diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/Makefile b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8c64f01033c035defca080ba3f8e63b71656afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+TOP = ../..
+include $(TOP)/configure/CONFIG
+ARCH = cygwin-x86
+TARGETS = envPaths
+include $(TOP)/configure/RULES.ioc
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/asynRecord.substitutions b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/asynRecord.substitutions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..26fb52c4e6c0f5dc6d475b4264d71368d3175588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/asynRecord.substitutions
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+file "$(ASYN)/db/asynRecord.db"
+{P        R         PORT    ADDR    OMAX  IMAX}
+{xxx:     asyn_1   serial1    0     256  256}
+{xxx:     asyn_2   serial2    0     256  256}
+{xxx:     asyn_3   serial3    0     256  256}
+{xxx:     asyn_4   serial4    0     256  256}
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/auto_positions.req b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/auto_positions.req
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e89c536b6f99aea3213faf4af534427df4b4ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/auto_positions.req
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/auto_settings.req b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/auto_settings.req
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5219a6dff6bd4f6cde2e0482de8ce366d48d221c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/auto_settings.req
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+file motor_settings.req P=$(P),M=m1
+file motor_settings.req P=$(P),M=m2
+file motor_settings.req P=$(P),M=m3
+file motor_settings.req P=$(P),M=m4
+file pseudoMotor_settings.req P=$(P),M=pm1
+file pseudoMotor_settings.req P=$(P),M=pm2
+file pseudoMotor_settings.req P=$(P),M=pm3
+file pseudoMotor_settings.req P=$(P),M=pm4
+file scanParms_settings.req P=$(P),M=m1
+file scanParms_settings.req P=$(P),M=m2
+file scanParms_settings.req P=$(P),M=m3
+file scanParms_settings.req P=$(P),M=m4
+#file table_settings.req P=$(P),T=table1,Q=table1
+file scan_settings.req P=$(P),S=scan1
+file scan_settings.req P=$(P),S=scan2
+file scan_settings.req P=$(P),S=scan3
+file scan_settings.req P=$(P),S=scan4
+file scan_settings.req P=$(P),S=scanH
+# Kohzu monochromator
+file userCalcs10_settings.req P=$(P)
+file userCalcN_settings.req P=$(P),N=I_Detector
+file saveData_settings.req P=$(P)
+file userTransforms10_settings.req P=$(P)
+file userStringCalcs10_settings.req P=$(P)
+# string-sequence records
+file sseq_settings.req P=$(P),S=Sseq1
+file sseq_settings.req P=$(P),S=Sseq2
+file sseq_settings.req P=$(P),S=Sseq3
+# 4-step measurement
+file auto_4step_settings.req P=$(P),Q=4step
+file userAve10_settings.req P=$(P)
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/motor.substitutions b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/motor.substitutions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8d5a44bfab5f25c657f08887d1daae4ad77571a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/motor.substitutions
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+file "$(MOTOR)/db/motor.db"
+{xxx:,	1,	m$(N),	"MM4000",	0,	0,	"motor $(N)",	degrees,        Pos,    10,             0.,             1.,             0,              1,              .2,             1e-3,   3,              100,    -100,   ""}
+{xxx:,  2,     m$(N),  "MM4000",       0,      1,      "motor $(N)",   degrees,        Pos,    60,             0.,             1.5,            0,              1,              .2,             1e-3,   3,              100,    -100,   ""}
+{xxx:,  3,     m$(N),  "MM4000",       0,      2,      "motor $(N)",   degrees,        Pos,    60,             0.,             1.,             0,              1,              .2,             1e-3,   3,              100,    -100,   ""}
+{xxx:,  4,     m$(N),  "ACS MCB-4B",   0,      0,      "motor $(N)",   steps,          Pos,    1000.,          1,              .2,             0,              1,              .2,             1,      1,              1e6,    -1e6,   ""}
+{xxx:,  5,     m$(N),  "ACS MCB-4B",   0,      1,      "motor $(N)",   degrees,        Pos,    1000.,          1,              .2,             0,              1,              .2,             1,      1,              100,    -100,   ""}
+{xxx:,  6,     m$(N),  "ACS MCB-4B",   0,      2,      "motor $(N)",   degrees,        Pos,    1000.,          1,              .2,             0,              1,              .2,             1,      1,              100,    -100,   ""}
+{xxx:,  7,     m$(N),  "ACS MCB-4B",   0,      3,      "motor $(N)",   degrees,        Pos,    1000.,          1,              .2,             0,              1,              .2,             1,      1,              100,    -100,   ""}
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/pid_slow.substitutions b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/pid_slow.substitutions
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08b309fe1a980c996e034da917d463f970245f8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/pid_slow.substitutions
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This file demonstrates slow feedback.  The initial INP and OUT assume the first channel
+# of an IP330 ADC connected to the first channel of a DAC128V DAC.
+file "$(STD)/stdApp/Db/pid_control.db"
+{P,      PID,              INP,        OUT, LOPR,   HOPR,  DRVL, DRVH,  PREC,      KP,  KI,   KD,  SCAN}
+{xxx:,   pid_slow, xxx:IP330_1, xxx:DAC3_1,    0,    100,     0,    5,     3,     0.2,  3.,   0.,  ".1 second"}
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/pseudoMotor.substitutions b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/pseudoMotor.substitutions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..990409145cda0045c8ad170e23439febc5968429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/pseudoMotor.substitutions
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Pseudo-motors
+# Note: This databases will be in the next release of motor, not in xxxApp
+# This is a simple example using the sumDiff2D database.  This takes 2 real motors and makes 2 soft motors,
+# SUM which moves both motors together, and DIFF which moves them in opposite directions.
+# It can be used for slits, for K/B mirror benders, etc.
+file "$(XXX)/xxxApp/Db/pseudoMotor.db"
+{P,       M,           DINP,                        OUT,                     RDBL,                          STOO,     DESC, EGU, DIR, VELO, VBAS, ACCL, BDST, BVEL,                    BACC, MRES,   RRES, PREC,  DHLM, DLLM}
+{xxx:,  pm1, "xxx:KBV:Done NPP NMS", "xxx:pm1DVAL.VAL PP MS", "xxx:KBV:Readback.G NPP NMS", "xxx:KBV:Stop PP MS",    "Vert. curvature",          mm,  Pos,   1,    .1,   .1,    0,    1,   .1, .1,     1.0,  3,    10000, -10000}
+{xxx:,  pm2, "xxx:KBV:Done NPP NMS", "xxx:pm2DVAL.VAL PP MS", "xxx:KBV:Readback.H NPP NMS", "xxx:KBV:Stop PP MS",    "Vert. Ellipticity",        mm,  Pos,   1,    .1,   .1,    0,    1,   .1, .1,     1.0,  3,    10000, -10000}
+{xxx:,  pm3, "xxx:KBH:Done NPP NMS", "xxx:pm3DVAL.VAL PP MS", "xxx:KBH:Readback.G NPP NMS", "xxx:KBH:Stop PP MS",    "Hor. curvature",          mm,  Pos,   1,    .1,   .1,    0,    1,   .1, .1,     1.0,  3,    10000, -10000}
+{xxx:,  pm4, "xxx:KBH:Done NPP NMS", "xxx:pm4DVAL.VAL PP MS", "xxx:KBH:Readback.H NPP NMS", "xxx:KBH:Stop PP MS",    "Hor. ellipticity",        mm,  Pos,   1,    .1,   .1,    0,    1,   .1, .1,     1.0,  3,    10000, -10000}
+file "$(XXX)/xxxApp/Db/sumDiff2D.db"
+{P,      T,   SUM, DIFF,     M1DRV,    M1RBV,   M2DRV,   M2RBV,   M1STOP,   M1DONE,   M2STOP,   M2DONE,  PREC}
+{xxx:, KBV:,  pm1,  pm2,    m1.VAL,   m1.RBV,  m2.VAL,  m2.RBV,  m1.STOP,  m1.DMOV,  m2.STOP,  m2.DMOV,    1}
+{xxx:, KBH:,  pm3,  pm4,    m3.VAL,   m3.RBV,  m4.VAL,  m4.RBV,  m3.STOP,  m3.DMOV,  m4.STOP,  m4.DMOV,    1}
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/run b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/run
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04a16515c8efa695e2fedb568dc8460d51fcb5b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/run
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../bin/cygwin-x86/xxx.exe st.cmd
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/saveData.req b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/saveData.req
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6eaff4e171705167bd1c68f42c9db0cfcf4dc2c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/saveData.req
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+[counter]	# scan counter
+[fileSystem] # scan file system
+[subdir]	# scan file subdirectory
+[realTime1D] # if nonzero, write 1D data as it comes in
+[scanRecord]	# specify scan records to be monitored
+$(P)userCalc1.CALC	"string"
+$(P)saveData_realTime1D "enum"
+$(P)saveData_scanNumber	"long"
+$(P)saveData_fileSystem	"filesystem"
+$(P)scan1.P1SM		"scan mode"
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/save_restore.cmd b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/save_restore.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57d62fa0867e6560920d1747a070750966b7dc24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/save_restore.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+### save_restore setup
+# The rest this file does not require modification for standard use, but...
+# If you want save_restore to manage its own NFS mount, specify the name and
+# IP address of the file server to which save files should be written.
+# This currently is supported only on vxWorks.
+#save_restoreSet_NFSHost("oxygen", "")
+# status-PV prefix
+# Debug-output level
+# Ok to save/restore save sets with missing values (no CA connection to PV)?
+# Save dated backup files?
+# Number of sequenced backup files to write
+# Time interval between sequenced backups
+# specify where save files should be
+set_savefile_path("$(STARTUP)", "autosave")
+# specify what save files should be restored.  Note these files must be
+# in the directory specified in set_savefile_path(), or, if that function
+# has not been called, from the directory current when iocInit is invoked
+# specify directories in which to to search for included request files
+# Note cdCommands defines 'startup', but envPaths does not
+set_requestfile_path("$(STARTUP)", "")
+set_requestfile_path("$(STARTUP)", "autosave")
+set_requestfile_path("$(TOP)", "xxxApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(AUTOSAVE)", "asApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(CALC)", "calcApp/Db")
+#set_requestfile_path("$(CAMAC)", "camacApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(CCD)", "ccdApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(DAC128V)", "dac128VApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(DXP)", "dxpApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(IP)", "ipApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(IP330)", "ip330App/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(IPUNIDIG)", "ipUnidigApp/Db")
+#set_requestfile_path("$(LOVE)", "loveApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(MCA)", "mcaApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(MOTOR)", "motorApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(OPTICS)", "opticsApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(QUADEM)", "quadEMApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(SSCAN)", "sscanApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(STD)", "stdApp/Db")
+set_requestfile_path("$(VME)", "vmeApp/Db")
+dbLoadRecords("$(AUTOSAVE)/asApp/Db/save_restoreStatus.db", "P=xxx:")
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/scanParms.substitutions b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/scanParms.substitutions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cfe432b88291e917e8b9a8a6b493e024bf2a8d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/scanParms.substitutions
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+file "$(SSCAN)/sscanApp/Db/scanParms.db"
+# old slit
+# new soft-motor-based slit
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/serial.cmd b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/serial.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55dc38885b7f45327719cc13821d6fee55d0a6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/serial.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# BEGIN serial.cmd ------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set up 2 local serial ports
+# serial 1 connected to Keithley2K DMM at 19200 baud
+#                            noProcessEos)
+drvAsynSerialPortConfigure("serial1", "/dev/ttyS0", 0, 0, 0)
+#asynOctetSetInputEos(const char *portName, int addr,
+#                     const char *eosin,const char *drvInfo)
+# asynOctetSetOutputEos(const char *portName, int addr,
+#                       const char *eosin,const char *drvInfo)
+# Make port available from the iocsh command line
+#asynOctetConnect(const char *entry, const char *port, int addr,
+#                 int timeout, int buffer_len, const char *drvInfo)
+asynOctetConnect("serial1", "serial1")
+# serial 2 connected to Newport MM4000 at 38400 baud
+drvAsynSerialPortConfigure("serial2", "/dev/ttyS1", 0, 0, 0)
+asynOctetConnect("serial2", "serial2")
+# Set up ports 1 and 2 on Moxa box
+# serial 3 is connected to the ACS MCB-4B at 9600 baud
+#                        noProcessEos)
+drvAsynIPPortConfigure("serial3", "", 0, 0, 0)
+asynOctetConnect("serial3", "serial3")
+# serial 4 not connected for now
+drvAsynIPPortConfigure("serial4", "", 0, 0, 0)
+asynOctetConnect("serial4", "serial4")
+# Newport MM4000 driver setup parameters:
+#     (1) maximum # of controllers,
+#     (2) motor task polling rate (min=1Hz, max=60Hz)
+MM4000Setup(1, 10)
+# Newport MM4000 driver configuration parameters:
+#     (1) controller
+#     (2) asyn port name (e.g. serial1 or gpib1)
+#     (3) GPIB address (0 for serial)
+MM4000Config(0, "serial2", 0)
+# Newport PM500 driver setup parameters:
+#     (1) maximum number of controllers in system
+#     (2) motor task polling rate (min=1Hz,max=60Hz)
+#PM500Setup(1, 10)
+# Newport PM500 configuration parameters:
+#     (1) controller
+#     (2) asyn port name (e.g. serial1 or gpib1)
+#PM500Config(0, "serial3")
+# McClennan PM304 driver setup parameters:
+#     (1) maximum number of controllers in system
+#     (2) motor task polling rate (min=1Hz, max=60Hz)
+#PM304Setup(1, 10)
+# McClennan PM304 driver configuration parameters:
+#     (1) controller being configured
+#     (2) MPF serial server name (string)
+#     (3) Number of axes on this controller
+#PM304Config(0, "serial4", 1)
+# ACS MCB-4B driver setup parameters:
+#     (1) maximum number of controllers in system
+#     (2) motor task polling rate (min=1Hz, max=60Hz)
+MCB4BSetup(1, 10)
+# ACS MCB-4B driver configuration parameters:
+#     (1) controller being configured
+#     (2) asyn port name (string)
+MCB4BConfig(0, "serial3")
+##### Pico Motors (Ernest Williams MHATT-CAT)
+##### Motors (see picMot.substitutions in same directory as this file) ####
+# Load asynRecord records on all ports
+# send impromptu message to serial device, parse reply
+# (was serial_OI_block)
+# Stanford Research Systems SR570 Current Preamplifier
+#dbLoadRecords("$(IP)/ipApp/Db/SR570.db", "P=xxx:,A=A1,PORT=serial1")
+# Lakeshore DRC-93CA Temperature Controller
+#dbLoadRecords("$(IP)/ipApp/Db/LakeShoreDRC-93CA.db", "P=xxx:,Q=TC1,PORT=serial4")
+# Huber DMC9200 DC Motor Controller
+#dbLoadRecords("$(IP)/ipApp/Db/HuberDMC9200.db", "P=xxx:,Q=DMC1:,PORT=serial5")
+# Oriel 18011 Encoder Mike
+#dbLoadRecords("$(IP)/ipApp/Db/eMike.db", "P=xxx:,M=em1,PORT=serial3")
+# Keithley 2000 DMM
+# Oxford Cyberstar X1000 Scintillation detector and pulse processing unit
+# Oxford ILM202 Cryogen Level Meter (Serial)
+# Elcomat autocollimator
+#dbLoadRecords("$(IP)/ipApp/Db/Elcomat.db", "P=xxx:,PORT=serial8")
+# Eurotherm temp controller
+# MKS vacuum gauges
+# PI Digitel 500/1500 pump
+# PI MPC ion pump
+# PI MPC TSP (titanium sublimation pump)
+# Heidenhain ND261 encoder (for PSL monochromator)
+#dbLoadRecords("$(IP)/ipApp/Db/heidND261.db", "P=xxx:,PORT=serial1")
+# Love Controllers
+#dbLoadRecords("$(IP)/ipApp/Db/love.db", "P=xxx:,Q=Love_0,C=0,PORT=PORT2,ADDR=1")
+# END serial.cmd --------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/softMotor.substitutions b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/softMotor.substitutions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..988001da4f3a26428b16081b6c1bca356a034f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/softMotor.substitutions
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+file "$(STD)/stdApp/Db/softMotor.db"
+{P,		SM}
+{xxx:,	SM1}
+{xxx:,	SM2}
+{xxx:,	SM3}
+{xxx:,	SM4}
+{xxx:,	SM5}
+{xxx:,	SM6}
+{xxx:,	SM7}
+{xxx:,	SM8}
+{xxx:,	SM9}
+{xxx:,	SM10}
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocCygwin/st.cmd b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/st.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e895a94d4f55fc7290ff2412174bf7ab71efee42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iocBoot/iocCygwin/st.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# Cygwin startup script
+< envPaths
+# save_restore.cmd needs the full path to the startup directory, which
+# envPaths currently does not provide
+# Increase size of buffer for error logging from default 1256
+# Specify largest array CA will transport
+# Note for N sscanRecord data points, need (N+1)*8 bytes, else MEDM
+# plot doesn't display
+# Tell EPICS all about the record types, device-support modules, drivers,
+# etc. in the software we just loaded (xxx.munch)
+### save_restore setup
+# We presume a suitable initHook routine was compiled into xxx.munch.
+# See also create_monitor_set(), after iocInit() .
+< save_restore.cmd
+# serial support
+< serial.cmd
+# Motors
+### Allstop, alldone
+# This database must agree with the motors and other positioners you've actually loaded.
+# Several versions (e.g., all_com_32.db) are in stdApp/Db
+### Insertion-device control
+# sample-wheel
+dbLoadRecords("$(STD)/stdApp/Db/sampleWheel.db", "P=xxx:,ROWMOTOR=xxx:m7,ANGLEMOTOR=xxx:m8")
+### Scan-support software
+# crate-resident scan.  This executes 1D, 2D, 3D, and 4D scans, and caches
+# 1D data, but it doesn't store anything to disk.  (See 'saveData' below for that.)
+# A set of scan parameters for each positioner.  This is a convenience
+# for the user.  It can contain an entry for each scannable thing in the
+# crate.
+### Slits
+# under development...
+# X-ray Instrumentation Associates Huber Slit Controller
+# supported by a customized version of the SNL program written by Pete Jemian
+#dbLoadRecords("$(OPTICS)/opticsApp/Db/xia_slit.db", "P=xxx:, HSC=hsc1:")
+#dbLoadRecords("$(OPTICS)/opticsApp/Db/xia_slit.db", "P=xxx:, HSC=hsc2:")
+#dbLoadRecords("$(IP)/ipApp/Db/generic_serial.db", "P=xxx:,C=0,SERVER=serial7")
+### 2-post mirror
+### User filters
+### Optical tables
+### Monochromator support ###
+# Kohzu and PSL monochromators: Bragg and theta/Y/Z motors
+# standard geometry (geometry 1)
+# modified geometry (geometry 2)
+# Spherical grating monochromator
+# 4-bounce high-resolution monochromator
+# Load single element Canberra AIM MCA and ICB modules
+#< canberra_1.cmd
+# Load 13 element detector software
+#< canberra_13.cmd
+# Load 3 element detector software
+#< canberra_3.cmd
+### Stuff for user programming ###
+# extra userCalcs (must also load userCalcs10.db for the enable switch)
+# string sequence (sseq) record
+# 4-step measurement
+dbLoadRecords("$(STD)/stdApp/Db/4step.db", "P=xxx:")
+# interpolation
+dbLoadRecords("$(CALC)/calcApp/Db/interp.db", "P=xxx:,N=2000")
+# array test
+dbLoadRecords("$(CALC)/calcApp/Db/arrayTest.db", "P=xxx:,N=2000")
+# Slow feedback
+dbLoadTemplate "pid_slow.substitutions"
+# Miscellaneous PV's, such as burtResult
+### Queensgate piezo driver
+### Queensgate Nano2k piezo controller
+### startup State Notation Language programs
+#seq &kohzuCtl, "P=xxx:, M_THETA=m9, M_Y=m10, M_Z=m11, GEOM=1, logfile=kohzuCtl.log"
+#seq &hrCtl, "P=xxx:, N=1, M_PHI1=m9, M_PHI2=m10, logfile=hrCtl1.log"
+# Keithley 2000 series DMM
+# channels: 10, 20, or 22;  model: 2000 or 2700
+seq &Keithley2kDMM,("P=xxx:, Dmm=D1, channels=22, model=2700")
+# X-ray Instrumentation Associates Huber Slit Controller
+# supported by a SNL program written by Pete Jemian and modified (TMM) for use with the
+# sscan record
+#seq  &xia_slit, "name=hsc1, P=xxx:, HSC=hsc1:, S=xxx:seriala[6]"
+### Start up the autosave task and tell it what to do.
+# The task is actually named "save_restore".
+# Note that you can reload these sets after creating them: e.g., 
+# reload_monitor_set("auto_settings.req",30,"P=xxx:")
+# save positions every five seconds
+# save other things every thirty seconds
+### Start the saveData task.
+saveData_Init("saveData.req", "P=xxx:")