diff --git a/iocBoot/iocLinux/motorSim.cmd b/iocBoot/iocLinux/motorSim.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11af9a57f74f227e27fa3979fe06cee20d36db5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocLinux/motorSim.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# The is the ASYN example for communication to 4 simulated motors
+# "#!" marks lines that can be uncommented.
+# Create simulated motors: ( start card , start axis , low limit, high limit, home posn, # cards, # axes to setup)
+motorSimCreate( 0, 0, -32000, 32000, 0, 1, 4 )
+# Setup the Asyn layer (portname, low-level driver drvet name, card, number of axes on card)
+drvAsynMotorConfigure("motorSim1", "motorSim", 0, 4)
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocLinux/motorSim.substitutions b/iocBoot/iocLinux/motorSim.substitutions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0087d37dd452dc32cbad9a0265bb96591d975fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocLinux/motorSim.substitutions
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+file "$(MOTOR)/db/asyn_motor.db"
+{P,     N,  M,      DTYP,            PORT, ADDR,  DESC,          EGU,      DIR,  VELO,  VBAS,  ACCL,  BDST,  BVEL,  BACC,  MRES,  PREC,  DHLM,  DLLM,  INIT}
+{xxx:,  1,  "m$(N)",  "asynMotor",  motorSim1,  0,  "motor $(N)",  degrees,  Pos,  1,     .1,    .2,    0,     1,     .2,    0.01,  5,     100,   -100,  ""}
+{xxx:,  2,  "m$(N)",  "asynMotor",  motorSim1,  1,  "motor $(N)",  degrees,  Pos,  1,     .1,    .2,    0,     1,     .2,    0.01,  5,     100,   -100,  ""}
+{xxx:,  3,  "m$(N)",  "asynMotor",  motorSim1,  2,  "motor $(N)",  degrees,  Pos,  1,     .1,    .2,    0,     1,     .2,    0.01,  5,     100,   -100,  ""}
+{xxx:,  4,  "m$(N)",  "asynMotor",  motorSim1,  3,  "motor $(N)",  degrees,  Pos,  1,     .1,    .2,    0,     1,     .2,    0.01,  5,     100,   -100,  ""}
+{xxx:,  5,  "m$(N)",  "asynMotor",  motorSim1,  4,  "motor $(N)",  degrees,  Pos,  1,     .1,    .2,    0,     1,     .2,    0.01,  5,     100,   -100,  ""}
+{xxx:,  6,  "m$(N)",  "asynMotor",  motorSim1,  5,  "motor $(N)",  degrees,  Pos,  1,     .1,    .2,    0,     1,     .2,    0.01,  5,     100,   -100,  ""}
+{xxx:,  7,  "m$(N)",  "asynMotor",  motorSim1,  6,  "motor $(N)",  degrees,  Pos,  1,     .1,    .2,    0,     1,     .2,    0.01,  5,     100,   -100,  ""}
+{xxx:,  8,  "m$(N)",  "asynMotor",  motorSim1,  7,  "motor $(N)",  degrees,  Pos,  1,     .1,    .2,    0,     1,     .2,    0.01,  5,     100,   -100,  ""}