- [ ] able to set date by typing or clicking calendar
- [ ] clicking calendar button opens calendar
- [ ] clicking date on calendar closes calendar
- [ ] choosing an end date which is before the start date opens error pop up and sets end date equal to start date
- [ ] choosing a start date which is after the end date opens error pop up and sets start date equal to end date
- [ ] `type` is populated with experiment types and able to select from drop down
- [ ] default experiment type is correct
- [ ] clicking `save` button will save experiment
@@ -69,6 +79,8 @@ TODO
- [ ] clicking `start upload` button creates, runs new upload with values set in upload params modal and additional params and switch to `uploads list` tab
- [ ] daq wrench opens daq parameter pop up
- [ ] upload wrench opens upload params
- [ ] users list is by default populated with the station managers
- [ ] modifying the storage root path and clicking the `save` button moves the already collected data to the new path and removes it from the old location
- [ ] clicking `<->` button moves selected users to the other list (swap if one selected in both lists)
@@ -183,15 +196,15 @@ TODO
- [ ] clicking `reset` button with a new experiment is a noop
- [ ] clicking `save` button opens `experiment settings` tab with updated users list
- [ ] show proposals, users list, and year select hidden if no ESAFs
- [ ] clicking `show proposals` button switches list to proposals
- [ ] clicking `show proposals` button switches list to proposals and changes `year` select to `run` select
- [ ] selecting esaf/proposal from select box populates list with users from that esaf/proposal
- [ ] default value for esaf/proposal select box is 'all users'
- [ ] selecting year from year select box changes options in esaf/proposal select box to those from that year, sets selection to default 'all users' and resets user list