diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/st.cmd b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/st.cmd
index 5b10d74abf31870796d22e9385c765c03c8ac7a1..f3d1cb7235203cf240337f1edfe6b93ee90e376b 100644
--- a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/st.cmd
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/st.cmd
@@ -1,191 +1,189 @@
-# Cygwin startup script
-< envPaths
-# save_restore.cmd needs the full path to the startup directory, which
-# envPaths currently does not provide
-# Increase size of buffer for error logging from default 1256
-# Specify largest array CA will transport
-# Note for N sscanRecord data points, need (N+1)*8 bytes, else MEDM
-# plot doesn't display
-# Tell EPICS all about the record types, device-support modules, drivers,
-# etc. in the software we just loaded (xxx.munch)
-### save_restore setup
-# We presume a suitable initHook routine was compiled into xxx.munch.
-# See also create_monitor_set(), after iocInit() .
-< save_restore.cmd
-# serial support
-< serial.cmd
-# Motors
-### Allstop, alldone
-# This database must agree with the motors and other positioners you've actually loaded.
-# Several versions (e.g., all_com_32.db) are in stdApp/Db
-### Insertion-device control
-# sample-wheel
-dbLoadRecords("$(STD)/stdApp/Db/sampleWheel.db", "P=xxx:,ROWMOTOR=xxx:m7,ANGLEMOTOR=xxx:m8")
-### Scan-support software
-# crate-resident scan.  This executes 1D, 2D, 3D, and 4D scans, and caches
-# 1D data, but it doesn't store anything to disk.  (See 'saveData' below for that.)
-# A set of scan parameters for each positioner.  This is a convenience
-# for the user.  It can contain an entry for each scannable thing in the
-# crate.
-### Slits
-# under development...
-# X-ray Instrumentation Associates Huber Slit Controller
-# supported by a customized version of the SNL program written by Pete Jemian
-#dbLoadRecords("$(OPTICS)/opticsApp/Db/xia_slit.db", "P=xxx:, HSC=hsc1:")
-#dbLoadRecords("$(OPTICS)/opticsApp/Db/xia_slit.db", "P=xxx:, HSC=hsc2:")
-#dbLoadRecords("$(IP)/ipApp/Db/generic_serial.db", "P=xxx:,C=0,SERVER=serial7")
-### 2-post mirror
-### User filters
-### Optical tables
-### Monochromator support ###
-# Kohzu and PSL monochromators: Bragg and theta/Y/Z motors
-# standard geometry (geometry 1)
-# modified geometry (geometry 2)
-# Spherical grating monochromator
-# 4-bounce high-resolution monochromator
-### Orientation matrix, four-circle diffractometer (see seq program 'orient' below)
-#dbLoadRecords("$(OPTICS)/opticsApp/Db/orient.db", "P=xxx:,O=1,PREC=4")
-# Load single element Canberra AIM MCA and ICB modules
-#< canberra_1.cmd
-# Load 13 element detector software
-#< canberra_13.cmd
-# Load 3 element detector software
-#< canberra_3.cmd
-### Stuff for user programming ###
-# extra userCalcs (must also load userCalcs10.db for the enable switch)
-# string sequence (sseq) record
-# 4-step measurement
-dbLoadRecords("$(STD)/stdApp/Db/4step.db", "P=xxx:")
-# interpolation
-dbLoadRecords("$(CALC)/calcApp/Db/interp.db", "P=xxx:,N=2000")
-# array test
-dbLoadRecords("$(CALC)/calcApp/Db/arrayTest.db", "P=xxx:,N=2000")
-# Slow feedback
-dbLoadTemplate "pid_slow.substitutions"
-# Miscellaneous PV's, such as burtResult
-### Queensgate piezo driver
-### Queensgate Nano2k piezo controller
-### Load database records for Femto amplifiers
-### Load database records for PF4 filters
-### startup State Notation Language programs
-#seq &kohzuCtl, "P=xxx:, M_THETA=m9, M_Y=m10, M_Z=m11, GEOM=1, logfile=kohzuCtl.log"
-#seq &hrCtl, "P=xxx:, N=1, M_PHI1=m9, M_PHI2=m10, logfile=hrCtl1.log"
-# Keithley 2000 series DMM
-# channels: 10, 20, or 22;  model: 2000 or 2700
-seq &Keithley2kDMM,("P=xxx:, Dmm=D1, channels=22, model=2700")
-# X-ray Instrumentation Associates Huber Slit Controller
-# supported by a SNL program written by Pete Jemian and modified (TMM) for use with the
-# sscan record
-#seq  &xia_slit, "name=hsc1, P=xxx:, HSC=hsc1:, S=xxx:seriala[6]"
-# Orientation-matrix
-#seq &orient, "P=xxx:orient1:,PM=xxx:,mTTH=m9,mTH=m10,mCHI=m11,mPHI=m12"
-# Start PF4 filter sequence program
-#seq pf4Dual,"P=xxx:pf401:seq01:,MONO=,A0=,A1=,A2=,A3=,B0=,B1=,B2=,B3="
-# Start Femto amplifier sequence programs
-#seq femto,"name=femto1,P=xxx:,H=fem01:,F=seq01:,GAIN1=,GAIN2=,GAIN3=,NOISE="
-### Start up the autosave task and tell it what to do.
-# The task is actually named "save_restore".
-# Note that you can reload these sets after creating them: e.g., 
-# reload_monitor_set("auto_settings.req",30,"P=xxx:")
-# save positions every five seconds
-# save other things every thirty seconds
-### Start the saveData task.
-saveData_Init("saveData.req", "P=xxx:")
+# Cygwin startup script
+< envPaths
+# save_restore.cmd needs the full path to the startup directory, which
+# envPaths currently does not provide
+# Increase size of buffer for error logging from default 1256
+# Specify largest array CA will transport
+# Note for N sscanRecord data points, need (N+1)*8 bytes, else MEDM
+# plot doesn't display
+# Tell EPICS all about the record types, device-support modules, drivers,
+# etc. in the software we just loaded (xxx.munch)
+### save_restore setup
+# We presume a suitable initHook routine was compiled into xxx.munch.
+# See also create_monitor_set(), after iocInit() .
+< save_restore.cmd
+# serial support
+#< serial.cmd
+# Motors
+### Allstop, alldone
+# This database must agree with the motors and other positioners you've actually loaded.
+# Several versions (e.g., all_com_32.db) are in stdApp/Db
+### Insertion-device control
+# sample-wheel
+dbLoadRecords("$(STD)/stdApp/Db/sampleWheel.db", "P=xxx:,ROWMOTOR=xxx:m7,ANGLEMOTOR=xxx:m8")
+### Scan-support software
+# crate-resident scan.  This executes 1D, 2D, 3D, and 4D scans, and caches
+# 1D data, but it doesn't store anything to disk.  (See 'saveData' below for that.)
+# A set of scan parameters for each positioner.  This is a convenience
+# for the user.  It can contain an entry for each scannable thing in the
+# crate.
+### Slits
+# under development...
+# X-ray Instrumentation Associates Huber Slit Controller
+# supported by a customized version of the SNL program written by Pete Jemian
+#dbLoadRecords("$(OPTICS)/opticsApp/Db/xia_slit.db", "P=xxx:, HSC=hsc1:")
+#dbLoadRecords("$(OPTICS)/opticsApp/Db/xia_slit.db", "P=xxx:, HSC=hsc2:")
+#dbLoadRecords("$(IP)/ipApp/Db/generic_serial.db", "P=xxx:,C=0,SERVER=serial7")
+### 2-post mirror
+### User filters
+### Optical tables
+### Monochromator support ###
+# Kohzu and PSL monochromators: Bragg and theta/Y/Z motors
+# standard geometry (geometry 1)
+# modified geometry (geometry 2)
+# Spherical grating monochromator
+# 4-bounce high-resolution monochromator
+### Orientation matrix, four-circle diffractometer (see seq program 'orient' below)
+#dbLoadRecords("$(OPTICS)/opticsApp/Db/orient.db", "P=xxx:,O=1,PREC=4")
+# Load single element Canberra AIM MCA and ICB modules
+#< canberra_1.cmd
+# Load 13 element detector software
+#< canberra_13.cmd
+# Load 3 element detector software
+#< canberra_3.cmd
+### Stuff for user programming ###
+# extra userCalcs (must also load userCalcs10.db for the enable switch)
+# 4-step measurement
+dbLoadRecords("$(STD)/stdApp/Db/4step.db", "P=xxx:")
+# interpolation
+dbLoadRecords("$(CALC)/calcApp/Db/interp.db", "P=xxx:,N=2000")
+# array test
+dbLoadRecords("$(CALC)/calcApp/Db/arrayTest.db", "P=xxx:,N=2000")
+# Slow feedback
+dbLoadTemplate "pid_slow.substitutions"
+# Miscellaneous PV's, such as burtResult
+### Queensgate piezo driver
+### Queensgate Nano2k piezo controller
+### Load database records for Femto amplifiers
+### Load database records for PF4 filters
+### startup State Notation Language programs
+#seq &kohzuCtl, "P=xxx:, M_THETA=m9, M_Y=m10, M_Z=m11, GEOM=1, logfile=kohzuCtl.log"
+#seq &hrCtl, "P=xxx:, N=1, M_PHI1=m9, M_PHI2=m10, logfile=hrCtl1.log"
+# Keithley 2000 series DMM
+# channels: 10, 20, or 22;  model: 2000 or 2700
+#seq &Keithley2kDMM,("P=xxx:, Dmm=D1, channels=22, model=2700")
+# X-ray Instrumentation Associates Huber Slit Controller
+# supported by a SNL program written by Pete Jemian and modified (TMM) for use with the
+# sscan record
+#seq  &xia_slit, "name=hsc1, P=xxx:, HSC=hsc1:, S=xxx:seriala[6]"
+# Orientation-matrix
+#seq &orient, "P=xxx:orient1:,PM=xxx:,mTTH=m9,mTH=m10,mCHI=m11,mPHI=m12"
+# Start PF4 filter sequence program
+#seq pf4Dual,"P=xxx:pf401:seq01:,MONO=,A0=,A1=,A2=,A3=,B0=,B1=,B2=,B3="
+# Start Femto amplifier sequence programs
+#seq femto,"name=femto1,P=xxx:,H=fem01:,F=seq01:,GAIN1=,GAIN2=,GAIN3=,NOISE="
+### Start up the autosave task and tell it what to do.
+# The task is actually named "save_restore".
+# Note that you can reload these sets after creating them: e.g., 
+# reload_monitor_set("auto_settings.req",30,"P=xxx:")
+# save positions every five seconds
+# save other things every thirty seconds
+### Start the saveData task.
+saveData_Init("saveData.req", "P=xxx:")