@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ This node will be responsible for providing the data storage web service, the po
To install _dm_ compnents for the data-storage node
* cd DM\_INSTALL\_DIR/production
* edit etc/dm.deploy.conf to change DM\_CA\_HOST to data-storage
* ./sbin/install\_dm\_deploy\_data\_station.sh
* ./sbin/install\_dm\_deploy\_data\_storage.sh
- This deploy process will install components and prompt for user input as necessary. Prompts will ask for a number of system passwords, some existing and some being set by this process, node names for the DS web service node and file locations. These include
- __postgres__ admin account - This will be used to manage the postgres itself. Each developer can set this to a unique value.
- __dm__ db management account - This will be for mananging the 'dm' database in postgres. Each developer can set this to a unique value.
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Each step in a workflow can define inputs and outputs which can then be used in
### Restarting the test system
If needed the test system can be restarted running a couple of startup commands. Change directory the DM install directory and then