R_0_6_79a2d035a · ·
Change environment minixes2 to match the scripts. add setup_rixs.bat to the scripts directory.
qtcalibrator_0_6618e994e · ·
Many fixes to keep this from crashing due to changes in parameters, loading/clearing etc. Add functionality for hiding/showing ROIs associated with Crystal area used for calibration. Disable Find Crystals button until we can determine a better way to specify the regions automatically for now at least, the crystal arrays overlap and have low intensity (making it hard to find the lines to fit). Added a menu item which allows showing the data points to be used in calibration. There are some significant regions of overlap that should probably be avoided. This should help find them.
qtcalibrator_0_27f7c3324 · ·
qtcalibrator is working to provide some access to all main features. * Can import the Energy list from the scan file * Can add a list of exposures by selecting them with Select Exposures button * Can adjust the brightness, etc of the image to see features * can select ROIs to define the bits of the images which will be used in the calibration * can do a calibration of the data. * Can save and load of the calibration & other header info. * Can export/import ROIs that define the crystal regions to be used in calibration * It seems that the files saved/imported can be used in either the WX or Qt version of the code at this point. The same code is being used to read & write the files at this point. * Have tried to move code so that it is compatible with both Python 2 and 3. Compatibility starts to fall apart when we get to trying to use both wx and Qt versions of the code. The wx version is using wx 3.0 for now. With Anaconda Python 3, too many old packages are attached to wxPython. Don't want to deal with that for now. Would be better to try and get it working with wxPython 4 instead.
qtcalibrator_0_1a33fa0d5 · ·
First round work on a Qt version of calibrator program. This now: * reads energies from setup file and loads these to the list view * inputs the exposure files from a selection using a file browser * Need to make the folowing work add/remove rows from the table, clear energies and exposures removing these from the table & adjusting the image view accordingly. * Have added in the filters on bottom left panel. Visible min and max are now adjusting the image levels and Low and High cutoff & pair filters are now masking image file as appropriate. * usign pyqtgraph for the image display. This allows moving the image around and zooming in and out to allow working on the whole image. This was a problem which needed much more work with the Wx code and was probably the main reason to switch to Qt. * Have implemented initial Find Crystals which uses same search code as the calibrator does. It currently finds regions along the top row of the detector, which is what was happening with the wx version. Fixing one should fix the other. * Added Add ROI to the context menu. This now adds an ROI to the image. It is meant for user driven ROI creation. * The current ROI implementation: add one from menu or use Find Crystals create ROIs which can be modified (location & size). For now this does not feed back fully into the program to define the rectangle regions that will be used to do calibration. Need to add in this feedback. Now most of the building blocks are in place. Need to go through a round of cleanup & implement some features more fully before working through the actual calibration part of the program.
calibrator_working_1016f7c86 · ·
Calibrator tested working on Linux, Windows and Mac. Tested using Anaconda 3 Python 2.7 environment(2.7.16) and wxpython (3.0.0)