EPICS IOC using PyDevice module to integrate python code into PVs
The IOC is based off of the xxx template from APS BCDA synApps collection. For more information on synAps, see http://www.aps.anl.gov/bcda/synApps
More information on the PyDevice module can be found here: https://github.com/klemenv/PyDevice
Integrates x-ray filter attenuation calculations with control of filter devices. Uses xraylib python module.
Integrate code for transfocator calculations with lens actuation. Uses xraylib python module
Setting up
Python Environment
Need to create conda environment from which to build and run the IOC (should be kept external to IOC file structure) Create a source script for activating the environment (e.g. 100idPyFilter_startup_env)
Startup script changes
xxx.pl --> 100idPyFilters.pl Added definitions: PYDEV_STARTUP —> file to be sourced that includes conda activation and updates to LD_LIBRARY_PATH PYDEV_IOC_CMD —> combined source and IOC_CMD for use in screen call
New command files in iocBoot/ioc100idPyFilters/softioc/commands: pyrun.pl — had to combine source command and IOC startup command into one line:
system("source ${PYDEV_STARTUP} && ${IOC_CMD}");
pystart.pl — And in 6-3 looks like:
system("$SCREEN -dm -S $IOC_NAME -h 5000 -L -Logfile $LOG_FILE bash -c \"$PYDEV_IOC_CMD\"");
Should be able run like any other xxx-based (synApps) IOC i.e. by running the xxx.pl file (or as in one the new examples in this IOC 100idPyFilters.pl)