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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020May826Apr19126Jan28Sep13529Aug922May16Apr29Feb9Jan2Dec30Nov281811Oct726Sep242319151398631Aug30292619175419Jul141331May25202118Apr13767Mar17Feb7Jan9Dec18Oct1530Sep16Jun12May10720Apr1915131211930Mar292625242315912Feb30Jan23Jun20Mar1165327Feb171110315Jan8619Dec17810Sep28Aug2Jun15May122Apr14Mar11730Jan2925141029Nov28161531Oct425May1816812Apr8Mar728Feb19158Jan515Dec14828Nov27Oct2618986513Sep1211628Aug241825Jul198Jun26May1123Jan1315Dec25Oct27Sep29Jun27Apr19630Mar292827252422211717Feb412Jan6517Dec13130Nov13Oct5422Sep14Aug3230Jul1214May11929Apr823Mar105227Feb26201817161227JanDon't set EPICS_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES hereMake the .dbd file generation much more sensitive to which modules are in configure/RELEASE, and pair link libraries with dbd files.add shell script to avoid starting a 2nd instance of this IOCR5-7R5-7areaDetector for vxWorks, sscanProgressSupport.dbd, ifdef CAMACsscanProgressSupport.dbdwrite list of PVs to a file, log the date/time this IOC finished booting on the consolecaQtDMthis script starts the IOC in a screen sessionADLs were revised since initial conversion, this commit is a catchup to match current state of ADL filesChange drvAH401B.dbd to drvAHxxx.dbdremove relative pathsdefine the PV prefix once, at the top level of the set of screensRemoved duplicate, invalid, dbLoadRecords of userStringSeqs10.dbuserStringSeqs10.db moved from STD to CALC.Add dummy rules so configure tolerates make commands intended for top-level directories - commands like 'make uninstall'.userStringSeqadd (commented out) initialization for fb_epid supportChanged the example MAXv ISR interrupt vector to 200 (avoid sharing vector with OMS VME58).Added SSI based absolute encoder bit flag argument to MAXvConfig.devIocStats devIocStats iocAdminVxWorks.db macrosdevIocStats adl filesdevIocStats-3-1-7, motor-6-6-3Oops. Forgot that we're not including RELEASE anymore, because ofinclude $(SUPPORT)/RELEASEscan MAXPTSsynApps 5.6commented out MAX_trajectoryScan