TOP=../.. include $(TOP)/configure/CONFIG #---------------------------------------- # ADD MACRO DEFINITIONS AFTER THIS LINE #============================= # For Kate Feng's implementation of devScaler.c, which uses Till # Straumann's basicIoOps.h to bridge any mismatch between endianness # of Joerger scaler hardware and endianness of processor. #USR_CFLAGS += -DHAS_IOOPS_H # Locally built ca-client application #PROD_HOST += caExample #caExample_SRCS += caExample.c #caExample_LIBS += ca #caExample_LIBS += Com #ca_DIR = $(EPICS_BASE_LIB) #Com_DIR = $(EPICS_BASE_LIB) #================================================== # build a support library that some other application can use LIBRARY_IOC += xxxSupport # xxxRecord.h will be created from xxxRecord.dbd #DBDINC += xxxRecord # install support-library .dbd into <top>/dbd #DBD += xxxSupport.dbd # The following are compiled and added to the Support library #xxxSupport_SRCS += xxxRecord.c #xxxSupport_LIBS += $(EPICS_BASE_IOC_LIBS) #============================= # build an ioc application PROD_IOC_vxWorks = xxx # <name>.dbd will be created from <name>Include.dbd DBD += iocxxx.dbd DBD += iocxxxVX.dbd # <name>_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp will be created from <name>.dbd xxx_SRCS_DEFAULT += iocxxx_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp xxx_SRCS_vxWorks += iocxxxVX_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp xxx_SRCS_DEFAULT += xxxMain.cpp xxx_SRCS_vxWorks += -nil- # The following builds xxxSNL as a component of xxx # NOTE: for suffix .st, code is run through cpp; for .stt, it's not #xxx_SRCS += #xxx_SRCS_vxWorks += #xxx_LIBS += xxxSupport ### from support xxx_LIBS_DEFAULT += mca mcaCanberra mcaSIS xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += mca mcaCanberra mcaSIS xxx_LIBS_solaris += -nil- mca_DIR = $(MCA_LIB) mcaCanberra_DIR = $(MCA_LIB) mcaSIS_DIR = $(MCA_LIB) xxx_LIBS_DEFAULT += dac128V xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += dac128V xxx_LIBS_solaris += -nil- dac128V_DIR = $(DAC128V_LIB) xxx_LIBS_DEFAULT += ip xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += ip xxx_LIBS_solaris += -nil- ip_DIR = $(IP_LIB) xxx_LIBS_DEFAULT += ip330 devIp330 xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += ip330 devIp330 xxx_LIBS_solaris += -nil- ip330_DIR = $(IP330_LIB) devip330_DIR = $(IP330_LIB) xxx_LIBS_DEFAULT += ipUnidig xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += ipUnidig xxx_LIBS_solaris += -nil- ipUnidig_DIR = $(IPUNIDIG_LIB) xxx_LIBS_DEFAULT += love xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += love xxx_LIBS_solaris += -nil- love_DIR = $(LOVE_LIB) xxx_LIBS_DEFAULT += oms softMotor motor xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += oms softMotor motor xxx_LIBS_solaris += softMotor motor motor_DIR = $(MOTOR_LIB) softMotor_DIR = $(MOTOR_LIB) oms_DIR = $(MOTOR_LIB) xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += vxStats vxStats_DIR = $(VXSTATS_LIB) xxx_LIBS += std std_DIR = $(STD_LIB) xxx_LIBS += mpfSerial mpf mpfEpics mpf_DIR = $(MPF_LIB) mpfEpics_DIR = $(MPF_LIB) mpfSerial_DIR = $(MPF_LIB) xxx_LIBS += seq pv seqDev seq_DIR = $(SEQ_LIB) pv_DIR = $(SEQ_LIB) seqDev_DIR = $(SEQ_LIB) xxx_LIBS += gpib gpib_DIR = $(GPIBCORE_LIB) # xxx: in switch from ipac-2_5 to ipac-2_6, # $(IPAC_BIN)/tyGSOctal became $(IPAC_LIB)/libTyGSOctal.a, and # $(IPAC_BIN)/ipacLib became $(IPAC_LIB)/libIpac.a xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += TyGSOctal Ipac #xxx_LDOBJS_vxWorks += $(IPAC_BIN)/ipacLib #xxx_OBJS_vxWorks += $(IPAC_BIN)/tyGSOctal ### from base xxx_LIBS += $(EPICS_BASE_IOC_LIBS) # The following adds support from base/src/vxWorks xxx_OBJS_vxWorks += $(EPICS_BASE_BIN)/vxComLibrary #=========================== include $(TOP)/configure/RULES #---------------------------------------- # ADD RULES AFTER THIS LINE