# BEGIN canberra_1.cmd --------------------------------------------------------
# Commands to load a single Canberra detector with ICB electronics
# AIMConfig(portName, ethernet_address, portNumber, maxChans,
# maxSignals, maxSequences, ethernetDevice)
# portName, # asyn port name to be created
# ethernet_address, # Low order 16 bits of Ethernet hardware address
# portNumber, # ADC port on AIM (1 or 2)
# maxChans, # Maximum channels for this input
# maxSignals, # Maximum signals for this input (>1 for MCS or multiplexor)
# maxSequences, # Maximum sequences for time resolved applications
# ethernetDevice) # Ethernet device name on IOC
# # Typically ei0 for Motorola 68K, dc0 for ppc, eth0 for Linux
AIMConfig("AIM1/1", 0x59e, 1, 2048, 1, 1, "dc0")
AIMConfig("AIM1/2", 0x59e, 2, 2048, 8, 1, "dc0")
AIMConfig("DSA2000", 0x8058, 1, 2048, 1, 1, "dc0")
dbLoadRecords("$(MCA)/mcaApp/Db/mca.db", "P=xxx:,M=aim_adc1,DTYP=asynMCA,INP=@asyn(AIM1/1 0),NCHAN=2048")
dbLoadRecords("$(MCA)/mcaApp/Db/mca.db", "P=xxx:,M=aim_adc2,DTYP=asynMCA,INP=@asyn(AIM1/2 0),NCHAN=2048")
dbLoadRecords("$(MCA)/mcaApp/Db/mca.db", "P=xxx:,M=aim_adc3,DTYP=asynMCA,INP=@asyn(AIM1/2 2),NCHAN=2048")
dbLoadRecords("$(MCA)/mcaApp/Db/mca.db", "P=xxx:,M=aim_adc4,DTYP=asynMCA,INP=@asyn(AIM1/2 4),NCHAN=2048")
dbLoadRecords("$(MCA)/mcaApp/Db/mca.db", "P=xxx:,M=aim_adc5,DTYP=asynMCA,INP=@asyn(AIM1/2 6),NCHAN=2048")
dbLoadRecords("$(MCA)/mcaApp/Db/mca.db", "P=xxx:,M=aim_adc6,DTYP=asynMCA,INP=@asyn(DSA2000 0),NCHAN=2048")
# icbConfig(portName, ethernetAddress, icbAddress, moduleType)
# portName to give to this asyn port
# ethernetAddress - Ethernet address of module, low order 16 bits
# icbAddress - rotary switch setting inside ICB module
# moduleType
# 0 = ADC
# 1 = Amplifier
# 2 = HVPS
# 3 = TCA
# 4 = DSP
icbConfig("icbAdc1", 0x59e, 5, 0)
dbLoadRecords("$(MCA)/mcaApp/Db/icb_adc.db", "P=xxx:,ADC=adc1,PORT=icbAdc1")
icbConfig("icbAmp1", 0x59e, 3, 1)
dbLoadRecords("$(MCA)/mcaApp/Db/icb_amp.db", "P=xxx:,AMP=amp1,PORT=icbAmp1")
icbConfig("icbHvps1", 0x59e, 2, 2)
dbLoadRecords("$(MCA)/mcaApp/Db/icb_hvps.db", "P=xxx:,HVPS=hvps1,PORT=icbHvps1,LIMIT=1000")
icbConfig("icbTca1", 0x59e, 8, 3)
dbLoadRecords("$(MCA)/mcaApp/Db/icb_tca.db", "P=xxx:,TCA=tca1,MCA=aim_adc2,PORT=icbTca1")
icbConfig("icbDsp1", 0x8058, 0, 4)
dbLoadRecords("$(MCA)/mcaApp/Db/icbDsp.db", "P=xxx:,DSP=dsp1,PORT=icbDsp1")
# END canberra_1.cmd ----------------------------------------------------------