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#!/usr/bin/env python

import cherrypy
import urllib
from cherrypy.lib import httpauth

from dm.common.constants import dmStatus
from dm.common.constants import dmRole
from dm.common.constants import dmHttpStatus
from dm.common.exceptions.dmException import DmException
from dm.common.exceptions.dmHttpError import DmHttpError
from dm.common.exceptions.authorizationError import AuthorizationError
from dm.common.utility.loggingManager import LoggingManager
from dm.common.service.dmController import DmController
from dm.common.service.auth.authorizationPrincipalManager import AuthorizationPrincipalManager

class LoginController(DmController):
    """ Controller to provide login and logout actions. """

    SESSION_USERNAME_KEY = '_cp_username'
    SESSION_USER_KEY = 'user'
    SESSION_ROLE_KEY = 'role'
    INVALID_SESSION_KEY = 'invalidSession'

    _cp_config = {
        'tools.sessions.on' : True,
        'tools.auth.on' : True

    def __init__(self):

    def onLogin(self, username):
        """ Called on successful login. """

    def onLogout(self, username):
        """ Called on logout. """

    def getLoginForm(cls, msg='Enter username and password:', username='', fromPage='/'):
        return """
                <form method='post' action='/auth/login'>
                    <input type='hidden' name='fromPage' value='%(fromPage)s' />
                    <h2>DM Service</h2>
                    <table border='0'>
                            <td>Username:</td><td><input type='text' name="username" value='%(username)s'/></td>
                            <td>Password:</td><td><input type='password' name='password' /></td>
                            <td><input type='submit' value='Log In' /></td>
        </html>""" % locals()

    def parseBasicAuthorizationHeaders(cls):
            username = None
            password = None
            authorization = cherrypy.request.headers['authorization']
            authorizationHeader = httpauth.parseAuthorization(authorization)
            if authorizationHeader['auth_scheme'] == 'basic':
                username = authorizationHeader['username']
                password = authorizationHeader['password']
            if username and password:
                return (username, password)
                raise AuthorizationError('Username and/or password not supplied.')
        except Exception, ex:
            errorMsg = 'Could not extract username/password from authorization header: %s' % ex
            raise AuthorizationError(errorMsg)

    def checkCredentials(cls, username, password):
        """ Verifies credentials for username and password."""
        logger = LoggingManager.getInstance().getLogger('LoginController:checkCredentials')
        logger.debug('Checking credential for User: %s' % (username))
        #logger.debug('Checking credential for User: %s, Password: %s' % (username, password))
        logger.debug('Session id: %s' %
        principal = AuthorizationPrincipalManager.getInstance().getAuthenticatedAuthorizationPrincipal(username, password)
        #logger.debug('Principal: %s' % (principal))
        if principal:
            cherrypy.session[LoginController.SESSION_ROLE_KEY] = principal.getRole()
            logger.debug('Successful login from user: %s (role: %s)' % (username, principal.getRole()))
            logger.debug('Login denied for user: %s' % username)
            username = cherrypy.session.get(LoginController.SESSION_USERNAME_KEY, None)
            if username is not None:
                cherrypy.request.login = None
                cherrypy.session[LoginController.INVALID_DM_SESSION_KEY] = True
            raise AuthorizationError('Incorrect username or password.')
        cherrypy.session[LoginController.SESSION_USER_KEY] = principal.getUserInfo()
        return principal

    def authCheck(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        A tool that looks in config for 'auth.require'. If found and it
        is not None, a login is required and the entry is evaluated as a list of
        conditions that the user must fulfill.
        logger = LoggingManager.getInstance().getLogger('LoginController:authCheck')
        conditions = cherrypy.request.config.get('auth.require', None)
        #logger.debug('Headers: %s' % (cherrypy.request.headers))
        #logger.debug('Request params: %s' % (cherrypy.request.params))
        #logger.debug('Request query string: %s' % (cherrypy.request.query_string))
        method = urllib.quote(cherrypy.request.request_line.split()[0])
        params = urllib.quote(cherrypy.request.request_line.split()[1])

        if conditions is None:
            logger.debug('No conditions imposed')

        sessionId =
        sessionCache = cherrypy.session.cache
        #logger.debug('Session: %s' % ((cherrypy.session.__dict__)))
        #logger.debug('Session cache length: %s' % (len(sessionCache)))
        #logger.debug('Session cache: %s' % (sessionCache))

        # Check session.
        if not sessionCache.has_key(sessionId):
            errorMsg = 'Invalid or expired session id: %s.' % sessionId
            raise DmHttpError(dmHttpStatus.DM_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, 'User Not Authorized', AuthorizationError(errorMsg))

        username = cherrypy.session.get(LoginController.SESSION_USERNAME_KEY)
        logger.debug('Session id %s is valid (username: %s)' % (sessionId, username))
        if username:
            cherrypy.request.login = username
            for condition in conditions:
                # A condition is just a callable that returns true or false
                if not condition():
                    logger.debug('Authorization check %s failed for username %s' % (condition.func_name, username))
                    errorMsg = 'Authorization check %s failed for user %s.' % (condition.func_name, username)
                    raise DmHttpError(dmHttpStatus.DM_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, 'User Not Authorized', AuthorizationError(errorMsg))
            logger.debug('Username is not supplied')
            raise DmHttpError(dmHttpStatus.DM_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, 'User Not Authorized', ex)

    def login(self, username=None, password=None, fromPage='/'):
        self.logger.debug('Attempting login from username %s' % (username))
            if username is None or password is None:
                self.logger.debug('Parsing auth headers for username %s' % (username))
                (username, password) = LoginController.parseBasicAuthorizationHeaders()
                self.logger.debug('Retrieving principal for username %s' % (username))
            principal = LoginController.checkCredentials(username, password)
        except DmHttpError, ex:
        except DmException, ex:
            self.logger.debug('Authorization failed (username %s): %s' % (username, ex))
            raise DmHttpError(dmHttpStatus.DM_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, 'User Not Authorized', ex)

        # Authorization worked.
        cherrypy.session[LoginController.SESSION_USERNAME_KEY] = cherrypy.request.login = username

    def logout(self, fromPage='/'):
        sess = cherrypy.session
        username = sess.get(LoginController.SESSION_USERNAME_KEY, None)
        if username:
            del sess[LoginController.SESSION_USERNAME_KEY]
            cherrypy.request.login = None