diff --git a/iocBoot/iocxxx/Makefile b/iocBoot/iocxxx/Makefile
index 942befe2f9d50be78b5256c2924958316852d39a..509badf952b673b0c7ac08dccd5c8fe4aee7dc20 100644
--- a/iocBoot/iocxxx/Makefile
+++ b/iocBoot/iocxxx/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 TOP = ../..
 include $(TOP)/configure/CONFIG
-ARCH = vxWorks-68040
+ARCH = vxWorks-ppc604
 TARGETS = cdCommands
 include $(TOP)/configure/RULES.ioc
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocxxx/auto_positions.req b/iocBoot/iocxxx/auto_positions.req
index 0293b288416a298d7328ee3563b81fb0752c6b47..4cf7ab3a245abc990e18da27c1c33fd267b915d8 100644
--- a/iocBoot/iocxxx/auto_positions.req
+++ b/iocBoot/iocxxx/auto_positions.req
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
diff --git a/iocBoot/nfsCommands b/iocBoot/nfsCommands
index eab303b8f5a2898a2f9cb5a530a35c8b5c297957..a7db82c52a47c5ea1923db1a7eadfc5a86a05cda 100644
--- a/iocBoot/nfsCommands
+++ b/iocBoot/nfsCommands
@@ -1,33 +1,25 @@
-#Instructions for creating and using a real nfsCommands file
-# in order to use nfs do the following:
-# 1) Create hostAdd and nfsMountAll commands for each nfs server
-# 2) In each st.cmd file add the following two commands BEFORE any load commands
-#    ../nfs.cmd
-#    cd "<iocname>
-# The hostAdd and nfsMountAll commands have the form:
-# hostAdd("<host>","xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx")
-# nfsMountAll("<host>")
-# You can also mount subdirectories as follows:
-# nfsMount("<host>", "/xxx/xxx/xxx", "/xxx")
-# For example assume
-# host is mercury with inet address
-# You want to mount the directory (which is a file system of mercury)
-# /home/mercury5/iocinfo
-#    as
-# /iocinfo
-# The commands would be
-# hostAdd("mercury","")
-# nfsMountAll("mercury")
-# nfsMount("mercury","/home/mercury5/iocinfo","/iocinfo")
+# Set the default gateway (the address to which IP datagrams will be sent
+# when there is no specific specific routing table entry available for the
+# actual destination address.)
+routeAdd "0",""
+# needed for proc 0 if "inet on backplane" is defined
+routeDelete "", ""
+routeAdd "", ""
+# The following lines are examples of what might be required to use NFS,
+# rather than FTP, for booting the VME crate, and generally for reading
+# and writing files on the server.
 # The following line eliminates "cksum: out of data" messages due to DHCP
diff --git a/xxxApp/op/adl/bcda2.adl b/xxxApp/op/adl/bcda2.adl
index 829c6aff1ad9a4d40f390f4c37cc8ab58ff79b1c..4702616864c7db4ed910d3cdfb82bf9c34f322ba 100644
--- a/xxxApp/op/adl/bcda2.adl
+++ b/xxxApp/op/adl/bcda2.adl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 file {
-	name="/home/oxygen2/MOONEY/epics/3.12.2/stdApp/op/adl/tmm.adl"
+	name="/home/oxygen2/MOONEY/epics/3.12.2/stdApp/op/adl/xxx.adl"
 display {