<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>xxxReleaseNotes</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <h1 align="center">xxx Release Notes</h1> <h2 align="center">Release 5-0</h2> <ul> <li><p>start_epics_xxx - added new modules to EPICS_DISPLAY_PATH. Added specification of EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES <li><p>documentation/vme_address.html - table of VME addresses, interrupt vectors, etc. <li><p>iocxxx - split into iocUnix, iocvxWorks <li><p>st.cmd, xxxApp/src - changed xxx.dbd to iocxxx.dbd, xxx_registerRecordDeviceDriver to iocxxx_registerRecordDeviceDriver because c function name cannot begin with a number <li><p>st1.cmd - cd to topbin/../vxWorks-68040, so we don't have to have a separate cdCommands file. Load xxx.munch instead of a bunch of separate files <li><p>st1.cmd - must configure dac before ip330PID <li><p>vxStats.substitutions - new file to work with vxStats module <li><p>pid*.substitutions, dac128V.substitutions - new files <li><p>xxx.adl - added vxStats, Keithley 2000; changes in mca, DAC </ul> <address> Suggestions and Comments to: <br> <a href="mailto:mooney@aps.anl.gov">Tim Mooney </a>: (mooney@aps.anl.gov) <br> Last modified: March 5, 2004 </address> </body> </html>