to run **miniXES2**. The command above will create a self contained python environment for running the programs.
* The main scripts used to run **miniXES2** are commonly found in a directory such as
* The environment variable for the users home directory changes from system to system. The anaconda part of this directory can also change from version to version. It is common to find Anaconda3, anaconda3, anaconda, conda, .conda, etc. On some systems the Scripts directory is replaced with 'bin'.
* To make this version of anaconda the active version the user should be able to use the command
conda activate minixes2
For older versions of the distribution, this may be
source activate minixes2
but this seems to be going away in favor of the first option.
5. Test installation by running the calibrator with the following
* on Windows: ```run_calibrate.bat```.
* On OSX or Windows ```run_calibrate```.
* You should see an window like the one below
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