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.travis.yml 2.80 KiB
# .travis.xml for use with EPICS Base ci-scripts
# (see:

language: cpp
compiler: gcc
dist: xenial

# Minimal set of packages needed to compile EPICS Base

  - $HOME/.cache

    # for the sequencer on Windows
    - CHOCO=re2c

    # for all EPICS builds
    - libreadline6-dev
    - libncurses5-dev
    - perl
    # for clang compiler
    - clang
    # for mingw builds (32bit and 64bit)
    - g++-mingw-w64-i686
    - g++-mingw-w64-x86-64
    # for RTEMS cross builds
    - qemu-system-x86
    # for the sequencer
    - re2c
    update: true

  - python .ci/ prepare

  - python .ci/ build
  - python .ci/ test
  - python .ci/ test-results

# If you need to do more during install and build,
# add a local directory to your module and do e.g.
#  - ./.ci-local/travis/

# Define build jobs

# Well-known variables to use
# SET      source setup file
# EXTRA    content will be added to make command line
# STATIC   set to YES for static build (default: NO)
# TEST     set to NO to skip running the tests (default: YES)
# VV       set to make build scripts verbose (default: unset)

# Usually from setup files, but may be specified or overridden
#  on a job line
# MODULES  list of dependency modules
# BASE     branch or release tag name of the EPICS Base to use
# <MODULE> branch or release tag for a specific module
# ...      see README for setup file syntax description

# Older Base releases

  - env: SET=base3-14

#  - env: SET=base3-14 BCFG=static

  - env: SET=base3-15

#  - env: SET=base3-15 BCFG=static

# Default gcc, static build

  - env: SET=base7-0

#  - env: SET=base7-0 BCFG=static

# Default clang build

  - env: SET=base7-0
    compiler: clang

#  - env: SET=base7-0 EXTRA="CMD_CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11"
#    compiler: clang

# Trusty: compiler versions very close to RHEL 7

  - env: SET=base7-0
    dist: trusty

#  - env: SET=base7-0 BCFG=debug
#    dist: trusty

# Other gcc versions (added as an extra package)

#  - env: SET=base7-0
#    compiler: gcc-6
#    addons: { apt: { packages: ["g++-6"], sources: ["ubuntu-toolchain-r-test"] } }

#  - env: SET=base7-0
#    compiler: gcc-7
#    addons: { apt: { packages: ["g++-7"], sources: ["ubuntu-toolchain-r-test"] } }

# Cross-compilations to Windows using MinGW and WINE
#  - env: SET=base7-0 WINE=32 TEST=NO BCFG=static

  - env: SET=base7-0 WINE=64 TEST=NO

# Windows builds

#  - env: SET=base7-0 
#    os: windows
#    compiler: vs2017

  - env: SET=base7-0 BCFG=static
    os: windows
    compiler: vs2017

#  - env: SET=base7-0 BCFG=debug
#    os: windows
#    compiler: vs2017

# MacOS build

  - env: SET=base7-0
    os: osx
    compiler: clang