From db317f9e9dd708222be70b46411fb84ffa5e5860 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Keenan Lang <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2018 17:30:05 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] AreaDetector no longer has the indicated files

 configure/RELEASE | 18 ++++--------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configure/RELEASE b/configure/RELEASE
index 66e52b4..989c400 100644
--- a/configure/RELEASE
+++ b/configure/RELEASE
@@ -31,24 +31,14 @@ SUPPORT=/home/oxygen/MOONEY/epics/synAppsGIT/support
 # Specify the standard synApps configuration.
 include $(SUPPORT)/configure/RELEASE
 # We might need to redefine SUPPORT and EPICS_BASE after including that file
 -include $(TOP)/../configure/SUPPORT.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH)
 -include $(TOP)/../configure/EPICS_BASE.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH) 
--include $(AREA_DETECTOR)/configure/RELEASE_PATHS.local
-# Unfortunately RELEASE_PATHS.local above redefines SUPPORT and AREA_DETECTOR
-# and this messes things up on Windows building on a Linux host.
-# Need to redefine them as above.
--include $(TOP)/../configure/SUPPORT.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH)
--include $(AREA_DETECTOR)/configure/RELEASE_PATHS.local.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH)
--include $(AREA_DETECTOR)/configure/RELEASE_PRODS.local
-TDS3000 = $(SUPPORT)/../nonSynAppsSupport/tds3000-2.4
-FLY = $(SUPPORT)/../nonSynAppsSupport/fly-0-0
+# Include any non-standard support
+#TDS3000 = $(SUPPORT)/../nonSynAppsSupport/tds3000-2.4
+#FLY = $(SUPPORT)/../nonSynAppsSupport/fly-0-0
 # For a local, custom configuration; copy $(SUPPORT)/configure/RELEASE
 # to this directory as the file MASTER_RELEASE, edit the file, comment out