- [ ] clicking `use gup db` button changes list to be populated with gups, `use esaf` button to `use gup` button, and year filter option to run filter option.
- [X] clicking `browse` button opens file system view
- [ ] typing in experiment file path shows drop down for `experiment file path`
- [] `start daq`, `start upload`, and wrench buttons are disabled if data directory is empty
- [X] `start daq`, `start upload`, and wrench buttons are disabled if data directory is empty
- [ ] clicking `start daq` button creates, runs new daq with values set in daq system params modal and additional params and switch to `daqs list` tab
- [ ] clicking `start upload` button creates, runs new upload with values set in upload params modal and additional params and switch to `uploads list` tab
- [ ] users list is by default populated with the station managers
- [ ] modifying the storage root path and clicking the `save` button moves the already collected data to the new path and removes it from the old location