# This is a TOML document
title = "CRL static setup"
# Set up beam properties -- these may only need to be set up at creation of IOC
# however energy can be changed after boot-time
# energy - energy in keV
# L_und - Undulator length in m
# sigmaH_e - Sigma electron source size in H direction in m
# sigmaV_e - Sigma electron source size in V direction in m
# sigmaHp_e - Sigma electron divergence in H direction in rad
# sigmaVp_e - Sigma electron divergence in V direction in rad
L_und = 4.7
sigmaH_e = 14.8e-6
sigmaV_e = 3.7e-6
sigmaHp_e = 2.8e-6
sigmaVp_e = 1.5e-6
# Set up beamline properties -- these may only need to be set up at creation of IOC
# d_StoL - Source-to-CRL1 distance, in m
# d_Stof - Source-to-focus distance, in m
d_StoL = 51.9
d_Stof = 66.2
# Set up crl properties -- these are properties common to the stacks
# stacks - Number of sets of lenses
# stack_d - Stack thickness in mMinimum thickness at the apex in m
# d_min - Minimum thickness at the apex in m
stacks = 10
stack_d = 0.050
d_min = 0.00003