import iexcode.instruments.cfg as iex
ARPES: ARPES specific functions
AD_untilites: functions for common area detector operations
bakeout: functions for monitoring a bakeout
cameras: used for taking images from epics
cam_snap => takes a single image
cam_scan_setup => configures the scanRecord to take an image at each polarization
cam_live => puts the camera back in live/free-run mode
cam_done => turns off acquisition
cfg: config file which holds global variable BL and MPA usage: import iexcode.instruments.cfg as iex
h => Planck's constant (eV/s)
c => speed of light (m/s)
deg2rad => converts degree to radian
rad2deg => converts radian to degrees
eV2Lambda => converts eV to Angstroms
Lambda2eV => converts Angstroms to eV
Keithley => class for Keithley current amplifiers
ca_detector_list => list of detectors which are used in a given branch ('b for beamline)
ca_average => turns on averaging for all Keithleys in ca_list
ca_reset_all => resets all Keithleys in all branches
SRS => class for SRS current amplifiers
current2flux => calculates the flux based on the current reading in an AUX100 photodiode
flux2current => calculates the current reading for a given flux for and AUX100 photodiode
beamline diagnostics
diagnostics_list_all => prints the name of all the diagnostics
diagnostics_in/_out diagnostic => moves the specified diagnostic in/out
diagnostics_all_in/_out diagnostic => moves all beamline diagnostics in/out
Note that they can shadow/block downstream diagnostics
mesh_W => moves W-mesh in the A-hutch in/out
diode_c => moves diode in c-branch in/out
diode_c_read => reads the current amplifier for the c-branch diode
diode_d => moves diode in c-branch in/out; located just before the kappa endstation
mesh_d => moves mesh in d-branch in/out; used for normalization
mesh_d_read => reads the current amplifier for the d-branch mesh
beamline specific calls to Scienta
EA => electron analyzer class
EA_ioc_init => initializes the ioc after a reboot (eventually goes in AutoSave)
folders_EA => sets the folder for the Scienta spectra saving (called by Folders_ARPES)
SES_slit_get => gets the analyzer slit number
SES_slit_set => sets the analyzer slit to the given value
scanEA => takes a spectra
scanFM => takes a Fermi map
mvth_interp => moves to an interpolated theta value
scanEA_hv => takes a spectra at each photon energy
scanEA_motor => takes a spectra at each motor point
resolution_EA => get the analyzer contribution to the resolution
beamline absolute encoders
encoder_name_list => lists names in encoder dictionary
encoder_sync => syncs all the encoders associated with name
encoders_slit2B_reset_zero => resets the center for the slit2B encoder
files_and_folders: general scripts for dealing with files and directories
path_dserv => path to user data directory on the dserve
check_run => returns the current run based on todays date
make_ftp => creates the folders on the ftp server, kip
make_user_folders => creates all the appropriate user folders
folder_mda => creates/set the user folder for the scanRecord folder_SPEC
get_last_fileNumber => gets the last file number in the directory
functions for M0,M1,M3R
FMB_mirror_get => get the current position of all axes for a given mirror
FMB_mirror_move => moves the specified axis ('Tx','Ty','Tz','Rx','Ry','Rz') for the given mirror
FMB_mirror_move_all => moves all the axes to the positions specified in position_list
FMB_mirror_tweak => relative moves
FMB_mirror_scan => scan a mirror axis
M0M1_Table => reads the dictionary file to get the previous mirror positions
M0M1_SP => writes the values form M0M1_Table to the set points (still need to push move)
Newport hexapods hxp_sync => syncs the motor setpoint and readback values for a given mirror
hxp_get => gets a mirror position
hxp_get_all => gets all the mirror positions
used to access current beamline configuration, based on instance initialization not pv
Beamline_Config => class to carry all configuration info gets stored in iexcode\instruments\cft BL
BL_ioc => returns the scan ioc
BL_branch => returns the branch (shutter not mirror position)
BL_mode => returns the current mode (user/staff)
BL_mda_prefix => return prefix for mda scanRecord
BL_mda_filepath => returns the file path in mda scanRecord
get_all => gets relavent pv values
undulator functions ID_get_all => gets ID_mode, ID_QP_ratio, ID_sp, ID_rbv
ID_off => turns off the ID
ID_start => turns on the ID
ID_restart => turns off the ID and then turns it on with the same set point
fourc2kappa => converts between four-circle angles and kappa angles
kappa2fourc => converts between kappa dn four-circle angles
defines kappa tth detector class and other functions
Kappa_Detector => for detset etc in kappa chamber
kappa specific functions
functions for writing logfile.txt, gets set by IEX_BL_config
log_print => print a comment in the logfile log_update => updates the logfile with the current info (used if script is aborted) log_name_set => change name of logfile
functions for dealin with m3r
m3r_tweak_pitch => tweaks the pitch of m3r
m3r_table => go to the default position specified branch
m3r_branch => returns the branch based on mirror position
m3r_switch_branch => moves the mirror to the default position for a given branch
m3r_centroid => returns the centroid position for m3r
m3r_align => aligns the m3r
motor class and common name functions
Motor => class definition get set in Beamline_Config
mvx => moves motor x
dmvx => relative move of x
scanx => scan of x motor
dscanx => relative scan of x motor
resolution => gives the resolution for the current settings
scaler_cts => sets the scaler counter for the current endstation
scanRecord: functions and class for handling the scanRecord
ScanRecord => class for handling scanRecord_user
scan_fillin => same as iex.BL.mda.fillin
scan_fillin_table => same as iex.BL.mda.fillin_table
scan_go => same as iex.BL.mda.go
.empty_scan => scan with no positioners
.time_scan => scan with positioner readback as time and detector settling as minutes
Scienta: base functions for taking spectra, called by electron_analyzer
shutters: main shutter and branch shutter functions
shutter_check => checks and then opens main and branch shutters
main_shutter_open => checks status then opens if not open
main_shutter_close => checks status then closes if not closed
main_shutter_status => returns open=True/False
branch_shutter_open => checks status then opens iex.BL.mda.branch shuttter if not open
branch_shutter_close => checks status then closes iex.BL.mda.branch shuttter if not closed
branch_shutter_status => returns open=True/False
slits: beamline slits and aperatures
slit_name_list => list all slits/apertures
slits_synch => syncs the motor position with the slit table for a given slit
slits_synch_all =>
slits_get_all =>
slits_set => sets the slit/aperature to the specified size and position
slits_get => gets the slit/aperature size and position
slit1A_scribe_marks => moves the slits so that the scribe marks should align
slit2B_encoders_reset => resets the encords to be zero at the specified position
exit_slit => uses iex.BL.branch to set correct exit slit size
folders_startup => makes folder structure for a new run
storage ring
wait_for_beam => waits for storage ring current to be above ring_current
userCals: functions for filling in user calcs and string Sequences
utilities: general functions
dateandtime => prints current date and time
today => returns a string with the date
print_warning_message => prints a warning message_string
wait_for_it => waits for future time
input_timeout => used to break for an input
range_up/down => loop for noninteger counting (inclusive of last point)
take_closest_value => takes the closest value from a list
read_dict => reads text files in iexcode.IEX_dictionaries
make_table => makes a table array from a list of lists
valves: control valves via epics
VLS_PGM: mono functions
mono_get_all => returns the current mono settings from most common parameters
mono_get_all_extended => returns all the current mono settings
mono_reset_pitch => resets the motors after a following error
mono_stop => stops the mono motors
mono_enage => reenables the mono motors
mono_limits_reset => sets the energy lower limit to 200
mono_temperature_interlock => moving this to EPS
energy_get => retuns the mono energy
getE => same as energy_get
energy => set the ID, aperatures and mono
apertures_set => decrease aperature size/cutting flux
mvID => moves the ID to a given set point (not calibrated)
mvID_calibrated => moves the ID for max flux
mvmono => sets mono energy
grating/_get => switches gratings/gets the current grating
polarization/_get => changes the polariation/gets current polarization
scanXAS => table scan of the energy
shutter_check => checks main and branch shutter
switch_branch => moves m3R to default position for the branch; close/reopens shutters too
get_mirros => gets all the FMB mirror positions
slit => sets the exit_slit
slit_get => gets the exit slit