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st.cmd 10.19 KiB
# vxWorks startup script


# for vxStats
#putenv "engineer=not me"
#putenv "location=Earth"
engineer="not me"

cd ""
< ../nfsCommands
< cdCommands

# How to set and get the clock rate

cd topbin

# If the VxWorks kernel was built using the project facility, the following must
# be added before any C++ code is loaded (see SPR #28980).

# If using a PowerPC CPU with more than 32MB of memory, and not building with longjump, then
# allocate enough memory here to force code to load in lower 32 MB.
##mem = malloc(1024*1024*96)

### Load synApps EPICS software
### doesn't work for tornado 2.2.2 ### ld < xxx.munch
cd startup

# Increase size of buffer for error logging from default 1256

# override address, interrupt vector, etc. information in module_types.h

# need more entries in wait/scan-record channel-access queue?
recDynLinkQsize = 1024

# Specify largest array CA will transport
# Note for N sscanRecord data points, need (N+1)*8 bytes, else MEDM
# plot doesn't display
#putenv "EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES=64008"

# set the protocol path for streamDevice
#epicsEnvSet("STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH", ".")

# Tell EPICS all about the record types, device-support modules, drivers,
# etc. in the software we just loaded (xxx.munch)

# user-assignable ramp/tweak

### save_restore setup
# We presume a suitable initHook routine was compiled into xxx.munch.
# See also create_monitor_set(), after iocInit() .
< save_restore.cmd

# Industry Pack support
< industryPack.cmd

# serial support
< serial.cmd

# gpib support
#< gpib.cmd

# VME devices
< vme.cmd

# CAMAC hardware

# Motors

### Allstop, alldone
dbLoadRecords("$(MOTOR)/db/motorUtil.db", "P=xxx:")

### streamDevice example

### Insertion-device control

### Scan-support software
# crate-resident scan.  This executes 1D, 2D, 3D, and 4D scans, and caches
# 1D data, but it doesn't store anything to disk.  (See 'saveData' below for that.)

# A set of scan parameters for each positioner.  This is a convenience
# for the user.  It can contain an entry for each scannable thing in the
# crate.

### Slits

# X-ray Instrumentation Associates Huber Slit Controller
# supported by a customized version of the SNL program written by Pete Jemian
# (Uses asyn record loaded separately)
#dbLoadRecords("$(OPTICS)/opticsApp/Db/xia_slit.db", "P=xxx:, HSC=hsc1:")
#dbLoadRecords("$(OPTICS)/opticsApp/Db/xia_slit.db", "P=xxx:, HSC=hsc2:")

### 2-post mirror

### User filters

### Optical tables
putenv "DIR=$(OPTICS)/opticsApp/Db"

# Io calculation

### Monochromator support ###
# Kohzu and PSL monochromators: Bragg and theta/Y/Z motors
# standard geometry (geometry 1)
# modified geometry (geometry 2)

# Spherical grating monochromator

# 4-bounce high-resolution monochromator

### Orientation matrix, four-circle diffractometer (see seq program 'orient' below)
#dbLoadRecords("$(OPTICS)/opticsApp/Db/orient.db", "P=xxx:,O=1,PREC=6")

# Coarse/Fine stage

# Load single element Canberra AIM MCA and ICB modules
#< canberra_1.cmd

# Load 13 element detector software
#< canberra_13.cmd

# Load 3 element detector software
#< canberra_3.cmd

### Stuff for user programming ###
# string sequence (sseq) records
# 4-step measurement
dbLoadRecords("$(STD)/stdApp/Db/4step.db", "P=xxx:")
# interpolation
dbLoadRecords("$(CALC)/calcApp/Db/interp.db", "P=xxx:,N=2000")
# array test
dbLoadRecords("$(CALC)/calcApp/Db/arrayTest.db", "P=xxx:,N=2000")

# pvHistory (in-crate archive of up to three PV's)

# software timer

# Slow feedback
dbLoadTemplate "pid_slow.substitutions"

# Miscellaneous PV's, such as burtResult
# vxStats

### Queensgate piezo driver

### Queensgate Nano2k piezo controller

### Load database records for Femto amplifiers

### Load database records for dual PF4 filters

# Set shell prompt (otherwise it is left at mv167 or mv162)
shellPromptSet "iocvxWorks> "

### Startup State Notation Language (SNL) programs
# NOTE: Command line limited to 128 characters

#seq &kohzuCtl, "P=xxx:, M_THETA=m9, M_Y=m10, M_Z=m11, GEOM=2, logfile=kohzuCtl.log"
### Example of specifying offset limits
##dbpf xxx:kohzu_yOffsetAO.DRVH 17.51
##dbpf xxx:kohzu_yOffsetAO.DRVL 17.49

#seq &hrCtl, "P=xxx:, N=1, M_PHI1=m9, M_PHI2=m10, logfile=hrCtl1.log"

# Keithley 2000 series DMM
# channels: 10, 20, or 22;  model: 2000 or 2700
#seq &Keithley2kDMM,("P=xxx:, Dmm=D1, channels=22, model=2700")
#seq &Keithley2kDMM,("P=xxx:, Dmm=D2, channels=10, model=2000")

# Bunch clock generator
#seq &getFillPat, "unit=xxx"

# X-ray Instrumentation Associates Huber Slit Controller
# supported by a SNL program written by Pete Jemian and modified (TMM) for use with the
# sscan record
#seq  &xia_slit, "name=hsc1, P=xxx:, HSC=hsc1:, S=xxx:asyn_6"

# Orientation-matrix
#seq &orient, "P=xxx:orient1:,PM=xxx:,mTTH=m13,mTH=m14,mCHI=m15,mPHI=m16"

# Io calculation
seq &Io, "P=xxx:Io:,MONO=xxx:BraggEAO,VSC=xxx:scaler1"

# Start Femto amplifier sequence programs
putenv "FBO=xxx:Unidig1Bo"
#seq &femto,"name=fem1,P=xxx:,H=fem01:,F=seq01:,G1=$(FBO)6,G2=$(FBO)7,G3=$(FBO)8,NO=$(FBO)10"

# Start PF4 filter sequence program
#        name = what user will call it
#        P    = prefix of database and sequencer
#        H    = hardware (i.e. pf4)
#        B    = bank indicator (i.e. A,B)
#        M    = Monochromatic-beam energy PV
#        B1   = Filter control bit 0 PV
#        B2   = Filter control bit 1 PV
#        B3   = Filter control bit 2 PV
#        B4   = Fitler control bit 3 PV
putenv "BO=xxx:Unidig1Bo"
#seq &pf4,"name=pf1,P=xxx:,H=pf4:,B=A,M=xxx:BraggEAO,B1=$(BO)3,B2=$(BO)4,B3=$(BO)5,B4=$(BO)6"
#seq &pf4,"name=pf2,P=xxx:,H=pf4:,B=B,M=xxx:BraggEAO,B1=$(BO)7,B2=$(BO)8,B3=$(BO)9,B4=$(BO)10"

### Start up the autosave task and tell it what to do.
# The task is actually named "save_restore".

# test starting the save_restore task without loading any save sets

# Note that you can reload these sets after creating them: e.g., 
# reload_monitor_set("auto_settings.req",30,"P=xxx:")
# save positions every five seconds
# save other things every thirty seconds
# You can have a save set triggered by a PV, and specify the name of the file it will write to with a PV
#create_triggered_set(<request file>,<trigger PV>,<PV from which file name should be read>)
### Start the saveData task.  If you start this task, scan records mentioned
# in saveData.req will *always* write data files.  There is no programmable
# disable for this software.
saveData_Init("saveData.req", "P=xxx:")

# If memory allocated at beginning free it now


# motorUtil (allstop & alldone)