# RELEASE - Location of external products
# Run "gnumake clean uninstall install" in the application
# top directory each time this file is changed.
# Notes:
# - Architecture dependent declarations should go into RELEASE.<arch>
# - This file will be scanned to automatically generate
# include path definitions etc.
# The order of the following declarations will be retained
# within those definitions.
# - The build does not check dependencies on files
# external to this application. Thus you should run
# "gnumake clean uninstall install" in the top directory
# each time EPICS_BASE, SNCSEQ, or any other external
# module defined in the RELEASE file is rebuilt.
# - "#!" marks lines that can be uncommented.
# Choose one, and only one, of the following two methods to define SUPPORT.
# The 1st method uses the intermediate variable GATEWAY. GATEWAY is used if
# you are using a shared distribution of synApps among users with different
# directory paths (i.e., mount points) to synApps.
# The 2nd, defalut, method is for users that have their own copy of synApps.
# 1ST METHOD, for GATEWAY users.
# If you are using the APS gateway to access synApps; define the NFS mount path
# to the gateway here and uncomment the following lines.
# 2ND METHOD; define the path to the synApps support directory and uncomment.
# Choice one, and only one, of the following two methods to define the synApps
# configuration.
# For the standard synApps configuration; uncomment the following line.
#include $(SUPPORT)/config/MASTER_RELEASE
include $(SUPPORT)/configure/RELEASE
# For a local, custom configuration; copy $(SUPPORT)/configure/RELEASE
# to this directory as the file MASTER_RELEASE, edit the file and uncomment
# the following line.
#!include $(TOP)/configure/MASTER_RELEASE