TOP=../.. include $(TOP)/configure/CONFIG #---------------------------------------- # ADD MACRO DEFINITIONS AFTER THIS LINE #============================= # For Kate Feng's implementation of devScaler.c, which uses Till # Straumann's basicIoOps.h to bridge any mismatch between endianness # of Joerger scaler hardware and endianness of processor. #USR_CFLAGS += -DHAS_IOOPS_H #================================================== # build a support library that some other application can use #LIBRARY_IOC += xxxSupport # xxxRecord.h will be created from xxxRecord.dbd #DBDINC += xxxRecord # install support-library .dbd into <top>/dbd #DBD += xxxSupport.dbd # The following are compiled and added to the Support library #xxxSupport_SRCS += xxxRecord.c #xxxSupport_LIBS += $(EPICS_BASE_IOC_LIBS) #xxx_Common_LIBS += xxxSupport #============================= # build an ioc application PROD_IOC = xxx # Note that the order in which .dbd files are added to a list variable # doesn't matter, but the order of libraries does. # <name>.dbd will be created from <name>Include.dbd ifeq ($(OS_CLASS), WIN32) DBD += iocxxxWin32.dbd iocxxxWin32_DBD += xxxCommonInclude.dbd # If your host supports libpcap and libnet and you want to build Canberra network # support uncomment the following line #iocxxxWin32_DBD += mcaCanberraSupport.dbd # If you want to build parallel port or USB interfaces to Saturn and/or xMAP DXP # then uncomment the following two lines iocxxxWin32_DBD += dxpSupport.dbd xxx_LIBS_WIN32 += dxp handel endif ifeq ($(EPICS_HOST_ARCH), cygwin-x86) DBD += iocxxxCygwin.dbd iocxxxCygwin_DBD += xxxCommonInclude.dbd # If you want to build parallel port or USB interfaces to Saturn and/or xMAP DXP # then uncomment the following two lines iocxxxCygwin_DBD += dxpSupport.dbd xxx_LIBS_cygwin32 += dxp handel endif ifeq (vxWorks,$(findstring vxWorks, $(T_A))) DBD += iocxxxVX.dbd #iocxxxVX_DBD += iocxxxVXInclude.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += xxxCommonInclude.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += vmeVXSupport.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += stdVXSupport.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += ipVXSupport.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += mcaSISSupport.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += ipUnidigSupport.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += dac128VSupport.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += ip330Support.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += camacSupport.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += devCamacSupport.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += dxpSupport.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += allenBradley.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += quadEMSupport.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += mcaCanberraSupport.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += devLove.dbd # from ipac iocxxxVX_DBD += tyGSOctal.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += drvIpac.dbd # from asyn iocxxxVX_DBD += drvGsIP488.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += vxStats.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += softGlueSupport.dbd # from motor iocxxxVX_DBD += devDeltaTau.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += devOms.dbd # from areaDetector iocxxxVX_DBD += ADSupport.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += simDetectorSupport.dbd #iocxxxVX_DBD += pluginSupport.dbd iocxxxVX_DBD += AD_pluginSupportVX.dbd endif ifeq ($(OS_CLASS), Linux) DBD += iocxxxLinux.dbd iocxxxLinux_DBD += xxxCommonInclude.dbd iocxxxLinux_DBD += ADSupport.dbd xxx_LIBS_Linux += ADBase # If your host supports libpcap and libnet and you want to build Canberra network # support, set LINUX_NET_INSTALLED to YES in <synApps>/configure/CONFIG_SITE. ifeq ($(LINUX_NET_INSTALLED), YES) iocxxxLinux_DBD += mcaCanberraSupport.dbd xxx_LIBS_Linux += mcaCanberra endif # If your host supports parallel port or USB interfaces to Saturn DXP, set # LINUX_USB_INSTALLED to YES in <synApps>/configure/CONFIG_SITE. ifeq ($(LINUX_USB_INSTALLED), YES) iocxxxLinux_DBD += dxpSupport.dbd xxx_LIBS_Linux += dxp handel endif endif ifeq ($(OS_CLASS), solaris) DBD += iocxxx_solaris.dbd iocxxx_solaris_DBD += xxxCommonInclude.dbd endif # <name>_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp will be created from <name>.dbd xxx_SRCS_vxWorks += iocxxxVX_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp xxx_SRCS_Linux += iocxxxLinux_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp xxxMain.cpp xxx_SRCS_WIN32 += iocxxxWin32_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp xxxMain.cpp xxx_SRCS_cygwin32 += iocxxxCygwin_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp xxxMain.cpp xxx_SRCS_solaris += iocxxx_solaris_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cppa xxxMain.cpp xxx_Common_LIBS += mca xxx_Common_LIBS += calc xxx_Common_LIBS += busy xxx_Common_LIBS += sscan xxx_Common_LIBS += autosave xxx_Common_LIBS += optics xxx_Common_LIBS += std xxx_Common_LIBS += ip xxx_Common_LIBS += Acs acsTech80 Aerotech Attocube Faulhaber Ims KohzuMotor Mclennan xxx_Common_LIBS += Micos MicroMo NewFocus Newport Oriel PI PIJena Parker SmartMotor xxx_Common_LIBS += ThorLabs softMotor motorSimSupport motor xxx_Common_LIBS += asyn xxx_Common_LIBS += stream streamSynApps xxx_Common_LIBS += seqDev seq pv xxx_Common_LIBS += $(EPICS_BASE_IOC_LIBS) xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += allenBradley xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += mcaSIS xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += mcaCanberra xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += ip330 xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += ipUnidig xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += dac128V xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += quadEM xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += camac devCamac xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += dxp handel xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += love xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += vxStats xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += vme xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += TyGSOctal Ipac xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += oms DeltaTau xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += softGlue # areaDetector stuff xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += simDetector xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += NDPlugin xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += netCDF xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += ADBase #The following adds support from base/src/vxWorks xxx_OBJS_vxWorks += $(EPICS_BASE_BIN)/vxComLibrary xxx_LIBS_vxWorks += $(xxx_Common_LIBS) xxx_LIBS_Linux += $(xxx_Common_LIBS) xxx_LIBS_solaris += $(xxx_Common_LIBS) xxx_LIBS_cygwin32 += $(xxx_Common_LIBS) xxx_LIBS_WIN32 += $(xxx_Common_LIBS) # If the host has libnet and libpcap for mca/Canberra support # uncomment the following line. #xxx_SYS_LIBS_Linux += net pcap # For USB support on Saturn uncomment the following line xxx_SYS_LIBS_Linux += usb # This is needed (and provided) by areaDetector on Linux and WIN32 xxx_LIBS_WIN32 += PvAPI xxx_LIBS_Linux += PvAPI # This is needed by dxp on cygwin and WIN32 xxx_SYS_LIBS_cygwin32 += DLPORTIO PlxApi setupapi xxx_LIBS_WIN32 += DLPORTIO PlxApi xxx_SYS_LIBS_WIN32 += setupapi # This is needed by saveData and asyn VXI-11 on cygwin xxx_SYS_LIBS_cygwin32 += rpc # areaDetector needs these xxx_SYS_LIBS_solaris += tiff jpeg z #xxx_SYS_LIBS_solaris += NeXus mfhdf df hdf5 mxml # To use versions of these libraries supplied with areaDetector use this line xxx_LIBS_Linux += NeXus mfhdf df hdf5 mxml # To use system versions of these libraries use this line #xxx_SYS_LIBS_Linux += NeXus mfhdf df hdf5 mxml # To use versions of these libraries supplied with areaDetector use this line xxx_LIBS_Linux += tiff jpeg z # To use system versions of these libraries use this line #xxx_SYS_LIBS_Linux += tiff jpeg z #=========================== include $(TOP)/configure/RULES #---------------------------------------- # ADD RULES AFTER THIS LINE