#!/bin/csh -f setenv EPICS_APP /home/oxygen/MOONEY/epics/synApps/support/xxx setenv EPICS_APP_UI_DIR ${EPICS_APP}/xxxApp/op/ui set output = `perl $EPICS_APP/release.pl $EPICS_APP` $output ####################################### # Prepare CAQTDM_DISPLAY_PATH # QTDMDP is temporary CAQTDM_DISPLAY_PATH # setenv QTDMDP . if ( ${?EPICS_APP_UI_DIR} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${EPICS_APP_UI_DIR} endif if ( ${?AREA_DETECTOR} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${AREA_DETECTOR}/ADApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?ADCORE} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${ADCORE}/ADApp/op/ui setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${ADCORE}/ADApp/op/ui/autoconvert endif if ( ${?ASYN} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${ASYN}/opi/caqtdm endif if ( ${?ALIVE} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${ALIVE}/aliveApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?AUTOSAVE} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${AUTOSAVE}/asApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?BUSY} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${BUSY}/busyApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?CALC} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${CALC}/calcApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?CAMAC} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${CAMAC}/camacApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?CAPUTRECORDER} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${CAPUTRECORDER}/caputRecorderApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?DAC128V} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${DAC128V}/dac128VApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?DELAYGEN} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${DELAYGEN}/delaygenApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?DEVIOCSTATS} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${DEVIOCSTATS}/op/ui endif if ( ${?DXP} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${DXP}/dxpApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?IP} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${IP}/ipApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?IP330} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${IP330}/ip330App/op/ui endif if ( ${?IPUNIDIG} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${IPUNIDIG}/ipUnidigApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?LOVE} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${LOVE}/loveApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?MCA} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${MCA}/mcaApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?MEASCOMP} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${MEASCOMP}/measCompApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?MODBUS} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${MODBUS}/modbusApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?MOTOR} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${MOTOR}/motorApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?OPTICS} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${OPTICS}/opticsApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?QUADEM} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${QUADEM}/quadEMApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?SOFTGLUE} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${SOFTGLUE}/softGlueApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?SSCAN} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${SSCAN}/sscanApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?STD} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${STD}/stdApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?VAC} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${VAC}/vacApp/op/ui endif if ( ${?VME} ) then setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:${VME}/vmeApp/op/ui endif setenv QTDMDP ${QTDMDP}:/APSshare/uisys/sr/id if (! ${?CAQTDM_DISPLAY_PATH}) then setenv CAQTDM_DISPLAY_PATH ${QTDMDP} else setenv CAQTDM_DISPLAY_PATH ${QTDMDP}:${CAQTDM_DISPLAY_PATH} endif # This should agree with the environment variable set by the ioc # see 'putenv "EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES=64008"' in iocBoot/ioc<target>/st.cmd #setenv EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES 64008 # for areaDetector setenv EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES 2000100 cd ${EPICS_APP_UI_DIR} setenv START_PUTRECORDER ${EPICS_APP}/start_putrecorder setenv MACROS_PY ${EPICS_APP_UI_DIR}/../python/macros.py setenv EDITOR nedit /APSshare/bin/caQtDM-3-8-10 xxx.ui& #sleep 1 #caQtDM -attach -macro "P=xxx:,S=scan1" -dg +500+300 scan.ui #sleep 1 #caQtDM -attach -macro "P=xxx:,S=scan2" -dg +100+300 scan.ui #sleep 1 #caQtDM -attach -macro "P=xxx:,M=m2" -dg 1x1+1000+300 motorx.ui