#Instructions for creating and using a real nfsCommands file # # in order to use nfs do the following: # 1) Create hostAdd and nfsMountAll commands for each nfs server # 2) In each st.cmd file add the following two commands BEFORE any load commands # ../nfs.cmd # cd "<iocname> # # The hostAdd and nfsMountAll commands have the form: # hostAdd("<host>","xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx") # nfsMountAll("<host>") # # You can also mount subdirectories as follows: # nfsMount("<host>", "/xxx/xxx/xxx", "/xxx") # # For example assume # # host is mercury with inet address # You want to mount the directory (which is a file system of mercury) # /home/mercury5/iocinfo # as # /iocinfo # # The commands would be # # hostAdd("mercury","") # nfsMountAll("mercury") # nfsMount("mercury","/home/mercury5/iocinfo","/iocinfo") # # The following line eliminates "cksum: out of data" messages due to DHCP #proxyPortFwdOff(67)