From ceca996b718f8b193e2d8f841010478127487804 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: timmmooney <>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 21:20:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] *** empty log message ***

 xxxApp/src/Makefile               | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 xxxApp/src/iocxxxLinuxInclude.dbd |  7 -----
 2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/xxxApp/src/Makefile b/xxxApp/src/Makefile
index a8ea40c..392dcf2 100644
--- a/xxxApp/src/Makefile
+++ b/xxxApp/src/Makefile
@@ -38,13 +38,45 @@ else
 ifeq ($(EPICS_HOST_ARCH), cygwin-x86)
 DBD  += iocxxxCygwin.dbd
-DBD  += iocxxx.dbd
+ifeq ($(OS_CLASS), vxWorks)
 DBD  += iocxxxVX.dbd
+ifeq ($(OS_CLASS), Linux)
 DBD  += iocxxxLinux.dbd
+ifeq ($(OS_CLASS), solaris)
 DBD  += iocxxx_solaris.dbd
+DBD  += iocxxx.dbd
+# If your host supports libpcap and libnet and you want to build Canberra network
+# support, set LINUX_NET_INSTALLED to YES in <synApps>/configure/CONFIG_SITE.
+iocxxxLinux_DBD += xxxCommonInclude.dbd
+ifneq ($(OS_CLASS), Linux)
+iocxxxLinux_DBD += mcaCanberraSupport.dbd
+iocxxxLinux_DBD += mcaCanberraSupport.dbd
+# If your host supports parallel port or USB interfaces to Saturn DXP, set
+# LINUX_USB_INSTALLED to YES in <synApps>/configure/CONFIG_SITE.
+ifneq ($(OS_CLASS), Linux)
+iocxxxLinux_DBD += dxpSupport.dbd
+ifeq ($(OS_CLASS), Linux)
+iocxxxLinux_DBD += dxpSupport.dbd
 # <name>_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp will be created from <name>.dbd
 xxx_SRCS_DEFAULT  += iocxxx_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp          xxxMain.cpp
 xxx_SRCS_vxWorks  += iocxxxVX_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp
@@ -94,10 +126,12 @@ xxx_vxWorks_LIBS += oms DeltaTau
 #The following adds support from base/src/vxWorks
 xxx_OBJS_vxWorks += $(EPICS_BASE_BIN)/vxComLibrary
-#xxx_Linux_LIBS  += dxp handel
-# If libnet IS installed on your HOST Linux system;
-# uncomment the following line.
-#xxx_Linux_LIBS  += mcaCanberra
+xxx_Linux_LIBS  += dxp handel
+xxxLinux_LIBS += mcaCanberra
 xxx_cygwin_LIBS += dxp handel
@@ -138,12 +172,9 @@ xxx_SYS_LIBS_vxWorks += -nil-
 # This is needed by areaDetector on Linux and WIN32
 xxx_LIBS_WIN32        += PvAPI
-ifeq ($(EPICS_HOST_ARCH), linux-x86)
 xxx_LIBS_Linux        += PvAPI
 # This is needed by dxp on cygwin and WIN32
 xxx_SYS_LIBS_cygwin32 += DLPORTIO PlxApi setupapi
diff --git a/xxxApp/src/iocxxxLinuxInclude.dbd b/xxxApp/src/iocxxxLinuxInclude.dbd
index 5e9da49..2b57661 100644
--- a/xxxApp/src/iocxxxLinuxInclude.dbd
+++ b/xxxApp/src/iocxxxLinuxInclude.dbd
@@ -1,9 +1,2 @@
 # stuff for Linux ioc
 include "xxxCommonInclude.dbd"
-# If your host supports libpcap and libnet and you want to build Canberra network
-# support uncomment the following line
-# (Support build is commented out of mca/mcaApp/CanberraSrc/Makefile)
-#include "mcaCanberraSupport.dbd"
-# If you want to build parallel port or USB interfaces to Saturn DXP uncomment the following line
-#include "dxpSupport.dbd"