#RELEASE Location of external products
# IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES to this file you MUST at least run
# "gnumake" in this directory afterwards; you usually need
# to run "gnumake rebuild" in the application's top level
# directory each time this file is changed.
# NOTE: The build does not check dependencies against files
# that are outside this application, thus you should run
# "gnumake distclean install" in the top directory each time
# EPICS_BASE, SNCSEQ, or any other external module defined
# in the RELEASE file is rebuilt.
# Host/target specific settings can be specified in files named
# RELEASE.Common.$(T_A)
# Define the path to the synApps support directory and uncomment.
# Specify the standard synApps configuration.
include $(SUPPORT)/configure/RELEASE.win32-x86